by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.

We begin the month of April with the Sun and Venus both in the Leo decan of Aries. Leo wants to look good so we will start the month off with charm and a desire to please others. This behavior may not last for more than a couple of days because the Moon will enter Capricorn on Saturday morning, April 3rd and Mercury will enter Aries that same evening. These planetary energies culminate on a Last Quarter Phase Moon in Capricorn early on Easter Sunday, April 4th where the communication could be honest but less than diplomatic and loving. The Aries energy of healthy self interest continues and is enhanced on Sunday, April 11th as we experience a New Moon in Aries throughout most of the day.
A tangible shift energetically occurs as Venus enters the sign of Taurus on Wednesday, April 14th. Instead of aggravation we may experience stubborn indifference. However, the energy of Venus in Taurus is great for planting a garden and cultivating relationships that can enhance our financial security and prosperity. The focus on finances and prosperity is expanded as Mercury and the Sun both enter Taurus on Monday, April 19th. A tendency for demonstrations of a dramatic nature occurs at the First Quarter Phase Moon in Leo on Tuesday, April 20th.
A more emotionally calmer and pragmatic energy is likely to be experienced as the Moon enters the sign of Virgo on Earth Day, April 22nd and Mars enters the sign of Cancer on Friday, April 23rd.
A Full Moon occurs in Scorpio on Monday evening, April 26th. This event is known as the Wesak Full Moon and is celebrated by both Buddhist and Christian traditions. Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn on Tuesday, April 27th and reminds us that our journey of internal transformation is likely to continue for some time. We are encouraged to grow our soul and keep trusting, surrendering and strengthening our faith.