Friday, November 14, 2014
Paul Selig, author of I Am The Word, The Book Of Love & Creation, The Book of Knowing & Worth
We joined Paul Selig on Friday afternoon at 3pm as he presented a discussion of his channeled books, his personal work and workshops designed to aid the spiritual evolution of all humankind. He talked of his own personal story and even provide some channeled insight for the participants.
Paul Selig is an internationally acclaimed author and channel, and has written and published three extraordinary channeled books, I am The Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth. In his breakthrough works, he recorded a program for personal and planetary evolution as humankind awakens to its own divine nature. His work as a channel has been featured on the A&E channel/Bio network, The Unexplained. Also, he currently leads workshops throughout the country where the teachings are channeled to participants in a workshop format.