by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of October with the Moon conjunction Jupiter in Taurus. This aspect suggests that we are emotionally exploring new ways of manifesting financial security. Both the Sun and Mars are in Libra so we benefit by actively engaging with others for mutual benefit.
Venus in Leo trine the North Node in Aries indicates that we may be able to persuade others to support projects that can be personally and professionally beneficial.
Reconnecting with friends and previous associates can provide support for new and existing projects. The art of negotiation and creative compromise is likely to be more successful as Mercury enters Libra on Wednesday, October 4th.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Cancer on Friday, October 6th. Issues of family, home and security are likely to be our focus at this time,
Venus completely exits the retrograde shadow and enters the sign of Virgo on Sunday, October 8th. Improvement in the areas of our work, health and service are likely to occur frequently while Venus is transiting the sign of Virgo.
Pluto returns to direct motion on Tuesday, October 10th. It is now likely that governmental and business concerns will have gone through their symbolic process of death and rebirth so that we can begin to move forward with new policies and projects as Mars enters Scorpio on Wednesday, October 11th.
A New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Libra occurs on Saturday, October 14th. This activation suggests the importance of negotiations with others for mutual benefit for the next six months. Relationships and partnerships will benefit from new and more enlightened dialogue and discussion.
A First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Capricorn on Saturday, October 21st. Work related goals and environments are in a major transformation process at this time. The intensity of this transformation will be enhanced as Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday, October 22nd. Letting go of things, people and situations that we can no longer manage or control will occur more often as the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio on Monday, October 23rd. Empowerment through letting go will be the theme while the Sun and Mercury are transiting the sign of Scorpio.
Mars will continue to transit the sign of Scorpio for the entire month of October and most of the month of November. The wisdom at this time will be the wise use of power. Issues involving death and dying, gun control and suicide will demand our attention. The need for healing our psychological and emotional wounds will require personal responsibility and social action.
A Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus occurs on Saturday, October 28th. An awareness of the need to resolve personal and collective economic issues will require us to manage our finances differently and let go of old attachments to things and people that no longer are of value. Cultivating a consciousness of what is essential and has the most value will be a theme for the next six months. The philosophy of “Less is More” may become personally and professionally useful.
All Hallows Eve or the Day of the Dead which occurs on October 31st will be a time of release and renewal. Letting go of old beliefs and attitudes will prepare us for a more conscious journey of life, love and empowerment.