August 2024
2553 S. Colorado Blvd. Unit 104
Denver Colorado 80222
The Original Metaphysical Bookstore since 1972
in this issue...
by Bruce Johnson
Caves can be symbolically described as various types of natural or man-made voids inside or underneath a larger physical mass that are open to the surface. These enclosed spaces include caves, grottos, caverns, cave-dwellings, labyrinths, pyramid chambers, mountain-side caves, subterranean rooms and temples, rock-cut shrines and catacombs. Due to their common Atlantean origin, all of the world’s major pyramids have hidden tunnels, stairwells, passageways, and halls linking the rooms and chambers in and/or below them together.
Although caves have been historically used as sites for human habitation, storage, animal shelters, religious study and worship, healing practices and burial, esoterically, caves are a physical womb or chrysalis where as a result of a personal metamorphosis, the individual experiences an Initiation, a new birth, and some form of consciousness expansion and resurrection. According to Rosicrucian doctrine, Jesus received his Great Initiation in the womb of the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Caves are also places of guidance and oracles. The famous Greek priestess known as the Oracle of Delphi gave many prophecies while seated on a golden tripod above an abyss, within a cave.
Caves symbolize an inner sanctum, a womb of Mother Earth, or primeval egg within which a process of growth, transformation and renewal takes place in the life of the person being transmuted inside the cave. Traditionally, the Initiate awakens from the darkness of their symbolic tomb facing East into the light of the rising sun on the morning of the third day of their ceremonial rebirth.
The use of caves, and cave-temples for religious purposes is as old as it is widespread. Underneath the city of Cercenes in Atlantis, a large labyrinth approximately nine hundred feet wide by thirteen hundred feet long existed in the hardened lava. Called by Atlanteans “The Great Labyrinth”, this vast cavern contained numerous rooms, chambers, secret passages, corridors, an altar at the center of a circular court, and a spectacular “Hall of Illumination” encircled by twelve sacred shrines. The Ancient Mysteries were taught to Atlanteans in the womb of “The Great Labyrinth”.
Cave-Temples and rock-cut shrines are common in India, China, Tibet, Egypt, Ceylon, and throughout the Mediterranean region. The Essenes are known to have studied and worshipped in large grottos twenty to sixty feet below the Earth’s surface. The Mysteries of ancient Druidism, Mithraism, and Judaism were commonly taught in secret subterranean rooms known only to the religion’s followers.
A series of underground caves, chambers, stairs and tunnels connect The Pyramid of the Sun, The Pyramid of the Moon, and the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl to each other in the city of Teotihuacan, Mexico. Another pyramid linked to Quetzalcoatl is located in the Central American city of Chitzen Itsa. This famous Temple- Pyramid is known as the Pyramid of Kukulkan, another name for Quetzalcoatl. The Pyramid of Kukulkan, like the three pyramids of Teotihuacan, has it’s caverns and rooms beneath it where the ancestral Wisdom-Teachings were given.
The Step Pyramid of Djoser in Egypt has a complex of rooms, halls and chambers within and below it that were used by the Egyptian priests for the instruction of the Ancient Wisdom, healing, astrology, and magic. The Step Pyramid is more than a complicated burial chamber. Yet to be discovered concealed corridors link the three Giza Pyramids to each other and the Sphinx.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a Spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
by Bob Romero
My friend who has studied metaphysics for decades showed me another metaphysical tool, the pendulum. I had heard about pendulums, but I never really paid any attention to them. He showed me that you can either make a statement in which it will answer true or false, or not provide an answer at all. You hold a pendulum with one hand over the palm of the other hand. If it twirls in a clockwise direction that means true and if it goes counterclockwise, that means false. It only worked when I held it with my right hand over my left palm. He explained that the right hand projects and that the left hand receives. He also said to make very obvious statements so that you can establish a baseline. So, I said that “My name is Bob”, and it twirled clockwise. Then I said, “My name is Bill”, and it twirled counterclockwise. That fascinated me, and maybe it was because of my innate skepticism from my logical training and education. I found it to be very interesting and fun to do, and so I went to the Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore to look at pendulums.
Pendulums can be made from wood, crystals, or metal, and come with a chain and a small glass bead at the top of the chain. The bookstore has a large variety of crystal pendulums. I immediately noticed an Indigo Gabbro pendulum, and as I checked out other pendulums, I kept coming back to it. Maybe it was because I had written an article about that crystal. Later after doing some research on pendulums, I found out that you don’t choose the pendulum, the pendulum choses you and there may be several pendulums that resonate with you. There’s a lot of information on the internet about pendulums and how to use them. The nice thing about using crystal pendulums is that you also get the energy of the crystal, although you need to clear the energy of the crystal before using it. Pendulums have no magic themselves, but they can be used as dowsing or divination tools. I use pendulums to tap into my subconscious mind much like the same way of using muscle testing in determining simple true or false declarations.
There are different ways to hold the pendulum when asking it for a result. The obvious way is to hold it with your thumb and index finger, but I thought that it might be too easy to influence it doing it that way. I found that by putting the glass bead between my middle and ring finger and then draping it over my ring and little fingers, it would be harder to manipulate. It takes a few seconds before it starts to move. To avoid the energy from any previous claims, it best to clear the energy of the crystal by saying “Clear Crystal” three times which I did as I tapped the crystal with my middle finger. I also state “This is only for the highest good, truth, wisdom, and light” so that no malevolent entities come forth. You then make a true statement to see what it will do. When I did that, it rotated clockwise which this time I expected. After clearing it, I made a false statement, and it rotated counterclockwise. For a non-answer, it just swung horizontally from side to side. After each declaration, it just occurred to me to thank the crystal, and when I did that, it stopped rotating.
I made statements similar to what I do for muscle testing. The results to me are much easier to determine with the pendulum. When I said that salmon was good for me to eat, it went clockwise, and when I said the same thing about fast food, it went dramatically in a counterclockwise direction. I showed it to my acupuncturist, and she was amazed. As I thought about it, I wondered how I could use it for healing. I came across lots of techniques for clearing chakras and getting rid of blockages and negative energies by holding it over a person, but I’m more in tune with distance healing and not hands-on. What my intuition told me to do was to hold the pendulum over a picture of the person in my left hand, or to see the person in my mind, that I was sending the healing energy to, and to ask the pendulum to remove any blockages and negative energies of that person. It’s not my energy that I’m sending, but the healing energy of the crystal and Spirit. When I did that, it began spinning clockwise and stayed doing that until it gradually slowed down to a standstill and then I thanked it and disconnected from the connection with that person. Maybe it helped that person or maybe it did what it could to the point of not interfering with any karma. It’s kind of spooky but also very exciting. Using a pendulum is going to be a lot of fun. I feel like a whole new world has opened up to me. I’m very grateful to my friend for showing me this wonderful new tool!
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.
by Roy Neal
On August 1st we celebrate Lammas, the first fruits of our work and service in the world. In what way have we contributed to our own joy and the joy of others?
The New Moon in Leo on Sunday, August 4th encourages us to be courageous and express the truth of our heart’s desire. New ways of communicating authentically with others will stimulate actions and opportunities for the resolution of work and health related problems as Venus enters the sign of Virgo and Mercury goes retrograde in that sign also on August 4th.
Energetic enhancements will support our health and well-being as our Sun aligns with Sirius on Thursday, August 8th. This alignment is known as the Lion’s Gate.
Connection, communication and co-creation continue in the month of August as both Mars and Jupiter transit the sign of Gemini.
A First Quarter Phase Moon in Scorpio occurs on Monday, August 12th. This event represents the culmination of the Lion’s Gate energetic portal and signals the completion of an important phase in our emotional journey of healing, transformation and empowerment.
Mercury retrogrades back into the sign of Leo on Wednesday, August 14th. Decisions involving loved ones and creative projects will become a priority.
A Full Moon occurs in Aquarius on Monday, August 19th. The importance of learning new ways of expressing our emotional needs in our personal and professional relationships will be in focus at this time.
The Sun enters Virgo on Thursday, August 22nd. The spotlight of conscious awareness will illuminate the areas of work, health and service while the Sun is transiting the sign of Virgo.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini on Monday, August 26th. The emotional need to articulate our ideas and feelings about our health and the changes we feel are essential to improve our work environment will motivate us to take positive action and create alliances with others as Venus enters the sign of Libra on Thursday, August 29th.
The time of Virgo is a time of preparation to make necessary improvements in our work, health and daily routine.
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. Roy is available for personal chart updates by calling his land line at 720-962-4633 or emailing him at
LEO, the lion in 2024
by Roy Neal
July 22 to August 22
The Sun enters the sign of Leo on Monday morning July 22nd. Leo is a fire sign ruled by the Sun. During the time of Leo we are encouraged to be creative and express ourselves authentically.
The body part ruled by Leo is the heart. The desire of the Leo person is to be loved, admired and appreciated. Leos are creative and dramatic; they invite us out to play and experience the joy of life.
The goal of the Leo person is to learn how to be self-confident, courageous and true to their authentic self. Leos are romantic and playful; they love children and seek to express the inner child within themselves.
Leo reminds us to follow our heart’s desire. The only thing better than loving who we are and enjoying what we do is being able to share our joy with others.
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. He is available for personal chart updates and readings by calling his land line at 720-962-4633 or sending him an email at