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October 2024


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Denver Colorado 80222



The Original Metaphysical Bookstore since 1972

in this issue...

by Bruce Johnson

SeanceModern Spiritualism describes itself as a science; philosophy and religion that began in Hydesville, New York in 1848.The two primary tenets of Spiritualism are that the human soul survives the death of the body, and that contact and communication between terrestrial people and those living in a spirit world is a historically proven reality. The philosophy of Spiritism taught by the French Spiritist Allan Kardec was similar in many ways to that of Modern Spiritualism, but unlike many early Spiritualists, absolutely recognized reincarnation as well. Upon investigation, we can see both Spiritualism and Spiritism manifesting throughout antiquity.

Recognizing that ancient civilizations often combined Spiritualism with magical practices, we see Spiritualism as a religion flourishing in Atlantis before it’s sinking. I suspect the popularity was due in part to the strong tradition of worshiping dead heroes like kings, Titans and giants from their history. Many on Atlantis sought the guidance and protection of these mighty beings as well as other human spirits through Spiritualistic meetings. Atlantean Spiritualists knew of good and evil spirits, had a hierarchy of angels and demons, and taught that the spirit world had multiple levels. Mediumship, prophecy and the interpreting of dreams and omens were often practiced by the spiritually gifted of Atlantis. Spiritually educated mediums were more likely to adopt reincarnation into their philosophy, and might be called Atlantean Spiritists.

The Egyptians believed in a spirit world containing positive and negative spirits of varying levels which the Egyptian medium could discern. Lying and impersonating spirits had to be avoided in olden times, and need to be shunned today. Egyptians believed the spirits of the dead knew what was taking place on earth and could cause benefit or harm to humans. Charms and amulets were commonly used as protection from evil spirits. Spiritualist gifts frequently demonstrated in Egypt include- dream interpretation, various forms of divination including crystal divination and mirror gazing, and the widespread custom of writing letters to deceased spirits on papyrus to communicate with them. The Egyptian priests practiced an early type of “direct voice” phenomena when they communed with spirits through wooden statues that could speak, nod and move.

Babylonian Spiritualism was similar to Egyptian Spiritualism in that both recognized two levels of mediumship in their cultures. The higher level of mediumship was acknowledged by the state in both countries and rarer. The lower level rated medium was more common, unofficial, unsanctioned and often less developed than the most gifted mediums. The Babylonian understanding of and communion with spirit world residents had parallels and differences to Egyptian Spiritism. Both civilizations were familiar with human and non-human spirits.

Chinese Spiritists have practiced a wide variety of Spiritualist phenomena for many centuries. These include-trance mediumship, mental mediumship, direct voice, inspired art, direct writing, spirit materialization, clairvoyance, telepathy, exorcism, and telekinesis. Like today, Chinese Spiritism had to occasionally deal with poltergeists or “noisy ghosts”.

The Bible is brimming with all types of Spiritualistic phenomena. These include-spirit materialization, trance mediumship, glossolalia, contact with angels, fire immunity, luminous phenomena, clairvoyance, lying and impersonating spirits, direct writing, levitation, visions, apportation, dream interpretation, independent voice, prophecy, clairaudience, healing, inspired speaking, casting out evil spirits, and multiple physical phenomena to name a few.

Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a Spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.

by Bob Romero

Copper RingsI wrote a previous article on the energy and power of Copper Rings. These were the tensor rings that were of different lengths relating to the Sacred Cubit, the Lost Cubit, and the Empowerment Cubit. Each of the ancient cubit lengths have specific frequencies that are associated with spiritual qualities. Based on these rings, Slim Spurling developed other tools for healing and energy clearing. I was fortunate to attend another free webinar by the owners of Light-Life Technology on these tools which were the AcuVac Coil, Feedback Loop, and Harmonizer.

The Acuvac CoilThe Acuvac coil is the copper wire wound around a straight piece of the wire and the joined at the ends of the wire. It turns out that on one end, it pulls in negative anergy and sends out positive energy on the other end. A bead is placed at the end where it sends out positive energy. You can then hold the coil near the place of the body that you want to heal with the bead on the other end. You gently pool the coil away and it will draw the negative energy away from the body. You then turn the coil around with the bead facing the body and draw it closer and send positive energy back. Thus you will have replaced negative energy with positive energy which will help with the healing process.

The Feedback LoopThe Feedback Loop is similar to the Acuvac coil, but it bends back on itself. It draws negative energy in and sends positive energy out. The clairvoyants that Slim Spurling used, said that the energy travels at a much higher velocity than the Acuvac coil. You can comb the affected area of the body until the pain or illness is reduced. They compared it to a high-pressure wash versus a regular hose.

The HarmonizerThe Harmonizer is a very powerful tool that can be used for personal or environmental purposes.
Slim Spurling and Bill Reid, a graduate of Colorado School of Mines, developed this tool and used it to reduce the brown cloud in Denver in the 1990’s. The harmonizers emit light in all directions. The larger ones are used to reduce the impact of a weather event, and the smaller ones can be used for benevolent personal interactions.

The Seed of LifeThere is another copper tool made from the copper tensor rings that was not covered in the seminar but is also available and that is the Seed of Life. The large outer ring is a 1/2 Empowerment Cubit, and the inner rings are 1/4 Lost Cubit. It can be used to increase your vibration at a cellular level and can be used in healing sessions.

During the seminar, the presenter mentioned that the Light-Life® Energy Tools are only available as gold-plated and silver-plated tools. When I asked if there were any copper ones, I was told no, and that gold and silver ones have higher frequencies. So, I checked their website and the Acuvac, Feedback Loop, and Seed of Life tools, were several hundred dollars whereas the harmonizer tools are several hundred to several thousand dollars. This was because of the cost of the metals and the expert craftsmanship that it takes to make these fantastic tools.

However, I didn’t want to spend that much and when I did a search for just the copper versions, I came across this wonderful website of a star seller on Etsy called SpiritInspiredThings: . It has all of the tools including the tensor rings at very reasonable prices. The images in this article are from this website. Leah is the artist who makes these amazing tools and has practiced Reiki and Energy Medicine for more than 10 years. She infuses Reiki into all her works. I communicated with her, and she is very nice and accommodating as she will do custom orders. With each item is a detailed description of the uses and the history of the item and she references Slim Spurling in these narratives. So, depending on your budget, there is an array of majestical copper rings and tools to make your life and your environment better.

These images were borrowed from the webpage of SpiritInspiredThings on Etsy.

Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

by Roy Neal

Old Historic Astrologer

We begin the month of October with a New Moon/Solar Eclipse in the sign of Libra on Wednesday, October 2nd. Our quest for a more peaceful and emotionally fulfilling experience of relationship has been the primary theme ever since the Autumn Equinox on September 22nd.

Libra New MoonMercury has been in Libra since Thursday, September 26th. Venus rules Libra and desires peace and harmony in our relationships with others. However, Venus entered the sign of Scorpio on Sunday evening, September 22nd. Venus in Scorpio requires that we embrace the experience of compassion in how we relate with the grief and loss of others. All good things must ultimately end. We can use the energy and influence of Venus in Scorpio to accelerate our own experience of healing, transformation and empowerment. It’s as if we have to let go of our old way of experiencing relationships in order to be emotionally available for new experiences. The death of the old always makes way for the birth of the new. This is what happens in the natural world during the Fall season.

Jupiter goes retrograde in Gemini on Wednesday, October 9th. Opportunities to re-evaluate our understanding of philosophy, foreign cultures and religion will occur for the rest of the year. Willingness to keep an open mind and share with those who have opposing beliefs and viewpoints is favored.

A First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Capricorn on Thursday, October 10th. Confrontations with others involving rules and procedures could easily occur at this time.

Pluto goes direct in Capricorn on Friday evening, October 11th. Our quest for personal empowerment continues on both a personal and professional level.

Mercury enters Scorpio on Sunday, October 13th. Our understanding and ability to look deeper into psychological issues and problems is enhanced while Mercury is transiting the sign of Scorpio.

Full Moon in AriesA Full Moon occurs in Aries and Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17th. The energy that has been simmering under the surface since Indigenous People’s Day on Monday, October 14th may find explosive outlets as we approach the Aries Full Moon. The beginning of this Mars energy may occur on Tuesday, October 15th as the Moon enters the sign of Aries. The Autumn of certain individual’s dissatisfaction and discontent is likely to hit the boiling point as we approach the Full Moon in Aries.

Law enforcement and external authority is likely to prevail as the Sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday, October 22nd.

A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Leo on Thursday, October 24th. Perhaps some light hearted fun and social activity could be a welcome energetic mood enhancement at this time.

Focusing on health and work-related projects may require our attention as the Moon enters Virgo on Saturday, October 26th.

As we prepare to celebrate All Hallows Eve and the Day of the Dead on November 1st let us reflect on our kinsfolk who have made their transition and offer up blessings and gratitude to their spirits for their continued love and guidance.

Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. Roy is available for personal chart updates by calling his land line at 720-962-4633 or emailing him at

LIBRA, the scales in 2024
by Roy Neal

LibraSeptember 22 to October 20

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra on September 22nd. This event signals the beginning of the Fall season and is known as the Autumn Equinox.

Libra is an air sign ruled by the planet Venus. Venus is a planet of relationship. During the time of Libra we are encouraged to explore and understand the relationship with ourselves and as well as everyone else.

The Libra soul desires peace and harmony within themselves and their relationships with others. Fairness and equality are primary values for the Libra person. The point of reality for Libra is Aries, their opposite sign. A strong and assertive Libra will fight for justice and fairness for themselves as well as others.

The Libra person desires partnership and collaboration. Joint ventures and team efforts for a mutually beneficial cause and purpose will bring them a sense of joy and accomplishment.

If you want to experience the challenges and joys of partnership, then you would do well to spend some quality time with someone who has the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or other personal planets in the sign of Libra.

Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. He is available for personal chart updates and readings by calling his land line at 720-962-4633 or sending him an email at