by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this Autumn season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an appointment for an update of your individual birth chart.
by Roy Neal
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra on Wednesday, September 22. A chart done for this event in Denver, CO reveals the pattern of planetary energies for the next three months.
The sign of Sagittarius on the Ascendant indicates the importance of freedom, travel and discovery. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is located in the third house of ideas and communication. Opportunities to expand our awareness will be facilitated by personal and professional relationships as indicated by Jupiter in Aquarius trine Mercury in Libra in the tenth house of career.
The Sun, Mars and Mercury all in the sign of Libra suggests that we are learning the importance of balance and fairness in all of our relationships during this season. Joint ventures and mutually beneficial agreements will reap the best results at this time.
Venus is the ruler of Libra and is located in Scorpio in the eleventh house opposite Uranus in the fifth. This aspect indicates the need to balance our personal life and objectives with the social needs of friends and groups. It is likely that we will be letting go of certain relationships that no longer are compatible with our personal and political values.
This process is further illustrated by the opposition of Mercury in Libra to the Moon in Aries. This opposition forms a T square to Pluto in the second house of money and values. Saturn’s position here indicates a restructuring of our values and finances which may need to occur in order for us to be fully successful in our personal and professional experience of life.
It will be necessary to negotiate agreements that will support our personal and professional financial interests. Skill in diplomacy and communication will need to be developed and utilized in order to achieve personal and professional success. Education, travel and skills in relating and communicating with others will ultimately produce the greatest amount of value.