© 2016 Mario C. Veo – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter January 2016
by Mario C. Veo
Yes, I know “it’s the season for new resolutions”… to be created and declared (emphatically), just to be discarded once Life emerges once again! Wouldn’t you want – just this once – to make a new year resolution… and be given the opportunity to stick with it!?… but nooo! Life must rear its ugly head, and force you – yes, force you – to give up all your glorious dreams for yourself.
Well, NO MORE! I say (and loudly declare) that you CAN have your cake, AND eat it!!… what? you don’t believe it!?
O.K., consider this – it’s the New Year, a time of Change and New Beginnings – a time when the whole of Mankind is making plans – be these simple business plans, or one for a well deserved vacation… organizing how to spend your well deserved bonus… or just dreaming of the unlimited possibilities that may still come. Well, here’s the ‘secret’ – you can use this Universal Energy to help you achieve whatever you want… still don’t believe me…?
O.K., O.K… here’s more
– my Shaman Teachers taught that at certain times of the year, the planet reaches a ‘Confluence’ – an alignment which potentially offers a Gateway to changes (nope, nothing to do with Astrology… although it can offer you some of the same) – we are talking about a Communal Thought Form, a crystallization of energies… it happens simply because so many people are all jumping aboard and making ‘New Year Resolutions’, and now you can tap into this Flow, and let it facilitate your resolutions…!
Sounds too good to be true… well, there is a small catch (hey, there’s no such thing as Free Lunch, so hear me out).
You must be clear on What exactly you want to manifest… Who do you want to be, or become… and What all is implied in this (after all, you can’t manifest a wonderful, loving Soul Mate, and still be the same old slob, can you!?)
So, yes, there is more information you need, more guidance and insight… but don’t despair… that what our seminars are all about – we are dedicating January to a series of teachings on Manifestation (but these are not your Grandma’s classes – nope, they ain’t like nuthin’ you seen before. No ‘Secret’, no Law of Attraction… this here is Pure Energy, pure Power, and Self-Empowerment… so, are you ready for it…? (hey, if you are truly created in God’s Image… then why are you not demonstrating it…!?
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him at 303.525.7223 /
email PathtoSpirit@gmail.com /
website – www.YourPathtoSpirit.com
Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.