© 2012 Bruce Johnson – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter February 2012
by Bruce Johnson

Genesis 6:4 affirms the presence of giants or Nephilion on Earth prior to the great flood and afterwards. The Ancient Wisdom teaches that the present human race has evolved from earlier races of colossal beings, including the Lemurians and the Atlanteans. The historical existence of these ancient behemoths and their descendants is the basis for the universal giant myths and legends in the history of the world.
The physical body of the human races has steadily declined in size, and become more concrete and solid, in the millions of years since the Lemurian race walked the Earth. The bodies of adult Lemurians averaged around 60 feet tall, and were made of matter much more ethereal and tenuous than the dense physical bodies we not inhabit.
The Lemurians were followed by the smaller Atlantean races that flourished around 1 million years ago. Atlanteans were commonly 15 to 30 feet and taller in height, with physical bodies more compact and tangible than the fire-mist Lemurian body. Ancient history records the battles between the Atlantean giants of good and the evil sorcerer giants, which the giants of good won by the narrowest of margins. The majority of the gigantic Atlantean race was buried beneath the ocean thousands of years ago with the final sinking of Poseidon. Some Atlanteans survived the flood, with the positive giants becoming teachers to our present fifth human race.

The Veda’s of India refer to prehistoric battles between giants of light and darkness. The legends of Central America describe a race of giants called the Quinanes, who are said to have built the great pyramid of Cholula. The Norse fire giant Thor slew the evil leader of the frost giants Thrymer with is magical hammer made by dwarfs. The giants of ancient Greece ranged from 12 to over 30 feet tall, and included the gods of Mount Olympus, Atlas and the Titans, and positive and negative Cyclops.
The Gibborim, or giants of the Bible include the ten foot six inch Philistine giant Goliath killed by Daved, and king Og, who stood over thirteen feet tall, and was defeated in battle by Moses. God as the Creator is often represented in many ancient and modern religions as an immense man larger than our solar system, corresponding to a being known as a Solar Logos.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.