SHER BUSH, Author of Creating A Heavenly Home: Using Home as a Partner in Consciousness and Spiritual Growth
Sunday, September 8, 2013. 2 – 3 pm. FREE PRESENTATION.
Join local author, Sher Bush, as she shares her 30+ years of experience in the ‘holistic realty’ realm. In her delightful book you will be offered the opportunity to perceive and relate with houses in a new light. In following this 4 step process you will not only create a Heavenly Home for yourself, but awaken to a deeper reality of life and your connection to it. This book is about your home and so much more. It will take you on a journey into your true self and inspire you to create a truly authentic, fulfilling life.
Please call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sher Bush has worked with houses and honing her expertise with them for over 30 years. She is currently a Realtor at Cherry Creek Properties in Denver, and loves to assist clients in selling their old houses that no longer fit for them and finding a new home that delights the Soul. She refers to herself as a ‘Holistic Realtor’ because she believes that we are not just buying or selling a home, we are creating a life. She is dedicated to living in Higher Consciousness and serving others in their own awakenings. You can email the author at