by Roy Neal —

Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 or email him at and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.

Tree Face

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Capricorn on Saturday, December 21st at 2:21 am in the Mountain Time Zone. A chart done for this event in Denver, Colorado reveals the symbolic nature of planetary energies and influences for the Winter season.

The Rising sign of the chart is Libra. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. The location of Venus is in the Fourth House of home. Our relationships with family members will be of primary importance during this season.

The planet Mars is high in the chart conjunct the Midheaven in the sign of Leo. The importance of the creative self-expression of our true desires is indicated.

Summer Solstice

The Sun’s position in the third house of communication and Mercury in the fire sign of Sagittarius suggests that we benefit through speaking our truth and developing a plan and strategy for personal and professional success.

The trine from Mars in Leo to the North Node in Aries in the sixth house supports a proactive approach to actions on an everyday level that enhance our work and health-related experience. The key phrase for the Chinese New Year of the Dragon is “Fortune Favors the Bold.” It is best to be honest and creatively assertive.

A mutable grand square between the Moon in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, Saturn in Pisces and Mercury in Sagittarius symbolizes social and economic challenges that will require enhanced skill in our creative problem solving abilities and communication skills. Our ability to initiate ideas and policies that stimulate and motivate others to improve the quality of their personal performance and service to others will also improve our own sense of self worth and empowerment.

Letting go of the desire to micro-manage situations and circumstances to achieve desired outcomes will require faith and trust in God and cultivating the quality of emotional detachment.

Click the link to see the chart of the Winter Solstice 2024.

Chart of Winter Solstice 2024