April 2023
2553 S. Colorado Blvd. Unit 104
Denver Colorado 80222
The Original Metaphysical Bookstore since 1972
in this issue...
with Sunny Dowman
Sunday, April 30
2:00 to 3:00 pm
If you are thinking about your future, your past, or just your place in the physical present, you owe yourself a visit with Astrologer Sunny Dowman. Sunny has been a student of astrology, both natal and transit, for many years and is currently studying with Chris Brennan’s Astrology School. Join Sunny and your friends for a fun and informational look at the astrology of the month ahead. Don’t miss this class.
This is a gallery Astrology discussion group that will start meeting on the last Sunday of each month. The class is free for all participants and seating is limited to 15.
by Bruce Johnson
The ancient records reveal that the first physical human race existed on the Lemurian continent beginning eighteen million years ago. Now at the bottom of the ocean, Lemuria stretched from the Indian Ocean to Australia, including Madagascar, Sumatra, and Ceylon. To the north, today’s Sweden, Norway, and Siberia were all part of a vast continent that was destroyed by subterranean volcanos. Esotericism teaches that both Atlantis and Lemuria will rise again in the far future.
The planet Earth was much more ethereal and semi-solid during Lemurian times than it is now. Earth’s crust was slowly becoming more substantial in some areas but fiery in others. Lemuria consisted of active volcanos and seas of boiling water with islands of solidifying crust. The early Lemurians lived on these harder, cooler areas in caves or where they could. The atmosphere of Lemuria was significantly denser than Earth’s atmosphere is today, and its water was more liquid. Later Lemuria became increasingly more concrete and dense than early Lemuria as the planet’s involution progressed.
The plants and animals of Lemuria were dramatically different than those of our modern times. Gigantic animals and plants were the norm during Lemurian times. Forests of immense fern trees existed as well as huge fish, reptiles, birds, and some primitive mammals. The Book of Dzyan mentions dragons of the deep, flying sarpas, creeping animals, giant fish-birds, long-necked water animals, and serpents with shell-heads all having lived on Lemuria. Today, some of these animals we would group among the dinosaurs.
The Lemurians are referred to as the third race of humanity, also called the egg-born race. The Lemurian race had seven distinct sub-races within it like all evolutionary races. The first through third sub-races were hermaphroditic, softer and more etheric than physical, boneless, and gigantic in size. Individuals of sixty feet tall or more were common at that time. Later sub-races became increasingly smaller in size with more solid, compact physical bodies. By the fourth sub-race Lemurians had gradually evolved a bony structure. Later sixth and seventh sub-race Lemurians were closer to forty feet in height.
By the fourth Lemurian sub-race, the previously androgynous humans as well as the androgynous animals, separated into the male and female sexes. Prior to this separation of the sexes, each individual or androgynous animal could generate their own progeny. The separation of the human sexes was fully established ten to eleven million years ago. In mid and later Lemuria, the uni-sexed humans grew up side by side with the more ancient dual-sexed androgynous humans. The Adam and Eve myth is rooted in the Lemurian separation of the sexes.
The primitive Lemurians were a half-animal human race much more animal appearing than humans today as well as being mindless and without speech. Later Lemurians evolved a monosyllabic language that all Lemurians spoke. Lemurians were a telepathic race having a great non-mental understanding of Nature’s forces along with a developed power of imagination. Early Lemurians had one eye in the middle of the forehead that retreated into the skull as the developing two eyes on opposite sides of the head eventually became functional. The cyclopes of Greek and other mythologies are based in reality.
Lemurian consciousness was exclusively physically and materially focused. Physical urges were completely dominant with their active lower chakras predominating over their mostly quiescent higher chakras.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a Spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
by Bob Romero
“Experience is the Best Teacher” is a slogan used by the SAS Institute for their training courses in learning the SAS programing language. They claim that by writing programs to extract the data, analyze the data, and then write reports for real life situations, a student will learn far more than just learning the syntax of the SAS programming language at a training course. (SAS used to stand for Statistical Analysis System, but the company just uses the term SAS, and no longer treats the name as an acronym.) By using my imagination, I was able to write SAS programs to solve complex business problems during my career. I learned a lot more by doing that after I had read the manuals on using the programming language. When I got my first job, I went to visit my Math and Physics professor who was a mentor to me. He told me that what I learned in college was just background information, and now I would really start to learn. There’s an old saying “you learn more from your mistakes” which means that even though you failed, your effort taught you a lot so that you would not fail at that attempt again.
This is true with Metaphysics. While Albert Einstein was a great physicist, he also knew a lot about metaphysics. There are several of his quotes that I really like:
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
“Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”
You can study Theosophy and read about synchronicities, but until you actually experience a metaphysical manifestation, you really don’t know how it feels and be able to learn from it. So, to advance on the spiritual path, you need to experiment, and do the practices that you have been taught. Meditation is one such practice. It’s a different experience for everyone. And, as you gain experience meditating, more possibilities will become available to you. But you have to invest the time and the effort.
In a previous article, I wrote about donating good nutritional food to the food banks. It was through my experience of eating good nutritional food that I learned how important it was in making me feel better. Most people think that just by donating food to the food bank, that they’re helping the poor because it says so in the bible. But during the time of Jesus, He didn’t have to worry about processed food when feeding the people. So, it’s not just about feeding the poor, it’s about feeding them good nutritional food.
So, I think that it’s by using your spiritual knowledge along with your imagination and effort, this combination will lead you to wisdom and limitless manifestations on your spiritual path.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.
by Roy Neal
We begin the month of April with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Chiron all in Fire signs. This preponderance of fire signs symbolizes a strong desire to initiate new projects and get things done. We started this fire storm on the New Moon in Aries back on Tuesday, March 21st. Mars entered Cancer on March 25th. Because Mars is the ruler of Aries the direction of energy now is moving toward the manifestation of home, family and emotional security.
Even the way we think about these areas of our life will begin to change as Mercury enters Taurus on Monday, April 3rd. Decisions involving money, finances and what we truly want and value are now at hand.
A Full Moon occurs in Libra on Wednesday, April 5th. This Full Moon offers us awareness of how we can utilize our skill in relating with others to help achieve our individual goals and negotiate agreements for mutual benefit.
The Moon enters the sign of Scorpio on Good Friday, April 7th. This ingress is symbolic of the death of the old in preparation for the resurrection of the new as the Moon enters Sagittarius on Easter morning, April 9th. Each of us have the freedom and opportunity to welcome a new vision of our future at this time.
Venus enters Gemini on Monday, April 10th. The urge to connect and communicate with others is enhanced while Venus is transiting the sign of Gemini.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon in the sign of Capricorn occurs on Thursday, April 13th. Our emotional need to invest in goals of a practical and business nature will enhance our desire for security.
A New Moon/Solar Eclipse occurs in Aries on Wednesday, April 19th. This eclipse symbolizes a new experience of ourselves for the next six months.
The Sun enters Taurus on Thursday, April 20th. Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus on Friday, April 21st. A time to reflect and connect to what is of true value is now at hand.
Earth Day is on Saturday, April 22nd. The fact that Pluto in Aquarius is square the Sun in Taurus could easily represent major shake ups and transformation in financial markets. Earthquakes and other natural disasters will become quite common. It is the time of atonement. Earth and its people are reaping what they have sown.
A First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Leo on Thursday, April 27th. Leo is a sign that rules the heart. Leo is also a sign of creative self expression. It will be important for us to creatively express our truth in a heart-felt way. A renaissance of love and joy will bring us closer to the essence of our true self.
Saturn and Neptune continue their transit in Pisces throughout the next few months. Spiritual practices and helping others is recommended. We gain through investing time and energy in healing ourselves and others.
Compassion is the new currency.
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
ARIES, THE RAM in 2023
by Roy Neal
March 20 to April 20
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Aries on March 20th 2023. Aries is a fire sign ruled by the planet Mars. Mars is a planet of action. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. The Sun entering Aries symbolizes new beginnings. This planetary ingress symbolizes the beginning of the Spring season.
Aries people desire to take action; they are often leaders who start new projects. The Aries person is no stranger to conflict. They are often called to fight for a cause that they believe in. Healthy confrontations can prove useful in initiating new policies and projects that can benefit themselves and others. For this reason the Aries person is often known as a spiritual warrior.
If you wish to start a project or motivate others to get things done, you would do well to connect with someone who has the Sun, Ascendant or other personal planets in the sign of Aries.
The Aries motto is “to thine own self be true.” The Aries person is often a shining example of healthy self interest and creative selfishness.
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
by Roy Neal
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Aries on March 20th, 2023. This event symbolizes the beginning of the Spring season. A chart done for this event in Denver, Colorado indicates the planetary “energies” we will be experiencing for the next three months.
The Leo Ascendant symbolizes the importance of creative self-expression. It is time to grow our confidence and express our truth.
The Sun, Mercury, Neptune and the Moon are all in the eighth house of death and transformation. This fact along with the South Node in Scorpio opposing Venus represents a time when we will need to let go of the old so that the new can evolve.
The planet Venus conjunction the North Node and Midheaven in Taurus suggests that our financial success may well depend on the assistance of others. Skill in negotiating with others will involve courage and creativity in the presentation of new ideas and perspectives that support long term success as a result of short term concessions and sacrifices.
A transformation of our methods of operation may be required in order to get the necessary agreements for collaboration and success.
The desire for independence and autonomy will need to be balanced with concern and compassion for the needs of others. You can be successful at doing your own thing as long as there is a tangible benefit to a social or collective cause. Giving up exclusive management and control can produce tangible benefit for self and others.
Personal and business relationships will experience greater success with rules of engagement that include love and respect.
Friendships will be essential in order to emotionally cope with work and health-related stress.
Constant vigilance may be necessary in order to avoid being victimized by those who wish to take advantage of us.
Our joy will come from listening and following our intuition and spiritual guidance when it concerns our health, work and relationships. Willingness to seek emotional and spiritual fulfillment in our work and relationships with others will result in shared experiences of mutual value.
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.