The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972
in this issue:
- Events and Classes in December have been postponed
Closed On Christmas Day – Fri., December 25
49th Anniversary & Inventory Reduction Sale
Sat. through Wed., December 26 – 30
Closed On New Years Eve & New Years Day – Thu., December 31 & Fri., January 1
Planets and Possibilities: A Look at the Astrology of December
by Sally Shotwell
We enter this last month of tumultuous 2020 processing how the Full Moon Gemini Eclipse (sudden change) has affected our circumstances. We’re getting used to the idea that the trials being presented to us are guiding us to greater self-understanding, but, let’s figure out how we can nurture ourselves, and others, along the way. With this comes the flexibility we need to positively navigate the very powerful December 14 Total Solar Eclipse in fiery Sagittarius. Soon after, on December 21, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, in airy Aquarius makes history right before the Winter Solstice, in earthy Capricorn, ushers in a sacred time of rejoicing as the Light, and promises of rebirth, bless us. To take advantage of these major events, let’s check out influences which support us along the way.
December 1 Mercury (our thought processes) enters fiery, optimistic Sagittarius, prompting us to expand our horizons and intellectual inquiries. He’s happy here and we find ourselves anxious to communicate these new enthusiasms with others. The sign of The Archer is ruled by magnanimous Jupiter and our mood may lift as we raise our gaze to the heavens. The 5th, intriguing Venus, in watery, mysterious, Scorpio, communes with otherworldly Neptune, in watery, mystical, Pisces. We find ourselves floating in a dreamy realm in which creativity and our intuition run wild. Our staying grounded may be a challenge. Also tricky, the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Money, experiences an awkward encounter with assertive Mars, in fiery Aries. They do not see eye-to-eye in seeking intimacy and we may observe this tension play out in interactions we observe. The 6th, Mercury finds himself at odds with unpredictable UranusRx, in earthy Taurus, and this plays out for us as belief-oriented communications don’t flourish. Let’s avoid a confrontation.
December 9 the Sun (our consciousness) in extravagant Sagittarius, interacts with nebulous Neptune (in Pisces) and our focus and judgment suffer from the exchange but the confusion does not last long. The 10th, Venus (in Scorpio) and relentless Pluto, in responsible Capricorn, connect and conspire to reveal formerly concealed desires which allow us to participate more authentically in a valued relationship. Later in the day, the Sun (in Sag) and Mars (in Aries) combine their fiery energy to motivate us to seek out adventure and like-minded companions. The 13th, Mercury (in Sag) is in no mood to deal with Neptune (in Pisces), ignoring his habit of confusing all manner of communications and focus.
December 14 the New Moon (new beginnings) Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is noteworthy for several reasons, one being that it is positioned closely to the Galactic Center. This is seen as a gateway connecting us to Cosmic energies and other dimensions. Mercury (in Sag) and Mars (in Aries), in their enthusiasm, are lending us support as we continue to open up to what is presently beyond our ken. The Sabin Symbol states “A bluebird perched on the gate of a cottage: The reward which meets every effort at integration into a social environment for those who remain true to their own selves. . .The bluebird is a well-known symbol of happiness, but also it refers to what one might call a spiritually oriented mind…”
December 15 Venus (in Scorpio ) joins forces with Saturn (in Cap) to share their realistic guidance as we entertain new career possibilities. Almost immediately, she slides into Sagittarius, opening her arms to adventurous, diverse relationships… for us, this plays out with our desiring to enlarge our circle of friends and, perhaps, find romance.
December 16 Saturn enters humanitarian Aquarius and the 19th, Jupiter follows suit. These are the planets associated with the state of our society and they are preparing to meet to initiate a new era, acting as intermediaries who set generational patterns. Jupiter represents our philosophy and where we find life’s meaning, whereas, Saturn defines our commitment to the well-being of the collective and our ethics. When they support each other, we have a framework from which vision may be realized. This Great Conjunction takes place the 21st.
In the meantime, the 19th, the Sun and Mercury (in Sag) inspire us to connect with influences beyond our comprehension, encouraging us to release patterns which restrict our entertaining new, uncharted ways of perceiving what surrounds us. The 20th, Mercury switches gears and enters pragmatic Capricorn so our thoughts turn to how to implement what has merely seemed promising.
December 21 is the Big Event with the Sun entering Capricorn, the Winter Solstice, even as Jupiter and Saturn conjoin in Aquarius, bringing in a new era in which, for the span of 200 years, the two giants will always meet in Air Signs. We’re just exiting a 200-year period when Earth Signs prevailed. The Earth era has manifested in a Physical Mode (the Industrial and Scientific Revolutions) and we’ve already gotten a taste of what the Air (Mental) holds in store as Tech has become dominant in our lives. This is very exciting as long as we remember the saying that “the mind is a wonderful servant be a terrible master” and our hearts are where wisdom lies.
December 24 Mercury (in Capricorn) shares happy Christmas Eve cheer with innovative UranusRx (in Taurus) encouraging us to get beyond our comfort zone and welcome changes that are in store. Taking into consideration the emphasis now placed on everything Aquarius, this may refer to the increased emphasis on humanitarian causes and how our efforts may contribute to them. The 27th, the Sun and UranusRx get in the spirit of fun (Christmas, Kwanzaa?) and send us a message of reassurance that we really are able to grow and adjust to what the future holds. Let’s make sure we don’t succumb to self-criticism.
December 29th, this is particularly important since the Full Moon (culmination) is in watery, sensitive Cancer. This sign is ruled by the Moon (our emotions and needs) and is associated with home and family. Our ability to give attention to these areas of our lives has been sorely challenged. The Sun in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, represents our role in the world which is also in a state of flux. Finding time for stillness helps us escape unwanted, intrusive stimulation and is calming. We need calm!
December 31 the Moon enters Leo which bodes well for a festive New Year’s Eve as we say adieu to an extremely strange chapter in our history. We’ve made it this far and are not alone so Congratulations to Us!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.
Buddhist Insight into Spiritual Liberation
by Bruce Johnson
Buddhism teaches that the condition of human limitation and suffering indicated by the Four Noble Truths, can be overcome by the study, practice of, and right attunement to three aspects of Buddhist philosophy. These three areas of study are- the 8-Fold Path, breaking the constraints of the 10 Fetters, and the Law of Cause and Effect. By getting rid of the causes that create inhibiting spiritual, mental, emotional and physical disorders as well as other negative karmic conditions, and replacing them with intelligently fashioned light-filled causes, we free our souls into their more natural boundless expression.
The 8-Fold Path is the Way of Deliverance for the Buddhist who would experience the complete bliss and release of Nirvana, the highest Buddhist heaven. The eight aspects of the 8-Fold Path all begin with the word right, meaning correct. To illustrate eight causes of human inner and outer spiritual restrictions , I have temporarily replaced the word right in each of the eight categories with the word wrong. In so doing, the 8-Fold Path in addition to revealing the solution to, can be used to illuminate the causes of humanity’s ills as well. These negative causes are- 1. wrong beliefs, 2. wrong intentions, 3. wrong speech, 4. wrong action, 5. wrong living, 6. wrong effort, 7. wrong mindfulness, 8. wrong concentration.
In order to attain soul liberation, the aspiring Buddhist must transcend 10 fetters or barriers to spiritual unfoldment through an initiation process taking place over many lifetimes. These 10 Fetters are- 1. Delusion as to one’s true Self 2. Doubt as to the reality of a Divine Plan being expressed through omnipotent Natural Laws, as well as doubting the existence of enlightened Master beings who guide Earths evolution and constitute it’s spiritual hierarchy 3 The belief that religious rites and ceremonies are essential in achieving enlightenment 4. Attachment to sense gratification 5. Anger. These first five fetters are for the disciple to grow beyond.
The remaining five fetters relate to Master levels of evolution- 6.Desire for life in the worlds of form 7. Desire for life in formless worlds 8. Pride 9. Irritability 10. Ignorance, cause of all suffering, the first and last illusion.
Buddha taught that the Law of Cause and Effect could be positively applied to help offset the negative and inhibiting karma of others and oneself. This is done by initiating new orderly causes into a situation that are opposite in nature to, and more powerful than, the previously generated discordant forces one wants to counteract. Demonstrating Right Action, Buddha used light to overpower darkness, and goodwill focused through directed good thoughts, words and deeds, to offset harmful energies produced by unawakened souls.
All of the following positive causes create spiritually emancipating effects for those who live them 1. Aligning with and empowering the good 2. Obedience to one’s Higher Self 3. Understanding and practicing the illumined harmlessness of the Great Souls 4. Demonstrating a life of moral behavior 5.The service of others has a spiritually freeing effect in the life of the server 6. Forgiving offenses done to oneself by others 6. Paying karmic debts by making restitution for the hurt we’ve done to people, animals or property 8. Assisting in the manifestation of karmic and spiritual freedom for humanity.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
THIS… or Something Better
by Bob Romero
Have you ever received something much better than what you wanted or desired? It could be about a situation, healing, or even something that’s material. In my classes, I have learned that when we pray or ask Spirit for something, we should say, “This or something better”. That way we don’t place limits on all that is available to us in the universe. Then we follow it up with “and only for the highest good, truth, wisdom, and light”. So that whatever comes to us, it is for good, and not for evil. To complete our request, we also say “and as Spirit wills it be”. This way, we release and surrender it to Spirit, and align our will to the will of God. If we do ask God for something that’s material, or even if it is just about money, we then share with Spirit on what we’re going to do with it, and how it will be used for the betterment of us and others.
A lot of religious people don’t want to look like they are greedy by asking for more. But greed is not about asking for more, it’s about not sharing, or excluding others from their rightful gifts from Spirit. Greedy people only want for themselves. Then this manifestation is not for the highest good, or according to the will of Spirit, and they will have karma to deal with. It’s foolish, because sharing with others will actually result in receiving more. The potential manifestation from the universe is infinite, and God wants us to be happy, and so why not ask for more rather than place limits on ourselves.
One of my experiences in which I asked for “This or something better” happened this past summer when my wife and I were looking for a new house. We wanted to be close enough to our son and his family. We wanted to watch our grandchildren grow up, attend their activities, and be part of their lives. At first, we thought that we would rent a townhome that was ten minutes away from them, and that was located on a golf course. We were used to living in a condominium complex and didn’t want to be bothered by household chores. We thought that the largest model would accommodate us. But after checking it out, even though it had the floorplan that we wanted, and that we were accustomed to, it didn’t quite meet our needs. So, then we started looking at homes in the nearby area that had a similar floorplan.
After surfing the real estate websites, I found a new home in another development that was not too far away from the townhome and had exactly what we wanted and more. Pictures of the interior were very impressive. So, we made an appointment to tour the home. I then asked Spirit if this could workout, and then I said, “This or something better, and only for the highest good, truth, wisdom, and light, and as Spirit wills it be”. As I was reviewing the house so that we could ask questions during our tour, another house popped up on the page. I had studied all of the homes for sale in the area and I had not seen this home listed. Later I learned that it was put on the market just minutes before I saw it. It was beautiful and very charming, and the backyard was delightful. It was even closer to our grandchildren, and it was just a block away from the clubhouse of the golf course with a rec center and pool in between. So, we made an appointment to see it after viewing the other home. There was no comparison. It had all that we wanted and more.
Even though the sellers already had two other offers, they accepted our offer. Our condo sold in a couple of days, and somehow, we survived the ordeal of all of the paperwork involved with buying, selling, and moving. Now we are living in this beautiful house close to the golf course. But the best thing is, we’re only eight minutes away from family and being able to see those little ones a lot more often, which is infinitely better than we could ever imagine.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.
In Honor of Sagittarius
by Roy Neal
Have you ever had the urge to ride a horse, be wild and free, travel to a distant land, seek adventure, discover something new, become a published author, learn about different cultures and spiritual practices? If that is true then you may have the Sun, Moon, Ascendant or other personal planets in the sign of Sagittarius.
Sagittarians desire to know the truth; they can be uncomfortably honest. They also have an insatiable appetite for knowledge and information.
If you wish to travel, explore and have a passion for adventure and discovery, then you would do well to spend some quality time with a Sagittarius. However, remember that Sagittarians love their freedom, so whatever you do; don’t fence them in.
The Sun will be transiting the sign of Sagittarius from November 21st until it enters Capricorn on the Winter Solstice which occurs in the morning of December 21, 2020.
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver/Boulder area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.