by Bob Romero —

Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

There is a lot of information that is now accessible about the Violet Flame. There are countless videos available on the internet and especially on YouTube. Melanie Beckler has several guided meditations that are very inspirational and will make you feel good. Elizabeth Oakes has an excellent article on her website about crystals that are embodied with the healing energy of the Violet Flame. The most notable stone is Amethyst which is readily available and can be found in many different types of presentations including clusters and tumble stones. The Violet Flame energy in this crystal is very powerful for healing.

I decided to research the Violet Flame because I see purple when I close my eyes during meditation, listening to a guided meditation, receiving a holistic treatment like Reiki or acupuncture, and Shavasana at the end of Yoga. The first time that I saw it was during my first Reiki treatment. At first there were dark purple splotches that would fade in and out. Lately, I am seeing bright purple spots that get larger as if they are coming at me. Sometimes all I see is purple.

I came across a book by Elizabeth Clare Prophet called “Violet Flame” in which she states that the ascended master Saint Germain released the knowledge of the power of the Violet Flame. There are some videos of her invoking the Violet Flame loudly and her cadence speeds up as she goes along. That seemed kind of scary and cultish to me, but maybe it was due to my own shortcomings. She was very controversial during the 1980’s and 1990’s, but it is not right for me to judge her. My pastor has told us that to learn about other faiths and religions is enrichment. So, I read the book. It was very easy to read and uplifting. There are lots of testimonials from people who used the Violet Flame for healing and for difficult circumstances. And while I may not agree with her on some things, I took away some very valuable lessons about using the Violet Flame. For one thing, using the spoken word is very powerful. She uses mantras and decrees to invoke the Violet Flame for healing illnesses and situations. That’s why she speaks loudly. The other thing is that the reason that she speeds it up, is to speed up the molecules and the atoms so that the vibration increases the use of the energy. That now makes sense to me from a quantum physics point of view. She also has lots of information about Saint Germain and his alchemical use of the Violet Flame for healing.

The basic mantra to invoke the Violet Flame that she uses is:
“I AM a being of violet fire!
I AM the purity God desires!”

I AM is from I AM THAT I AM that was given to Moses. So, we’re invoking the Divine within us. We may also think of it as calling upon the Holy Spirit to help us. It also reminds me of Gary Craig’s Unseen Therapist where we recall negative emotions and use our higher Self to release them. Similarly, the Violet Flame also transmutes negative karma so that we can heal.

Recently I went for a massage from a massage therapist who incorporates Reiki into her massage. I saw a lot of bright purple and violet during the massage. Afterward, before I said anything, the therapist said that she saw lots of purple and lavender. So, when I was driving back home, I said loudly and repeatedly:
“I AM a being of violet fire!
I AM the purity God desires!”