In a time long ago, in a far away land now forgotten, lived a family…just a normal little family – mom, dad, and two boys. At first all was fine, not quite ‘idyllic’ but then, what is… Let’s say that they lived a life of comfort, not luxury, but not by any means poor. The parent grew older, and the boys too… and soon mom was too frail to go on, and so one day she called her whole family together – some would say as a last farewell.
As she lay in bed, too frail to move, she led them through wonderful recollections of the good times they had together… remembering the escapades of her young boys, the times when they climbed too high on the old oak tree, and needed help to get down…, or how proud she was when they learned to ride the horse… and how they all cried when their old dog caught a bunny…
Time went quickly, with laughter and some tears, but much sharing of the heart… They stayed up so late that morning came far too soon… and with that she breathed her last, yet with a smile upon her lips. Dad asked the boys to step outside, for he wanted a few more moments with the woman who held his heart for his whole life… and as they left him with his love – and sorrow – they saw him lie down next to her, still holding her in his arms… Hours passed… and as the sun set and light grew dark, the boys went back in, wondering how dad was doing… and even as they called – softly, out of respect – still, there was no answer. Louder they called… and still, no answer… Finally they went into the bedroom, to find him finally at rest, still embracing the love of his heart. The next morning they buried their parents out under the old oak tree where they’d spent much of their time together…
And now months have gone by, and it is time to consider choices and changes… and so the two brothers – well, young men, really – talked about what should be done… One wanted to stay, right here, in the land of their parents, to continue as before… with gratitude for what the parents had created… the other favored different choices – to sell and travel abroad… put the past behind, and search for new beginnings, away from such pain and sorrow… They talked long into the night, each offering good points… yet so different… and in the end they could not agree, but, being brought up with respect for each other, they each chose their own path, agreeing that life is unique unto the person who chooses how to live it.
And now the final day has come, when one will stay and the other go… but one thing they both agreed on:- Life is precious, and well worth living… IF it is filled with love, and loved ones… else, as the final breath approaches, what did one accomplish, if not through love…?
To you, the reader of this tale, is now the question offered:- “How much love fills your Life…how many are loved by you… and love you back well… All begins and all ends… what have you filled it with…?”
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.