© 2017 Mario C. Veo – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter December 2017
by Mario C. Veo
All Life is about Cycles … something must end so there may be a new Beginning – but only if we’ve made space for it …
But most of us don’t – we hang on to the disturbing news, the harsh words, the offensive actions… and even the brutal memories… and never once question what these Energies are doing to ourselves, and our Life.
Remember the Law of Attraction…? Whatever you focus on, so you shall receive…
Now, some of you would say that we can just stay focused on Life’s joys, the pleasurable acts, the loving memories, the smiles and gentle touch… and while this is better than focusing on the negative, still, it doesn’t make space for the New…
You see, if you fill yourself with past memories [no matter how pleasant] you get just that: ‘memories’, and nothing else can come in… In fact, you will compare everything and everyone you come across to your Past… and that’s just not fair…
Why?… Because your memory is not perfect, and while you can – and often do – remember only the good things / good times, this is not a true reflection of how you felt at that time… in fact, you create an ‘idyllic fantasy’ of what it once was…
And there’s more – who you are today is not who you once were … so the way in which you embraced and appreciated the past is not how you would respond today [remember the endless parties, and how you’d just bounce right back … well, can you still do that now …?]
While it is good to have these wonderful memories, still you must live ‘in the Now’ – be present, here, today – and appreciate what you have … be grateful for the good things that are available to you now, no matter how small, for these are the riches upon which you can build an even greater, more rewarding Future.
Look forward to the New Year… choose what you will do with it… and what you will become, because of your choices… Remember – everything changes… it is up to you – and only you – to guide these changes towards that which is filled with Love, Beauty, Health, and Wealth… after all, we do live in a world of Infinite Possibilities… if you so believe…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations every Tuesday afternoon and the last Sunday of each month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.