© 2015 Mario C. Veo – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter December 2015
by Mario C. Veo
As one of the Readers for the Shining Lotus™, I have one of the best jobs ever… I get to show people wonderful new opportunities, different solutions to their problems, guide them to see the bigger picture… and at times warn them of wrong choices.
I have a deep passion to help others grow and embrace all of their Gifts, to have the very best that Life has to offer, to blossom and flourish, and to make wise choices… sounds good, right?!… well, not so much.
My greatest disappointments are when they look at me with wide-eyed distress (fear?) and mumble under their breath: “It’s not that easy… Life is hard… you just can’t do that…” and then they start with all the (well-programmed) excuses: “It’s the economy/the government/the family/my husband-wife-children… we are not allowed to… I can’t just pack up and move… you don’t know what it’s like… Change is not easy… you are not out there!”
Actually, I am ‘out there’ (and beyond), and I do know ‘what it’s like’, and I also know about ‘changes’ (after all, my parents emigrated twice, and I did once more)… so let me tell you this very clearly: “You CAN do anything you want… create total changes… embrace love/health/wealth… create a peaceful and rewarding Life… and equally, you choose to bitch and moan, complain about your powerlessness (even as you still choose to invest in it), and keep your Life on this diminishing track… allowing whatever pain and sorrow from your past to still be directing your Life today (I’m not dismissing its devastating impact on your Life – just wondering how much longer it will take for the healing to be done… or, is its Karma going to play out in your next Life…?)
You see, you DO have Choices
– it is your Divine Right, for you have Free-Will!
So, while your ‘choices’ may disappoint me (and my belief in Human Nature), you DO have the Right to them… just remember the Law – As Within, so Without. For every time you hold a limiting thought or belief, then you program your Life accordingly… until our very dear Law of Attraction kicks in, and now Like attracts Like… and you have just successfully programmed your Life unto diminishing returns. But there’s more – you see, even though all this is playing out in the negative, it still demonstrates that you ARE a Magnificent Manifestor… you just go turned around – so why don’t we put all that wonderful Power that you so aptly demonstrated, and create a brilliant New Life for you… humm, what do you say – you game for it??
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him at 303.525.7223 /
email PathtoSpirit@gmail.com /
website – www.YourPathtoSpirit.com
Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.