From: 1948 – De Laurence’s Catalog of Books on Occultism – Magic – Mysticism – Religion – The Cabala – Yoga – Astrology and all related subjects – Occult Students’ Equipment – Talismanic and Symbolic Jewelry
Mystic and Master Occultist, de Laurence is world-famous as an Adept of the Highest Rank. His lifelong study of religious thought and emotion have brought him recognition and renown while his humanistic and sympathetic insight have endeared his name to thousands. His works are everywhere and his name stands high on the roster of independent and intrepid thinkers of all time.
Thou, O, Disciple! whose mind is high,
Observe my words, and read them with thine eye (spiritual);
These Magic secrets in thy sacred breast repone,
And in thy journey think of God alone’
The Author of all things, that cannot die’
Of whom I now shall speak—-
I tell thee here, Disciple, to observe my words, and read them with thine eye, that is, the eye of thine understanding; for, know, there are many that hear me speak, and, pretend to study my writings, that read not the meaning of my words.
Wherefore shouldst thou contemplate these mysteries, of which, the good books on the subject of Magic, listed in this Great Catalogue teach, with so much constancy of mind, if thou didst not perceive in these works some great good most desirable? — Listen, then, O young man, or young woman, and hear my words! Study my works; for they will show thee the dangerous precipice of vanity and head-long desire — The teachings, contained in my books will describe to thee the stubborn and fatal will of thy passions, even with tears of contrition, and heartfelt compassion for thy experience — I will lead thee, as it were, by the hand, through the labyrinths of vice, wherewith thou art daily surrounded; and, however prejudiced thou mightest be against the receiving of my doctrine, yet be assured, these teachings have in their possession the Magical virtue and power of binding thee to the principles taught therein, and making thee happy, in spite of thyself.
Here is a great secret! thou shalt say — every man and woman wishes to be happy – which I grant; but my answer is – most people prevent their own happiness; they destroy it, by suffering themselves to be governed by the outward principle of the flesh, thinking the greatest good to be in the satisfying – of their carnal appetites, or in the amassing together heaps of wealth, whereby they thrust down the meek and poor, raising up the standards of Pride, Envy, and Oppression. These things every day’s experience confirms; nay, there are some so blind, that, in the possession of much wealth, they think there is nothing beyond it; insomuch, that they triumph in lust, oppression, revenge, and conumely. But how is it, thou wilt say, that seeing man is a reasonable being, he can possibly give up his government so easily? – I say, when man suffers the unreasonable and bestial part to deprave him, then he immediately becomes a slave, (and the vilest of slavery is that which deprives man of his social virtues;) for then, although in the possession of great worldly things, such as houses, estates, and all other temporal gifts, yet he becomes an immediate instrument to the Evil Astral Spirits and the Powers of Darkness, seeing that those riches he inherits are merely given him in this life, to bestow upon others those necessaries and comforts which he himself does not feel the want of, and by which he might, if not blinded by his passions and lusts, secure himself an eternal and incorruptible treasure. But he who possesses treasures without mercy, liberality, bounty, charity, & robs the Eternal Author of all good, of the honor due unto him, and is working destruction to his own soul; his riches, instead of benefiting himself and others, eventually and finally terminate as a curse; while he lives here he is a scourge to society; and, after he leaves this, it is plain enough pointed out in my writings what will be his situation and condition.
Therefore, thou young man, or young woman that hast but a few years to live, study how to attain the stone I teach of; it will protract the beauty of thy youth, though thou shouldst live for centuries – it will ever supply thee with the means of comforting the afflicted; insomuch, that when thou hast attained this truly desirable and most perfect talisman, thy life become soft and pleasant; no cares, nor corroding pangs – no self-torment will ever invade thy mind; neither shalt thou want the means to be happy, in respect of the possession of the goods of this life but thou shalt have abundantly. But how and from what source, all this is to proceed – out of what thing or matter thou shalt attain thy wished-for end – the studying of Sacred Magic will sufficiently shew.
Thy Friend And Brother In Magic,
L. W. de Laurence