The Original Metaphysical Bookstore
since 1972
2553 S. Colorado Blvd. Unit 104
Denver Colorado 80222
Closed on Christmas Day
Sunday, December 25
Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
Yearend Inventory Reduction Sale
Mon. December 26 thru Thurs. December 29
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Our holiday promotion “Karma Cash” will be suspended during this week.
We will be closed for inventory from December 30 through January 1
in this issue…
- THE URANUS CYCLE >>>>>>>>>> by Bruce Johnson
- SPIRIT GUIDES >>>>>>>>>> by Bob Romero
- DECEMBER 2022 ASTROLOGY UPDATE >>>>>>>>>> by Roy Neal
by Bruce Johnson
The planet Uranus takes 84 years to make one revolution around our sun. This 84-year cycle can be related to a human lifetime, with key points in it corresponding to important events in the life of an individual. People who live longer than their 84th birthday begin a second cycle of Uranus transiting through their birth chart. Like all transits, Uranus transits don’t cause pleasant or painful experiences. Instead, transits signal the time when a person will have to confront certain issues in their lives.
The aspects of transiting Uranus to its fixed position in a chart can be indicators of events that are unexpected, unusual and sudden in nature. Uranus represents the fused and unified scientific consciousness that synthesizes the higher and lower selves through the intelligent use of the mind. Uranus inaugurates new conditions and a new order into a person’s life who’s changing old patterns into novel ones. Uranus ultimately produces a spiritual/occult consciousness that understanding causation and effect, takes action to improve the human condition.
Start with a blank chart divided into twelve 30-degree segments and fix Uranus on the ascendant. From here, moving counterclockwise, transiting Uranus reaches the first point of its 84-year cycle in 7 years. This point is 30 degrees from fixed Uranus and is semi-sextile to the position of fixed Uranus in this chart. Semi- sextiles are considered a slightly beneficial aspect. Point 2 of the cycle is 60 degrees, or a sextile aspect from fixed Uranus and is attained at 14 years old. This is a good time for creative mental expression and new ideas that are combined with a larger view of the world. Friends and groups will be influential.
Point 3 marks the 90- degree angle and the first major crises of the Uranus cycle at age 21. This square aspect indicates a period of significant changes which can include breaking away from old situations. Twenty-eight is the year connected with the 4th point which is 120 degrees from fixed Uranus and depicts the trine aspect. New and original self-expression, as well as exciting new group associations and friendships can result from changes made at this time. Good for occult, scientific or technological pursuits.
The fifth point of our chart is 150 degrees from fixed Uranus and reflects the 35th year and the inconjunct or quincunx aspect, considered slightly discordant. An individual’s 42nd year is associated with point 6 which is 180 degrees from, or in opposition to fixed Uranus in our chart. It denotes the second major crisis of a lifetime. A desire for change can bring dissatisfaction with normal life routines. Unexpected problems can affect one’s goals. Point 7 is 210 degrees from fixed Uranus and inconjunct to that position. It portrays the 49th birthday. Point 8 reflects a 240-degree angle, a trine to fixed Uranus and year 56. Point 9 conforms to a square aspect, the 63rd birthday, and the third major life crisis. Humans begin the winter quarter of life in their 63rd year. The 70th year is connected to the 10th point, the 300- degree angle and the sextile. Point 11 is 330 degrees, a semi-sextile and reached at 77 years. The 12th point symbolizes the completion of the Uranus cycle at 360 degrees, taking 84 years for transiting Uranus to conjunct its original position.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a Spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
by Bob Romero
My teacher often talks about communicating with his spirit guides as do some of the holistic healers that I go to. Who are these spirit guides and what do they do? There are different types of spirit guides that include archangels, angels, power animals, loved ones that have departed, ancestors, ascended masters, your Higher Self, Deities, and Spirit. They are beings of light that are here to help you on your spiritual path. They communicate in various forms, such as images in your mind (clairvoyance), hearing them in your mind (clairaudience), with oracle or tarot cards, a gentle touch or pleasant smell, dreams, or through signs and synchronicities. There may also be inspirational thoughts or mental images that appear spontaneously.
So, I decided to see how I could communicate with my spirit guides and find out who they were. I often call upon Archangel Michael for protection, Archangel Raphael for healing, Archangel Uriel for wisdom, and Archangel Gabriel to help me write these articles. The archangels vibrate at a much higher level and so their vibration would be too high for me to communicate with them directly. My guardian angel seems to have always looked out for me, but I haven’t been able to make direct contact. I did see a Great Horned Owl, and maybe its presence designated that it was there to protect me during my spiritual transition, but I did not see it in my mind as a spiritual being. I pray to Jesus and Mary who are ascended masters, and have had many favorable outcomes, but no direct contact. I chant mantras for Rama and Ganesh as well as for Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kali, but no Deities have appeared to me. I did hear from my mom, but it was through a young lady who had a special gift who could see and talk to those who have departed. Since then, I haven’t had any contact with mom other than dreams of her and my dad. One of my classmates said that she only talks to herself when she wants an expert opinion. I talk to my Higher Self, but I haven’t heard anything back.
When I meditate, I see purple and green, even with my eyes open in the dark. Purple is representative of a connection to Spirit, but I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I was told that it will take many hours of meditation to see or hear spirit guides. I have been trying to do that and I haven’t heard or seen anything yet. Then it dawned on me. I put my own human limitations of what I thought was communicating with spirit guides. I looked at the other forms of communication that I mentioned earlier and thought of the articles that I have written in the last few years. I realized that I’ve been communicating with my spirit guides all along through all of the synchronicities and my other metaphysical experiences. My spirit guides include all of the ones that I mentioned above, and maybe now there will be more. I know now that the purple that I see during meditation, is my direct connection to Spirit.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.
Again this year from December 1 until February 28, Shining Lotus™ is offering our customers a fabulous deal with Karma Cash™.
Spend $10 (before tax) and get $1 back! And they don’t expire!
With Karma Cash™, we will give you a $1 coupon for every $10 you spend from December 1 until the end of February 2023. That means you spend $50, you get $5 in Karma Cash™ to use on your next shopping trip with us. Happy Holidays!!!
Of course, our Shining Rewards™ program continues during this time also. As you are shopping, and your purchases total $200, you will then get a $10 coupon to use on your next trip.
The Karma Cash™ program will be suspended during our 51st Anniversary Celebration Sale in the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day.
by Roy Neal
We begin the month of December with Mercury square Neptune on Thursday, December 1. Mercury is the planet of communication and Neptune functions better on a spiritual level rather than the tangible level of everyday reality. The interpretation of this square aspect between Mercury and Neptune suggests that mental clarity will remain elusive, and mistakes and misunderstandings are likely to occur. Neptune is also transitioning from retrograde to direct motion. Neptune will turn direct on Saturday, December 3. Neptune is in the sign of Pisces, so we are likely to experience some confusion, dissatisfaction, and disappointment at this time. Our personal egos will experience some degree of disempowerment and loss of control. The time frame for this Neptune activation is from Thursday, December 1 through Monday, December 5. The best remedy for this period will be to “let go and let God.” Some form of spiritual practice is recommended. Prayer, meditation, and music can be helpful at this time.
Clarity begins to return on Tuesday, December 6 as the Moon enters Gemini and Mercury enters Capricorn. A Full Moon occurs in Gemini on Wednesday, December 7th.
Plans, goals, and strategies involving others begin to formulate as Venus enters Capricorn on Friday, December 9.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Virgo on Friday morning, December 16. Health, work and practical matters will be in focus at this time.
Jupiter enters Aries on Tuesday, December 20. The knowledge of what to do and how to do it will begin to guide our actions and activities as we approach the holiday season.
The Sun enters Capricorn on Wednesday, December 21 signaling the official beginning of the Winter season.
Chiron goes direct in Aries and there is a New Moon in Capricorn on Friday, December 23. A time for acting on new goals and business is favored.
Mercury goes retrograde in Capricorn and there is a First Quarter Phase Moon in Aries on Thursday, December 29. Even though we emotionally desire to initiate new things in the New Year we will need to proceed with caution until we have fully evaluated all of the information and actions necessary to move forward with new projects.
Mars will go direct in Gemini on Thursday, January 12 and Mercury will go direct in Capricorn on Wednesday, January 18. 2023 adds to a 7. 7 is the number of wisdom and detachment. 7 also corresponds to the astrological house of relationship. We would be wise to learn new skills in our ability to successfully relate with others in this New Year.
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this time period impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
by Roy Neal
November 22 through December 21
The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Sagittarius on Tuesday, November 22nd. Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by the planet Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet that symbolizes travel, education, expansion, opportunity, and foreign countries.
Individuals born while the Sun is in Sagittarius are passionate about knowledge, education, and travel; they thrive on freedom, adventure and wide-open spaces. The key phrase for Sagittarius is: “I See.” The Sagittarius person aspires to a new vision and perspective of what is possible. Sagittarians are guided by instinct and inspiration. Their life is often a series of adventures and discoveries.
Sagittarians often make good teachers and ministers. Once they have learned something, they often have a compulsive desire to share it with others. The Sagittarius person aspires to know the truth. However, their version of the truth may not exactly be the same as that of others. Relationships can offer the Sagittarian soul new perspectives on truth and reality. It is always favorable for their companions to enjoy travel and have a good sense of humor.
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.