Roy Neal is available for personal chart updates by calling his land line at 720-962-4633 or emailing him at

Click here to see the Chart of Summer Solstice 2024


Summer SolsticeThe Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer on Thursday, June 20th. This event signals the beginning of the Summer season and is known as the Summer Solstice. A chart done for this event in Denver, Colorado reveals the planetary energies we will be experiencing for the next three months.

Libra is the sign on the Ascendant of the chart. Libra is a sign of relationship, balance and harmony. Venus is the ruler of Libra and is located between Mercury and the Sun in the ninth house of travel and exploration. It is time to grow our awareness and understanding of other tribes and cultures.

The focus on this time period is on relationship and the exchange of goods and services with other cultures and communities. Finding a balance between our own needs and the needs of others will be essential for personal and professional success. Partnerships and joint ventures are favored.

Growing our skill set in successfully working and relating with others will be necessary in order to insure our own economic and emotional security.

We have an opportunity to increase our awareness and understanding of how our emotional and psychological well-being affects our mental and physical health. Some form of daily spiritual practice will help us cope with challenging situations and circumstances in our work, health and daily life.

Music, meditation and therapeutic experiences involving water and natural remedies will assist us in reducing stress and physical tension. Sharing our experiences with friends and family and short trips out of town will also be helpful.