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June 2019

The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972


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in this issue:

Is There An Instruction Manual For Life…??  ……….  by Mario C. Veo

The Spiritual Nature Of Animals  ……….  by Bruce Johnson

Increasing Your Psychic Senses With Music  ……….  by Bob Romero

Planets and Possibilities – A Look at the Astrology of June  ……….  by Sally Shotwell

Folly…  ……….  by Mario C. Veo

Events and Classes in June[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#027dc3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Is There An Instruction Manual For Life…?

by Mario C. Veo

I often ask my clients if they want to be ‘happy or right’, expecting the proper answer to be “I want to be happy…of course”; which then allows us to explore both (a) what this would look like, and (b) why they are embracing so much conflict at the moment. And with such simple questions we begin a productive journey of resolution of conflict, and joyful fulfillment…

Sounds so simple, right ?… and it would be except there are some people who firmly “Want to be RIGHT !”

Now – it’s too easy to dismiss them as being ‘narcissists…entitled egotists… bullies… and even not-very-Spiritual’… Who can say – maybe, just maybe, they are so frustrated of being dismissed and discarded that they simply want their voices to be heard… maybe they ARE ‘right’, and are surrounded by abusive morons… maybe … maybe they are geniuses, far ahead of their time, and we are the ones lagging behind… Who can say…

The problem is that every one of us sees the world through our own eyes, and so creates a very subjective perception of what is right-wrong… and more, we are so invested in this, that we are not aware of our prejudice [or at best, our pre-judgment].

You see, most people are ‘emotional thinkers’, and blindly accept that whatever they like is ‘good-right-correct…and determines this to be desirable’ [thus I embrace my love for French Pastries – truly a gift of the Gods – and that’s my truth … but I digress…]

Yes, there are a few people who truly are gifted, and can see the world through others’ eyes. They are the ones who can stay centered – peaceful even – as they consider the many different possibilities that abound… They are the ones who understand that you can’t make an omelet without breaking the eggs… or, my favorite, that if Life gives you lemons, throw them back [it’s not what you ordered !]… They may not necessarily be ‘the Peace-makers’, but certainly are the ones who can see a greater reality, a greater truth, a greater future… They are the ones who have discovered the ‘instruction manual for Life’…

And here, for the first time, is one of the secrets – If you know who you are and stay centered in your Identity…if you pursue a Life that honors and respects you , one where you are encouraged to properly express yourself, in ways that are productive and uplifting… then you are now in charge of your Life, and it shall reward you with all your heart desires – and more…

If you bow down to others’ influence, if you are constantly trying to please others, take care of them, get drawn in by the moronic behavior that is too frequent in our world at the moment, if you get excited by the drama that is unfolding every day… then you are not the center of your world – at best, you are a leaf, carried by the currents of Life, hoping to land somewhere ‘safe’ [but more likely to just end up as compost]…

So, this ‘manual’ that so many have yearned for, has actually been around for thousand of years, its guidance freely available to anyone who would listen… to anyone who would consider that their own personal perception may not be ‘wrong’, but is certainly a very small slice of a grater truth…

So I ask you again, ‘Do you want to be happy, or do you want to be right…?’… and, no matter what your answer is, consider this next:- ‘Why…?’

P.S. And for those of you who are truly interested in self-discovery, check out this month’s classes… they are a good gateway to an intriguing journey… [YourPathtoSpirit.com]

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore..

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The Spiritual Nature Of Animals

by Bruce Johnson

Encore Publication: This article was first published in the July 2014 issue of our newsletter. We thank Bruce Johnson for allowing us to share his writings and insights into the ancient mysteries and the occult.

The Ancient Wisdom teaches that members of the Animal Kingdom have souls, are physically and spiritually evolving, and have a right to exist on Earth. Spiritual science recognizes animals at all stages of evolution, from primitive group-soul forms, to those advanced species that have attained individuality, and like humans, survive the death of the physical body. Among domesticated animals, the elephant, horse, dog, and cat are the most progressed. The whale and dolphin are examples of advanced evolution within the marine mammals.

Following their physical death, wild and domestic animals live for a time, sometimes decades, in the spirit world or astral sphere surrounding Earth. This astral sphere contains many planes and sub-planes, including areas that correspond to all the oceans and continents of our planet. One portion of the spirit world commonly referred to by occult writers as the Nature Planes, contains the Happy Hunting Grounds of the Native American. In these Nature Planes wild spirit animals roam freely in natural surroundings, corresponding to the physical environments they knew on Earth. Domesticated spirit animals often continue to live in the afterlife with discarnate humans like they lived physically on Earth. Spirit animals that were pets not only visit former owners still on Earth, but are frequently among those greeting that newly arrived previous owner into the astral world.

Modern psychical research has documented many genuine cases of spirit animal materialization, especially with certain physical phenomena mediums of the early 20th century. At a séance in 1919 with the materialization medium Kluski, a lion materialized out of ectoplasm and walked about the room, even licking some sitters’ hands. Spirit dogs materialized at an Etta Wreidt séance that took place in 1922. The temporarily materialized dogs were seen, touched, and heard barking by all the sitters before dematerializing. Spirit animals that have materialized at séances include the cat, robin, parrot, blackbird, flying squirrel, monkey, and seal.

Animals often demonstrate psychic abilities that surprise humans. Animals can sense impending danger like floods, earthquakes, fire, and tornados and give warning of them. Many animals demonstrate clairvoyance, and are able to see spirits invisible to humans.

Cruelty to animals causes them great suffering, and many animals awake in the spirit world filled with inner pain and terror. Some animal- loving souls in the spirit planes have chosen as their work, the care of these traumatized spirit animals. Eventually the Law of Compensation brings justice to both the animal abuser and the animal.

Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.

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Increasing Your Psychic Senses With Music

by Bob Romero

I have always had a passion for music. My parents both enjoyed music by going to dances in the 40’s and early 50’s. Then Rock and Roll started, and my older siblings would listen to it on the radio. In the 60’s, the music scene exploded with lots of different genres and the local radio station played most of them. We couldn’t wait to listen to the latest hits on the radio. In addition to Pop, classic Rock, there was also the British invasion and Folk.

Even though I don’t play an instrument, or have never studied music, I have a great appreciation for music of all genres. I learned about classical music from of all places, the National Football League. When the games were first televised, there was a half hour infomercial on the masterpieces by the great composers just before the games. Later I would tune into KVOD in Denver, when I was in the mood for classical. I have always had a good feeling when I listen to classic Country and Western, because that’s what the local radio station played when school let out in the afternoon. The protest songs from the 60’s encouraged us to become active politically and helped us end an unjust war.

Soundtracks enhance a movie greatly. The music helps promote the projected energy from the film to us and stirs our emotions. You will remember the sound that plays, when the winning home run, the winning basket, the winning touchdown pass or field goal, the all out sprint to the finish line, the victory on the battlefield, the great speech, or the triumphant success in the classroom, is made. That sound or song will reverberate within us, and make us feel good.

When my son was ten years old, he had been taking piano lessons for three years. The teacher that watched him for us over the summer had studied music.  Both she and my son knew of this song that I liked. By listening to the song, she wrote down the notes to the song, and he practiced it. So for my Father’s Day gift, he played it for me on the piano, which was priceless to me. That song now has so much more meaning and energy.

Music is in fact sound vibration or sound energy. The instruments or the singer’s voice vibrate not just with the sound, but also with the energy that the composer and the artist put into the song. That energy is transferred to us by the initial feelings that we feel when we hear the song. Those feelings are similar to the feelings that we have when we know that something is going to happen. Different songs resonated with us either by the melody, or by the lyrics, or by both. The feelings that we felt then, have stayed with us so that when hear the same songs today, we still feel those initial feelings. We can experience many different emotions like joy, sadness or inspiration. Music can also help us relax or get us moving. I have to listen to music when I walk.

Spiritual songs help us connect with God. It also helps when you have a very talented pastor who used to perform on Broadway and composes his own music. Many of the older Rock songs contain spiritual messages. Just study the lyrics from some of the Beatles songs. Now there is music that is part of the New Age genre that help us connect to Spirit. They are composed by artists who specifically channel their energy for that purpose. The soothing music can help us heal or relieve stress. Deep meditation music will help us increase our level of awareness when we meditate. There are also holy chants on CDs that you can buy, and some of these can be found in the bookstore.

Whether it’s music that stirs our passions or raises our awareness, it helps us reach a higher level of consciousness, which in turn leads us to develop our psychic abilities.

Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

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Planets And Possibilities – A Look At The Astrology Of June

by Sally Shotwell

The Sun (our consciousness) and Mercury (our thought processes) are in airy, communicative Gemini and we may find ourselves engaged in vibrant dialogues with friends and strangers.  This is the sign ruled by Mercury, Messenger of the Gods, and he enjoys being home, able to pursue his eclectic interests. We ourselves benefit from his influence as we accumulate interesting information, broadening our own horizons. Let’s keep in mind, though, that  Mercury is now embroiled  in avoiding  being drawn into a are conflict between belief- oriented Jupiter Rx, in fiery Sagittarius, and otherworldly Neptune, in watery Pisces. Let’s keep our focus on what everyday reality is asking us to deliver as we enjoy the whimsy the Trickster offers us.
June 2 we’re helped in this as relationship-oriented Venus, in earthy, sensuous Taurus, connects with intense Pluto, in earthy, resolute Capricorn.   A deep understanding between them parlays into creating a sense of security which frees us to move beyond our  comfort zone.   The New Moon (new beginnings) in versatile Gemini on the 3rd encourages us to learn something new and believe in ourselves.   The
Sabian Symbol states “A famous pianist giving a concert performance;  Individual fulfillment in the social function to which some prestige is attached.”  Dane Rudhyar stresses the need to challenge the social conditioning which has created the fears and insecurities we carry with us and are “engraved upon the unconscious,” inhibiting our individual experience. Each of us has some urge within us which yearns to be developed and liberated – let’s pursue it!
June 4 Mercury enters watery Cancer and we feel our focus shifting to more personal issues. The ruler of this sign is the Moon (our unconscious) and its symbol is the Great Mother, telegraphing an emotionally compelling combination.  Our thoughts turn to creating a warm and protective environment for those close to us.  On the 7th, Mercury and electrifying Uranus, in Taurus, combine their resources to promote a progressive message, perhaps relating to technology. The 8th Venus, Goddess of Beauty, Love and Money, moves into Gemini and our take on relationships and financial affairs lightens up and becomes more fluid.
June 9 the brilliant Sun gets entangled with nebulous Neptune and we have permission to dream and look within since we’re mired in fog.  The 10th he’s in contact with JupiterRx and this  promises to be an expansive period as long as we’re wary of being dazzled by what’s being presented to us.
June 13/14 assertive Mars in sensitive Cancer and Neptune in compassionate Pisces rendezvous and tap into our desire to contribute our energies to a humanitarian cause. However, soon after, Mars and disciplined SaturnRx in Capricorn cross paths and churn up the emotions associated with a work or relationship issue. Next week  is jam packed with activity so let’s deep breathe and find time for stillness!
June 16 is Father’s Day and begins with Mercury and Neptune meeting up, fueling our intuition and compassion.  These warm feelings are short-lived however since soon somber SaturnRx enters the scene with JupiterRx and Neptune soon to follow. JupiterRx and Neptune, both gaining gravitas by being in their home signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, frequently contribute exaggeration and deception to a situation when they clash.  What ever situation we may find ourselves in, it’s important to maintain a clear vision of what is REALLY going on since the Full Moon is at hand.
June 17 the Full Moon (culmination) is in adventurous Sagittarius, the sign  inspiring  us to search for universal awareness and to commit to an ideal.  The Symbol states “A flag bearer in a battle.:  The nobly accepted subservience of the individual to collective values and goals…In certain circumstances, every person can act as a conscious and responsible agent for mankind…”  In our relationship with others, we’re able to assure ourselves that life is meaningful.  How do we reach out to make these connections?
June 18 Mercury and Mars conjoin bringing our nurturing motivation to the forefront .  Our concern and helpfulness can be much appreciated as long as we don’t get carried away or overwhelm those we care about.  The 19th Mercury clashes with relentless PlutoRx in Capricorn and a power struggle is in the works.  We’ve been exposed to this dynamic many a time and know that withdrawal, either physically, or mentally is the name of the game.
June 21 HAPPY SUMMER SOLSTICE!  The Sun’s in Cancer and it’s the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.  It’s a time when the fertility of Nature is celebrate around the world and let’s take time to bask in the warm affection this sign shares with us.   Cancer confirms  and constructively implements the  ideas Gemini gleaned from his sojourn into new territory.  Today the Sun is heavily aspected by  Mars, SaturnRx  and PlutoRx so intensity may be in the air.   Transcendent  Neptune is simultaneously reversing his course and gives us the opportunity to turn inward and access our inner voice.  Hectic as things are, finding  refuge in silence offers us succor.
June 23 and 24 charming Venus is first confronted by JupiterRx which can be stimulating but overwhelming before  crossing paths with NeptuneRx the 24th. Because Neptune is associated illusion, when she interacts with him, we may feel disappointment due seeing through rose-colored glasses.
June 26 Mercury enters fiery, heart-centered Leo and he’s happy to leave all the dampness. The thing is, he won’t  have time to gear up his dramatic spirit since he’ll be retrograding back into Cancer July 7.  With this development,  communications may contain mixed signals for several weeks.  The 27th the Sun and Uranus  create a spark which inspires us to experiment with something new expressive of our authentic self. Embracing a sense of adventure is a good way to exit this month, preparing us for July 2 Solar Eclipse!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.

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by Mario C. Veo

This tale takes place in the most ancient of times…long before our galaxy was born…

It had been a horrendous war, the fight only lasting 40 days but the destruction had been sheer insanity… Countries fought against neighbors, race against race – it didn’t matter if you once were friends or even family, now, for this time, you were ‘the enemy’ thus deserved to be killed… and as we all believed this, then it was best if I killed you before you did me…

No one escaped the slaughter – not women or children, not animals or babies…even the seas boiled with our devastating weapons … Horrible machines that were once outlawed and thought to be dismantled, now emerged from their hidden dungeons to spew Death far too easily… and when resistance was met, then even more insidious violence was unleashed…

When we thought it could not get any worse, they brought out ‘the world wreckers’ – weapons so horrible that they would sink whole continents at once… They said it was so the war would stop… it was meant to be a show of force, so overwhelming that the enemy would surrender…so we could win…

But all it did was to anger the very Earth we lived on… and now She rebelled at our infantile idiocies…and so She took action… As continents got destroyed, so the seas surged in, erupting in a violent explosion of gasses so hot that the very land melted… The very planet shook…and shook again… a sound of deep pain, and we echoed it with our own.

All the land masses became unstable, and in a final upheaval the planet shattered… in one bright flash it released all the Life it held in each molecule that it once cherished… The blast was beyond what Creation could sustain…the very fabric of the Universe was torn aside…and life as we once knew ended…

How do I know this…? Because I am piloting one of the few crafts that was launched mere hours before it all ended… One of the ‘special survivor crafts’ built to safeguard our esteemed leaders [and their special friends]… And as we hurtled as far and fast as possible, we all saw what our folly had accomplished… everything …

… everything we once knew – loved and hated – all, all destroyed beyond redemption… Our lonely crafts sped away even as the fabric of the universe tore, and were sent tumbling into the great Unknown…the unmapped Beyond… I looked at my team, that special crew selected to keep our esteemed leaders safe… we all had horror in our eyes…

And now a well known voice spoke throughout the ship “ My fellow survivors… with deep gratitude I greet you, for once again you have proven your loyalty to our Empire.  In doing your duty, you have proven your allegiance to our Kingdom, and to me… Your devotion will not be unrewarded, and know that no matter where we land, you shall be honored first amongst the Reign… You will be given lands and servants so your wealth may come easy… this I promise you as your leader.

What happened was an unfortunate accident…our enemy was meant to capitulate, to bow down to our simple economic demands, to submit to our superiority… We never desired to destroy the planet… in fact, it is their fault for pushing us into this untenable situation… if they’d only listened, and did what we told them to do…

If he continued in his self-serving speech I could not tell you… I looked at my crew, the shock on their faces as the realization of what had happened finally sank in – not what we’d been told…It was not ‘them’ that attacked us, but we who triggered it all… guilt, shame, fear… all cursed through us…

I knew a sickness was about to take root in our souls…I could not – would not – stand aside and be idle no more

The luxury cabins had been designed with their own life-support systems, so that in an emergency they could be launched separate from the rest of the craft… They had water, air, and rations for one week – usually long enough for a rescue craft to save them… if there was one to seek them…

The eject button was within easy reach… my hand moved as if guided by the Gods… or maybe by the ghosts of those who fell … I don’t know… but I’ll not let our future be ruled by such a past …

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

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Sunday, June 2
10:15 – 11:15 am
Free Presentation

Introduction To The I Ching with Kendara Laurel. The I Ching is a wonderful form of divination, going back to Confucius, over 3000 years ago. By asking questions and throwing coins, the student connects with his/her highest self, receiving guidance and answers. Kendara Laurel has been involved in metaphysics
for over 35 years. The Friday reader at Shining Lotus, she has been a student of the I Ching for over 33 years. Come Join us for a free talk on Sunday, June 2nd at 10am and learn more about this incredible form of Divination. Because seating is limited, please call Shining Lotus to reserve yours. 303-758-9113

Sunday, June 2
2:00 – 3:00 pm
A donation bowl will be available

A Spirit Channeling with Norma Mitchell. The Source (Spirit, or maybe you call her God) talks to us, and we need a channel through which to hear these messages. Norma is just that channel. The valuable information that comes through her is lovingly supportive and profound. Please join us for a small introduction to the beautiful and spiritual messages that come directly from Spirit. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Thursday, June 6
7:00 – 9:00 pm

Introduction To Lenormand with Sue Wilhite. Have you wished for divination cards with clear and simple meanings? Lenormand decks are great for beginners looking to start in divination. They are also ideal for experienced readers who want more detailed answers.
Sue Wilhite, Master Tarot Consultant and popular teacher, will share the unique origins of the deck, and its famous namesake. You will learn some of the fun ways to use the deck that has been taking the Tarot world by storm. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Friday, June 7
7:00 – 9:00 pm

An Evening With Alana Fairchild. Meet Alana Fairchild, author of The Kuan Yin Transmission™, a new book with stunning full-color artwork, inspirational channeling and powerful healing processes to guide you into deeper conscious connection with the Universal Mother. This beautiful book unites Kuan Yin (Goddess of Compassion), Tara (Ancient Star Mother), Kali (fierce Black Madonna of India), Isis (winged Goddess of Magic and Soul Alchemy), Mother Mary (Madonna of Miracles), and more. Discover what it’s really like to live as a channel of the sacred feminine. Embrace your magnificent divine destiny. A $10 discount will be taken off your total Alana Fairchild book or card purchase during this event. What is in your heart? What are your questions about the spiritual path, about the soul and the sacred feminine, about working as a healer and a light in the world? Let’s discuss what it is to be a light in this world and find an authentic spiritual path for the benefit of all beings. A book signing will follow. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

The Hero's Journey Dream OracleSaturday, June 8
2:00 – 4:00 pm
Free Presentation

Meet Author Kelly Sullivan Walden. Author of The Hero’s Journey Dream Oracle Cards, plus many books on dreams.
Since time immemorial, the hero’s journey has been taken by wizards, goddesses, sages, and ordinary people, and whether you realize or not, you are taking it right now. You have been called from your everyday world, to quest for change, for knowledge, for peace, for strength. You may have already crossed the threshold, discovered treasure, or be on the way home, changed, empowered and ready to share your wisdom. Wherever you are in your journey, the 52 cards of this unique deck are your willing, supportive and trustworthy companions. Discover the wonder of the archetypal journey through the Fusionart of Rassouli and the clear guidance of bestselling author Kelly Sullivan Walden. Together, they have created a breathtaking portal into self-understanding with direction on how to be the courageous, inspiring and natural hero of your story. Awaken the hero within, unlock the hidden insights of your dreams, and navigate every stage of your quest, with The Hero’s Journey Dream Oracle.

Sunday, June 9
10:15 – 11:15 am
Free Presentation

Celebrate Father’s Day With Yoga Poses & Chakra Mantras with Dr. Lawrence Quell. Learn chakra mantras with yoga poses. Discover the power of energy flowing through your body. See how alignment is everything. As a bonus, experience a deep breathing technique that creates balance in your body for more power and better physical presentation for you in the world. You may bring a yoga mat or blanket for work on the floor. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Bryn BlankinshipThe Limitless SoulSunday, June 9
2:00 – 3:30 pm
Free Presentation

Meet Author Bryn Blankinship. Meet author Bryn Blankinship and hear about her new book of Hypno-Regression case studies into past, present, and future lives to help you access the soul level of your mind and resolve current life issues. You might even start to discover your personal gifts and find a deeper understanding of your place in this world. A book signing will follow. Please call 303-758-9113 to register for this free event.

Thursday, June 13
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
$1 a minute

Rejuvenating Chair Massage by Edna Garcia. We know how stressful your day-to-day life can be. Wouldn’t it be great to have a restful and calm place to go for a few minutes and get a rejuvenating massage from a certified and licensed massage therapist? Now you can take some time out from your busy life and invest in some self-care. One dollar a minute with a ten minute minimum is just the ticket. Call 303-758-9113 and reserve a time.

Sunday, June 16
10:15 – 11:15 am
A donation bowl will be available

Father’s Day Intention Project with SuEllen Shepard. The Earth level isn’t always an easy one. Sometimes we see or hear about big world problems and we are left uneasy and not knowing what we can do. It seems too big. We feel overwhelmed or helpless. This is where intention comes in! Intention is a web of energy exchange that can be channeled and focused to reconcile mind with matter and bring about positive change in our lives. Human thought and intention has been defined as an inexhaustible and tangible energy with the potential to focus our lives, heal our illnesses, clean up our communities, deal with negative forces, and hopefully improve our planet for everyone. Each month will have a different topic. Come join us for an hour of discussion and intention! Call Shining Lotus 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, June 16
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Free Presentation

SimpleTales™ Cosmic Astrology Monthly Update with C. A. Brooks. If you are thinking about your future, your past, or just your place in the physical present, you owe yourself a visit with C. A. Brooks. C. A. has been a student of astrology for more than 25 years and a professional astrologer for over 2 decades. She has studied Tarot, Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Animal Communication. Join C. A. and friends for a fun and informational look at the astrology of the month ahead, and you may even get a personal Tarot mini-reading. Don’t miss this class. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Thursday, June 20
7:00 – 9:00 pm
$5 drop-in fee

Summer Solstice Drum Circle with Melissa Force. The longest day of the year is the perfect time to celebrate the change of seasons. Come drum your Summer Solstice intentions into being with us! No drumming experience necessary, just come with an open heart and bring your positive intentions. Bring a drum if you have one. We will have a few extras for those that need a loaner. Melissa will be guiding us through a small meditation to start. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, June 23
10:15 – 11:15 am
A donation bowl will be available

Karma Is A B*tch with Mario C. Veo. Learn how to understand the lessons of Karma… and how to free yourself of any limitations. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, June 23
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Free Presentation

Meet local authors Christine Kromm Henrie & David Henrie. We are happy to have Christine and David back for another special Free Talk, as they share the essential material found in their third book based on channeled material, ‘Notes from the Second Dimension’. Notes from the Second Dimension, is a much-awaited companion series to The Spiritual Design books, where the spirits, in a simplistic and humorous way, share new fascinating thoughts and teachings, this time with Bob as the main contributor. To anyone who has ‘met’ Bob, either in a channeled séance, or in The Spiritual Design, Wave 1 & 2, can now with great joy take part of more uplifting stories, material that has not been shared in the other books. This book takes you on a unique journey where you get an even greater understanding of the spiritual dimensions and how a soul experiences Earth and its own existence.

Sunday, June 30
10:15 – 11:15 am
Free Presentation

The True Foundation Of Enlightenment with Mario C. Veo. “Seek Spirit beyond the Form…accept the loneliness of the Path… fulfill and release the bindings of Materialism…” If you understand this, then you are truly on the Spiritual Path… if not, then join us for a revealing session. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

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Please call 303-758-9113 if you have any questions about our schedule. Most of our events require a registration call to ensure your seat.

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