November 2019
The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972
In this issue:
Physical Exercise Helps Spiritual Growth ………. by Bob Romero
Happiness Is… ………. by Mario C. Veo
Planets and Possibilities: A Look At The Astrology Of November ………. by Sally Shotwell
The Sun God as a Universal Symbol ………. by Bruce Johnson
Events and Classes in November
10 AM – 12 NOON — Door Buster Bargains —– Crystals and Stones are 20% off.
12 NOON – 2 PM — Blue Plate Specials —— All Jewelry (necklace, earrings, rings) are 20% off.
2 PM – 4 PM — Not Used, I’m ‘Previously Owned’ —– All Used Books, Decks, CDs are 20% off.
4 PM – 6 PM — Retail Aromatherapy —– Essential Oils, Incense, Candles are 20% off.
Friday, November 29, 2018 — 10am to 6pm
Saturday, November 30, 2019 at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore
$1 a minute Psychic, Palmistry or Tarot Card Readings
$1 a minute Chair Massage or Foot Reflexology
25% off your purchases
The 2019 Holiday Season is kicked off with our annual 25% off sale and our only Psychic Fair of the year on Saturday, November 30. We move forward into the end-of-year holidays with gratitude, love and faith for the time we are able to spend with our families and friends. We hope you will take the time to stop in and take advantage of our extremely talented psychic service providers on this very busy shopping day.
Intuitive Readings. Norma Mitchell will provide very accurate intuitive readings that help clear negativity and invite peace, love, good health and prosperity into your life.
Tarot Readings. SuEllen Shepard will invoke the power and mystery of Tarot Imagery to help you reveal the possibilities as you move forward in your life during this powerful time of healing.
Claivoyant/Medium Readings. Davina Anderson will bring messages from beyond the veil to help you live a more harmonious and balanced life.
Chair Massage. Edna Garcia will add a relaxing, healing and therapeutic chair massage to your Small Business Saturday experience.
I Ching Readings. Kendara Laurel will help you identify and replace negative, self-defeating beliefs with positive, constructive ones.
Medical Intuitive Readings. Shane Sale will help identify issues and release blockages in your body that limit your personal success.
Palmistry Readings. Mario C. Veo will give palmistry readings throughout the day, helping you find clarity and insights right in the palm of your hand.
This is an entire day dedicated to our spiritual awakening, healing, self-awareness and working toward enlightenment. If you feel guided to be with people of like mind on this auspicious day, please come to the Shining Lotus on Small Business Saturday, November 30, 2019.
Physical Exercise Helps Spiritual Growth
by Bob Romero
When many people think of exercise, they think of calisthenics or weightlifting, and regard it as a chore. Yet in some of my esoteric classes, and in a couple of books that I’ve read on spiritual enlightenment, one of the steps to higher consciousness is exercise. It’s already been proven that physical exercise helps you sleep, think better, and be in a better mood. The movement will also increase your vibration, help you become centered, and remove the rut of stagnation. There are also cards in angel card decks that make these same points.
There are many forms of exercise like lifting weights, aerobics, cycling, hiking, running, jogging, walking, swimming, dancing, martial arts, playing sports, tai chi, yoga, and many more. You don’t have to be an athlete to exercise. Lifting light weights or doing weight bearing poses not only strengthen your muscles and joints, it gives you confidence and a sense of accomplishment which helps you become centered. Lengthy exercising produces endorphins in your body which reduce stress, and make you feel good. It’s called a “runner’s high”. Feeling good physically leads to more manifestation as “like attracts like”. Personal trainers will pick exercises specific to your body and make it more fun to exercise. The exercises are part of a training plan that will allow you to stick to it so that you will continue to feel good.
One of my yoga teachers says that yoga is not a religious practice, but it can become spiritual, as you focus on your breath and breathe in prana or life force energy. Yoga postures help you go deeper inside and will also prepare your body for meditation. When hiking in nature and especially on a mountain, the beautiful scenery brings a sense of euphoria and gratitude for all of God’s creation. Not only will you go higher on the mountain path, you will also go higher on your spiritual path. If you can’t make it to the mountains, there are some wonderful parks to run or walk. To drown out the noise of people and traffic, I put my earphones on and listen to music. The autumn days have been beautiful in October with bright sunshine, little or no wind, and long shadows of the tall trees in the late afternoon. When I listen to New Age music that has esoteric themes during my walks, everything is so calm and peaceful. I feel the presence of God.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.
Happiness Is…
by Mario C. Veo
We know that the true meaning of Life lies first in being happy, for only now can we pursue a greater Path…after all, I have never seen a grumpy Guru, have you ?
Yet, again and again, we are told that we have to give up our human, mundane pleasures, that they are bindings created by our Lower Consciousness, and that only through ‘austerities’ can we advance on the Spiritual Path… and so we are bombarded by much Dogma – and equally much glamour for those who wear such piteous robes… Now don’t get me wrong – if you truly believe that the only way to reach ‘Spiritual Enlightenment’ is to sit in a dark cave, eat a few berries and a morsel of barely cooked rice every day, then so be it… and this will work , but only because you believe it to be so…[and should not be touted as ‘the Path’…Siddhartha found that out the hard way !]
Let me go a little further before you judge me too harshly…
It is true that the pleasures of our Lower Natures have no place in our Life once we reach a higher state of Vibrational Refinement…but it does not make them ‘wrong’, and certainly not something to be defamed and defiled… [and if you know people who do this, then it says more about their own callous rigidity, than the subject under discussion. And for those of you who need a little more clarity remember that J.C. was no prude – he did turn water into wine…so…] In any process of Expansion of Consciousness there is an automatic shift in Vibrational Resonance, and it is this that will automatically let you release these so called ‘Lower Pleasures’ – not because they are ‘bad’, but because they no longer satisfy who you have become…
So don’t focus so much on these external behaviors – and certainly do not point an accusing finger and declare them to be the culprits… rather turn within and quieten down your agitations, practice a gentle Inner Calm, examine the many ways your Heart has been wounded and seek appropriate healing…and firmly refrain from personal judgment and criticism – DO NOT become your own worst persecutor !!! And as you get rid of these negative vibrations, as you release these dark thoughts and limiting beliefs, then that joyful Radiance that has always been the True You will shine forth…and all those ‘lower pleasures’ will automatically give way to their Higher counterparts – and these will create a spontaneous movement to quicken your Path to even higher Evolution / Transformation… easy-peasy…
So how do we begin …?
Understand that Life cannot stand still …unless we force it to be so – and this we do by holding onto the past, to bad memories, to offensive betrayals, to worries / fears / and unresolved angers…and these now feed off our own Life Energy, and not only deplete us of Vitality, but use our own Prana to create a negative magnetic field to attract more of the same – and all this will corrode and corrupt any possible Future, no matter how hard we may desire otherwise… this we do to ourselves … !!!
Remember – Life is about choices…and each step you take determines the Future you will create. Some of these choices are very subtle, some are quite obvious…but it is not your rational mind that should guide you, nor your loving heart, but rather a higher Perception, a deeper understanding of how Energies merge together to create a rich and rewarding future…or one filled with stagnation, deterioration and more loss.
But here is the secret – YOU … yes, you !
No matter how ‘advanced’ – or not – you are, simply by taking the first step on this amazing journey of self-fulfillment…just by being committed to claiming a better future for yourself – just that thought, that determination that you want to be HAPPY…just that is enough to start shifting the Future in your favor…
A simple step…yet I wonder how many of you will take it …
Mario C. Veo is in private practice in Denver where he teaches Spiritual and Metaphysical classes, and guides Seekers on their personal Path of Transformation and Empowerment. He can be reached at 303-525-7223 / email / website
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Planets And Possibilities – A Look At The Astrology Of November
by Sally Shotwell
As November begins, we’re continuing our journey through watery Scorpio territory which can prove tricky, especially since Mercury (our thought processes) has just turned retrograde (until 11/19) in this fixed sign, associated with Depth Psychology. Pluto (Lord of the Underworld) and warrior-like Mars are it’s rulers and we feel their presence as we delve into how we’re dealing with our current circumstances. They help us to stop relying on outmoded behavior patterns which limit us. As we engage in this dynamic, we need to remind ourselves that, even as we may experience some discomfort, we’re opening ourselves up to new, more realistic ways of embracing change. Venus, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Money, enters fiery, optimistic, Sagittarius November 1, and her exuberance greatly assists us as we approach our relationships with others, encouraging us to lighten up and participate in enjoyable endeavors. Let’s relax and open up our sensibilities to thoughtfully expand beyond our comfort zone.
November 3 Daylight Savings Time ends as we prepare for Election Day on the 5th. Mars in airy, diplomatic Libra is in conflict with relentless Pluto on earthy, somber Capricorn and tension fills the air. It’s a time to be particularly wary of being dragged into confrontational exchanges. Encounters become more cordial the 8th as the magnetic Sun and imaginative NeptuneRx, in watery, otherworldly Pisces, share their vision, assisting us in creative and compassionate channels. Practical Saturn, in Capricorn, lends his gravitas to our ventures when he, himself, touches base with each of them. The Neptune and Saturn combination facilitates the fusing of idealism and realism, uniting the spiritual and material worlds. Let’s make time for ourselves to tap into this influence.
November 9 MercuryRx gets together with Pluto, scrutinizing intriguing, concealed information which he then shares the Sun. There may even be an attractive personal component in this mix which expands insights which affect us. Because the Trickster is retrograde, the adage is in play regarding our need to review and revisit communications with others to avoid misunderstandings. Also, we need to double check travel schedules during this busy season.
November 12 the Full Moon in earthy Taurus (culmination) finds MercuryRx keeping the Sun company in opposition. Pluto and Saturn Capricorn also want to get in on the transformative action. The Sabian Symbol states “Wisps of winglike clouds streaming across the sky: The awareness of spiritual forces at work… The individual who has taken a new step in his evolution should look for the ‘Signature’ of divine powers confirming his progress.” Each of us has our own take on what ‘divine powers’ means, where guidance resonates with us, offering us succor as we refine our values and expectations. Are we paying attention to the messages we receive?
November 13 MercuryRx meets with Saturn and assists us in making inroads in any venture requiring gathering and analyzing facts. He then shows his diverse talent as he pairs with Neptune in helping us unveil idealistic and intuitive hidden meanings which advance our self-understanding. This helps us defuse the impact of the quarrel between charming Venus and foggy Neptune on the 14th which clouds our judgment regarding money and affairs of the heart. Let’s pend on making decisions now.
November 18/19 Mars (our vitality) enters gutsy Scorpio and our diplomatic urges are replaced by a strong drive to delve into unrevealed areas of our environment. He’s at home here and this sign gives him cover to operate sub rosa. We may find ourselves and others being more reticent in revealing our thoughts and actions, part of the motivation being to avoid confrontations. The 20th Mercury turns direct which alleviates some of the confusion which has impacted our interactions (but the shadow phase lasts until 12/7). For the time being, let’s progress slowly.
November 22 the Sun enters fiery, enthusiastic Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer who aims his arrow toward the infinite cosmos. Its ruler is Jupiter, King of the Gods, who urges us to expand our own horizons and share our faith in life with others. This allows us to relax in the company of others as we segue into the Holiday Season. The 24th alluring Venus and Jupiter co-mingle at the end of this festive sign, sharing their high spirits with us, boosting our enthusiasm to gather with amenable companions. However, Mars and rebellious UranusRx in earthy, intractable Taurus, clash and unpredictability can be expected. Let’s not be seduced by the edgy excitement they generate and remain calm as we welcome relationship-oriented Venus into stable Capricorn the 25th. Our interactions take on a more serious tone with the promise of substantive connections.
November 26 the New Moon (new beginnings) in Sagittarius is aspected by Saturn, Uranus and Pluto. This combination of energies promises a charged atmosphere, accompanied by changes which call for us to be flexible and unhampered by conditioning. The Symbol states “An old owl sits alone on the branch of a large tree: A poised and wise approach to existence based on a clear perception of unconscious factors and their operation… The owl functions lucidly in the night aspect of existence. His eyes see what men normally fail to perceive. He represents that consciousness which is active where the processes of life normally escape the attention of the personal ego and its intellect.” Transcendent Neptune, turning direct the 27th, offers us clarity as we ponder this message. He helps us access the insights which surfaced during the five month voyage we took with him into uncharted, depths. Our new sensitivity extends beyond ourselves to the circumstances of others.
This comes in handy November 28, Thanksgiving Day, as we gather with others. Mercury, palling up with Neptune, lends us the emotional and intellectual means to share goodwill. Venus is also working her charm as Uranus seasons our interactions with his promise of unexpected developments. All indications are we have fun!
November 29 Mercury and Saturn stimulate us to pursue information which leads us to sound decisions and inspire the confidence of others. Doesn’t this sound promising!
Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving!
The Sun God As A Universal Symbol
by Bruce Johnson
Encore Publication: This article was published in the September 2014 issue of our newsletter. We thank Bruce Johnson for allowing us to share his writings and insights into the ancient mysteries and the occult.
The term sun god has a dual meaning in the Ancient Wisdom. The first meaning describes a Solar Logos as the creator and sustaining life of a solar system. The second and more well- known definition indicates a divine incarnation of that Solar Logos in physical form, and is a keynote of numerous religions, ancient and modern.
There have been many sun gods throughout the ages. These sun gods all share surprisingly parallel life experiences. They are born at midnight of December 24th, the symbolic birthday of our sun. They are born as the sign Virgo is rising on the eastern horizon, and so are allegorically born of a virgin. Forces of evil always attempt to destroy the child sun god who survives and grows into manhood despite the efforts of despots to kill him. Sun gods are invariably crucified literally or symbolically at the spring equinox on a cross or a tree. Death of the mortal self by crucifixion is always followed by a spiritual rebirth of the divine Self. Like the physical sun, sun gods traditionally ascend into full stature spiritually at the summer solstice when the sun is at its zenith.
Virgin birth through a divine mother is a consistent theme in the life of all sun gods, and represents a deep allegorical truth. Virgin mothers of sun gods include Devaki, who was the mother of the Indian avatar Krishna. In ancient Babylon we find Istar depicted as the undefiled mother of the savior Tammaz. The chaste virgin Mayadevi gave birth to the sublime and enlightened Buddha. Egyptian theology had its own immaculate mother symbol in Isis, who brought forth Horus, the divine hawk-headed god. The Christian religion portrays Mary as the virgin mother of the world savior and sacred son of God, Jesus.
The symbolism and existence of the sun god was universal in all parts of the world in ancient times. Examples of Greek sun gods include Apollo, Hercules, and Bacchus. Persian civilizations taught of the divine solar incarnations known as Mithras and Zarathustra. Quetzalcoatl, symbolized as a winged serpent, was revered as a sun god by the Mayans of South America. Even Atlantis, where sun worship was common, had its examples of sun gods.
The book- The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors by Kersey Graves looks at examples of sun gods throughout history.
Sunday, November 3
2:00 – 3:00 pm
A donation bowl will be available
Channeling Spiritual Guidance with Norma Mitchell. The Source (“I Am. I Am You. I Am All That Is… You know me in your heart for I am that which you call Love.”) talks to us, and we need a channel through which to hear these messages. The valuable information that comes through Norma from the Source is lovingly supportive and profound. Please join us for the beautiful and spiritual messages that come directly from Spirit. Bring a question if you want to. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Thursday, November 7
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
$1 a minute
Rejuvenating Chair Massage by Edna Garcia. We know how stressful your day-to-day life can be. Wouldn’t it be great to have a restful and calm place to go for a few minutes and get a rejuvenating massage from a certified and licensed massage therapist? Now you can take some time out from your busy life and invest in some self-care. One dollar a minute with a ten minute minimum is just the ticket. Call 303-758-9113 and reserve a time.
Sunday, November 10
10:15 – 11:15 am
A donation bowl will be available
The Intention Project with SuEllen Shepard. The Earth level isn’t always an easy one. Sometimes we see or hear about big world problems and we are left uneasy and not knowing what we can do. It seems too big. We feel overwhelmed or helpless. This is where intention comes in! Intention is a web of energy exchange that can be channeled and focused to reconcile mind with matter and bring about positive change in our lives. Human thought and intention has been defined as an inexhaustible and tangible energy with the potential to focus our lives, heal our illnesses, clean up our communities, deal with negative forces, and hopefully improve our planet for everyone. Each month will have a different topic. Come join us for an hour of discussion and intention! Call Shining Lotus 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, November 10
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Free Presentation
The Spiritual Dimensions & The Afterlife with Christine Kromm Henrie and David Henrie. Where do you reside when not in physical? Each of us only bring a small part of our soul-energy into a human life, the rest is actively progressing with a higher awareness in another reality. Powerful stories from life-between-lives explorations will be shared as well as direct information on how the spirit realm is organized and operates. Join us for this free talk as we analyze the afterlife and the different dimensions a soul can call home. Please Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, November 17
10:15 – 11:15 am
A donation bowl will be available
Recreate Yourself… and Blossom with Mario C. Veo. Explore what would make you happy… and let this feeling guide you to grow and change.
Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, November 17
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Free Presentation
The Song of the Heavens – Vedic Astrology with Mo Abdelbaki. Bring your questions about Vedic Astrology, but more importantly, bring your excitement about all metaphysics. Mo will give an overview of the differences between the Western and Vedic systems. He’ll also look at a famous chart or two. You’ll get a glimpse of the rest of the year and a peek into a powerful system 5000 years old. Mo is almost that old, but not quite. Any questions you may have about anything else he knows about, and he does pretend to know a lot, will be answered. It will be a fun, relaxed, informative session. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, November 24
10:15 – 11:15 am
Free Presentation
When Life Becomes Predictable… It’s Boring! with Mario C. Veo. Life should be a joyous, ever-growing abundance… If it’s not, then you are caught by stagnation. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Saturday, November 30
10:00am – 6:00pm
$1-a-minute sessions all day long
8th Annual Small Business Saturday Psychic Fair and 25% off Sale. The 2019 Holiday Season is kicked off with our annual 25% off sale and our only Psychic Fair of the year on Saturday, November 30. We move forward into the end-of-year holidays with gratitude, love and faith for the time we are able to spend with our families and friends. We hope you will take the time to stop in and take advantage of our extremely talented psychic service providers on this very busy shopping day.
This is an entire day dedicated to our spiritual awakening, healing, self-awareness and working toward enlightenment. If you feel guided to be with people of like mind on this auspicious day, please come to the Shining Lotus on Small Business Saturday, November 30, 2019.
Please call 303-758-9113 if you have any questions about our schedule. Most of our events require a registration call to ensure your seat.