by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.

We begin the month of December with Mercury square Neptune on Thursday, December 1. Mercury is the planet of communication and Neptune functions better on a spiritual level rather than the tangible level of everyday reality. The interpretation of this square aspect between Mercury and Neptune suggests that mental clarity will remain elusive, and mistakes and misunderstandings are likely to occur. Neptune is also transitioning from retrograde to direct motion. Neptune will turn direct on Saturday, December 3. Neptune is in the sign of Pisces, so we are likely to experience some confusion, dissatisfaction, and disappointment at this time. Our personal egos will experience some degree of disempowerment and loss of control. The time frame for this Neptune activation is from Thursday, December 1 through Monday, December 5. The best remedy for this period will be to “let go and let God.” Some form of spiritual practice is recommended. Prayer, meditation, and music can be helpful at this time.
Clarity begins to return on Tuesday, December 6 as the Moon enters Gemini and Mercury enters Capricorn. A Full Moon occurs in Gemini on Wednesday, December 7th.
Plans, goals, and strategies involving others begin to formulate as Venus enters Capricorn on Friday, December 9.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Virgo on Friday morning, December 16. Health, work and practical matters will be in focus at this time.

Jupiter enters Aries on Tuesday, December 20. The knowledge of what to do and how to do it will begin to guide our actions and activities as we approach the holiday season.
The Sun enters Capricorn on Wednesday, December 21 signaling the official beginning of the Winter season.
Chiron goes direct in Aries and there is a New Moon in Capricorn on Friday, December 23. A time for acting on new goals and business is favored.
Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn and there is a First Quarter Phase Moon in Aries on Thursday, December 29. Even though we emotionally desire to initiate new things in the New Year we will need to proceed with caution until we have fully evaluated all of the information and actions necessary to move forward with new projects.
Mars will go direct in Gemini on Thursday, January 12 and Mercury will go direct in Capricorn on Wednesday, January 18.
2023 adds to a 7. 7 is the number of wisdom and detachment. 7 also corresponds to the astrological house of relationship. We would be wise to learn new skills in our ability to successfully relate with others in this New Year.
Wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!