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August 2019
The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972
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in this issue:
Planets and Possibilities: A Look At The Astrology Of August ………. by Sally Shotwell
The Sun God As A Universal Symbol ………. by Bruce Johnson
But What If I Can’t Meditate… will I go to hell? ………. by Mario C. Veo
Events and Classes in August[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#027dc3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1551287980874{background-color: #027dc3 !important;}”][vc_column][vc_separator color=”custom” accent_color=”#027dc3″][vc_single_image image=”13747″ img_size=”medium” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_shadow_3d” title=”Feather Touch Chair Massage – Thursday Aug 11 – $1 a minute”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
by Bob Romero
Did you ever notice how good you feel when you see a rainbow? I’ve read several times that a rainbow can be a sign of an angel or of a loved one that has passed. It is considered by many to be a sign of good luck because at the end of the rainbow, is where a leprechaun’s gold is hidden. In the bible, it says that a rainbow is a sign that God will not flood the earth the again to remove all life.
If you Google ‘rainbow’ and read the definition in Wikipedia, it says that a rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicolored circular arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun. A rainbow an optical illusion caused by any water droplets viewed from a certain angle relative to a light source.
Several colors appear in a rainbow and most noticeably red, green, blue, yellow, and sometimes violet. I’ve learned in my classes that colors have different healing energies. Seeing these colors together generates a warm peaceful feeling inside. Rainbows can also appear from a glass prism or from bubbles. During my walks in the winter, I see thousands of tiny rainbows glistening in the snow when the sun is out. I bought a cut crystal sphere prism from the bookstore and hung it in the basement window that faces east. At different times during the year, depending on the different angles with the sun, I find rainbows on the wall, or on the floor, and they give me a good feeling. Once I saw that the sun was hitting the glass sphere and I found an angle where I partially closed my eyes to see the color rays coming from the prism to my eyes. It was like meditating with a candle, but the rays were in color. By moving just a bit, the color would change. At first I saw blue, then red, and then green. The blue was a beautiful dark blue, the red was a brilliant red, and the green was a magnificent emerald green. The hues of these colors were the most spectacular that I had ever seen. And then, I saw the most exquisite purple that came pouring out. I felt truly in the presence of something sacred. I realized that these colors are natural, and are from God, just like sunsets that give us great serenity.
So when you see a rainbow, whether it’s in the sky after a rainstorm, or from a glass prism, and you feel the positive energy, know that it’s from Spirit or from a loved one, letting you know that everything is all right.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.
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Planets And Possibilities – A Look At The Astrology Of August
by Sally Shotwell
We’re now in Leo Season and feeling the vitality of this sign as a New Moon (new beginnings) guides us into the month. We may feel creative energies bubbling to the surface of our consciousness since this is the sign ruled by the Sun, who himself, creates all life through sharing his light. From our personal vantage point, he represents our consciousness which right now is being directed towards heart-centeredness.
Relationship-oriented Venus and Mars (our vitality) are also basking in this fiery, inspiring and encouraging us to relax and enjoy the fun Summer has to offer. Renewing our joie de vivre after the stress of the changes brought to our lives during the recent eclipses and Mercury being retrograde may take time but things are looking up! Mercury (our thought processes) just turned direct and we start feeling fuzzy thinking wain but he’s still in watery, emotional Cancer and his shadow phase lasts until the 15th.
August 2 unpredictable Uranus in earthy, practical Taurus and charming Venus in fiery, dramatic Leo, are not in agreement re: financial and relationship issues. At this time it’s best to not destabilize our security in lieu of being free-spirited. The 4th assertive Mars and relentless PlutoRx, in serious Capricorn, cross swords in their power struggle mode. This causes a highly charged environment and our unattached attitude is needed to side-stepping any unpleasantness.
August 7 things lighten up when the Sun and expansive JupiterRx, in adventuresome Sagittarius, share their fire-oriented approach, reassuring us that there’s benevolent generosity available for us to tap into for exciting new ventures. Pleasure-loving Venus adds her support to the scenario the 8th, her graciousness in interacting with everyone. Are we taking advantage of the resources we have at hand to celebrate this time?
August 11 is packed with celestial events which should capture our attention. First, wise Jupiter, King of the Gods, turns direct after leading us on a four month inward journey, indicating it’s time for us to embrace, with enthusiasm, revelations about our belief-systems and world-view. We’re being offered a gift which will help us through uncertain times. Next, mental Mercury enters energized Leo and he’s able to tap into his playful Trickster persona. Our communication skills become dynamic and exciting – let’s just remind ourselves to give equal time to others to express themselves, too. And lastly, Uranus turns retrograde (until 1/1/20) helping us internalize valuable information we need to absorb for future use. He is known as THE GREAT AWAKENER since, both personally and globally, he releases stagnant, pent up energy which must be released in order for healthy growth to take place. He is now in Taurus, the earth sign which encompasses Nature and what we value in our world.
August 14 Venus and the Sun rendezvous and carry on a love fest and share their warmth and optimism with us, putting us in a receptive frame of mind to welcome the August 15 Full Moon (culmination) in airy, intellectual Aquarius, opposite the Sun, Venus and Mars in independent Leo. Aquarius is considered humanitarian and group-oriented but detached from the individual, while Leo is heart-centered but very individualistic. Reconciling these disparate tendencies is a challenge we face within ourselves as we interact with others in our lives. The Sabian Symbol states “A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws: The self-discipline which results from an intelligent development of individual faculties under proper training…the process of growth can be taught…for a more-than-personal purpose…” Are we finding time to experience stillness?
August 16 Mercury and Uranus, in the fixed signs of Leo and Taurus, create nervous tension surrounding communications issues and unexpected changes. The news may be even more chaotic than usual. The 17th Mars enters earthy, precise Virgo, and our thoughts become service-oriented which may help cool an over-heated environment. We may find ourselves on an organizing tangent at home or work and seeking perfection in all we do. When this isn’t achieved, we may slip into self-criticism which gets us no where. Besides being gentle with ourselves, let’s also not be hard on others. The 21st Venus joins Mars in the sign of The Virgin (not necessarily chaste but self- empowered) and the 23rd the Sun does, too. This grouping is dependable and focused on refining everything in our path, including our health regimen.
August 24 caring Venus and directed Mars conjoin in earthy Taurus and generate an atmosphere conducive to our making new interpersonal connections. At the least, financial opportunities may be fruitful. The 26th Venus and UranusRx meet up and we could become more open to free-flowing and unexpected friendships. The 28th it’s Mars’ turn to experience Uranus’ uniqueness from a cordial position (they’re both in earth signs) and their combined charge could encourage us to venture from the tried-and-true territory into new experience. Exciting as this may be, let’s remember they’re inherently volatile presences and not take unnecessary risks! The 29th Mercury joins the trend to enter Virgo and our thinking subsides to the analytical. His clear take on the innovations and free-wheeling thoughts that come out of the Sun and Uranus meeting also taking place are most welcome.
August 30 the New Moon (new beginnings) in analytical Virgo is happily associated with brilliant Uranus and we’re encouraged to plant seeds which benefit our health and service work later on.. We’re in a time requiring an inventory of our inner resources (with assistance of Rx planets) and a detachment from extraneous external diversions. The Symbol addresses the problem of being engulfed in an environment “addicted to the excitement of the merry-go-round of vital emotions.” Its Symbol is “A harem: A fateful (even if sought after) subservience to the vagaries or desires of the emotional nature.” Virgo’s influence is a good stabilizer as we pursue our goal of better self-awareness and let’s have fun along the way!
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The Sun God As A Universal Symbol
by Bruce Johnson
Encore Publication: This article was previously published in the September 2014 issue of our newsletter. We thank Bruce Johnson for allowing us to share his writings and insights into the ancient mysteries and the occult.
The term sun god has a dual meaning in the Ancient Wisdom. The first meaning describes a Solar Logos as the creator and sustaining life of a solar system. The second and more well- known definition indicates a divine incarnation of that Solar Logos in physical form, and is a keynote of numerous religions, ancient and modern.
There have been many sun gods throughout the ages. These sun gods all share surprisingly parallel life experiences. They are born at midnight of December 24th, the symbolic birthday of our sun. They are born as the sign Virgo is rising on the eastern horizon, and so are allegorically born of a virgin. Forces of evil always attempt to destroy the child sun god who survives and grows into manhood despite the efforts of despots to kill him. Sun gods are invariably crucified literally or symbolically at the spring equinox on a cross or a tree. Death of the mortal self by crucifixion is always followed by a spiritual rebirth of the divine Self. Like the physical sun, sun gods traditionally ascend into full stature spiritually at the summer solstice when the sun is at its zenith.
Virgin birth through a divine mother is a consistent theme in the life of all sun gods, and represents a deep allegorical truth. Virgin mothers of sun gods include Devaki, who was the mother of the Indian avatar Krishna. In ancient Babylon we find Istar depicted as the undefiled mother of the savior Tammaz. The chaste virgin Mayadevi gave birth to the sublime and enlightened Buddha. Egyptian theology had its own immaculate mother symbol in Isis, who brought forth Horus, the divine hawk-headed god. The Christian religion portrays Mary as the virgin mother of the world savior and sacred son of God, Jesus.
The symbolism and existence of the sun god was universal in all parts of the world in ancient times. Examples of Greek sun gods include Apollo, Hercules, and Bacchus. Persian civilizations taught of the divine solar incarnations known as Mithras and Zarathustra. Quetzalcoatl, symbolized as a winged serpent, was revered as a sun god by the Mayans of South America. Even Atlantis, where sun worship was common, had its examples of sun gods.
The book- The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors by Kersey Graves looks at examples of sun gods throughout history.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
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But, What If I Can’t Meditate… will I go to hell?
by Mario C. Veo
Okay… just to put you at peace – No, you will not ‘go to hell’ [or any other unsavory after-dinner places]…and what’s more, here’s the kicker – No, you don’t even have to meditate to gain ‘enlightenment’.
Now, that’s a controversial comment… so, before you come hounding me, let me explain.
True and proper ‘Meditation’ is what the Buddhists call ‘the Empty Mind” – that is a state of suspended consciousness where ‘no thoughts’ occur… It is a very peaceful experience, very gentle, very soothing, and you emerge having truly ‘touched peace’, and now have no desire for conflict, chaos, drama, or any other form of arrogant behavior… and so it truly is one of the Keys to an Expanded Consciousness.
Have I touched this wonderful state ?
Yes, quite a few times actually… and yes, it is all that and more… [there is a great Guru, Shiva Bali Yogi, who sometimes travels through the US who leads people through this experience – don’t miss the opportunity if you can] … but this particular approach to Meditation is not what is commonly taught.
For us ‘westerners’ we are offered a watered-down, vanilla version, where we don’t try to achieve this Empty Mind, but simply ‘let our thoughts come and go as they will’… we simply don’t pay any attention to them. Now, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing ultimately incorrect about this, but be aware that it is simply the first step, and you should really be reaching for that alluring emptiness.
Does this offer any benefit ?
Sure it does – it teaches us Detachment, and the awareness of Observation – or rather, the choice to observe or not… and this is very valuable for it helps us to not react to the chaotic drama of Life [unfortunately, it doesn’t quite get you to that pure Inner Peace… but that’s Ok, you’re still one up on most people]
More commonly we are taught ‘Guided Meditation’ which is in fact, not a meditation at all but simply an Altered State of Consciousness – actually, a Light Trance State. I wont get too picky about the fact that it really should be called ‘Guided Visualization’ – by any name it is still a valuable tool, for it focuses our mind on an image, and through this creates a Magnetic Polarity that will attract whatever we focus on.
[In fact, this very technique – of focusing on a single image or pattern – is a classical way to reach the fleeting ‘empty mind’] So, why am I talking about all this …?
Because there are many other ways – often easier – to reach this extraordinary experience we call ‘meditation’ … and we’ve all touched them – reading a well-crafted book or watching a captivating movie will easily take our focus away from our common surrounding [all you have to do is choose an uplifting subject]… watching a glorious sunset and allowing yourself to step into those magnificent colors will quickly take you out of your body – even if only for a moment… allowing your body to be transported by powerful music, and just moving, with no constraints, will turn off your thoughts and let you just be in the experience…
So you see, you have been ‘meditating’… just not the way that most classical teachers would recognize. The key is to choose the right book / movie / image / music… one that is joyful, uplifting, soothing, loving… And in the spirit of full disclosure – I have been meditating for more than 40 years, and did start with the classical Buddhist forms, was initiated into TM, studied with Sufi Masters, Yogi, Shamans, Hypnotherapists, and Transpersonal Therapists, have delved deep into Altered States of Consciousness… and I will tell you this – if in some past life you were classically initiated into Meditation, then you will find it a pure joy to wrap your legs into a pretzel, do amazing breath protocols, and roll your eyes back into your sockets … and that’s great and good – for you … but that’s not the only Path [I can hear all you purists booing…]
To the rest of you I’ll offer a simple solution – everyday, just for 5 minutes, sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes…and just relax… do nothing, just chill… [after a few days go deeper within and explore this sense of Inner Peace… You’ll be amazed at the results…]
So, no – you wont go to hell… you’ll be in your own Paradise, away from the Dogma of common thought…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore..
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Sunday, August 4
2:00 – 3:00 pm
A donation bowl will be available
A Spirit Channeling with Norma Mitchell. The Source (Spirit, or maybe you call her God) talks to us, and we need a channel through which to hear these messages. Norma is just that channel. The valuable information that comes through her is lovingly supportive and profound. Please join us for a small introduction to the beautiful and spiritual messages that come directly from Spirit. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Thursday, August 8
10:00 am – 6:00 pm
$1 a minute
Rejuvenating Chair Massage by Edna Garcia. We know how stressful your day-to-day life can be. Wouldn’t it be great to have a restful and calm place to go for a few minutes and get a rejuvenating massage from a certified and licensed massage therapist? Now you can take some time out from your busy life and invest in some self-care. One dollar a minute with a ten minute minimum is just the ticket. Call 303-758-9113 and reserve a time.
Sunday, August 11
10:15 – 11:15 am
A donation bowl will be available
The Intention Project with SuEllen Shepard. The Earth level isn’t always an easy one. Sometimes we see or hear about big world problems and we are left uneasy and not knowing what we can do. It seems too big. We feel overwhelmed or helpless. This is where intention comes in! Intention is a web of energy exchange that can be channeled and focused to reconcile mind with matter and bring about positive change in our lives. Human thought and intention has been defined as an inexhaustible and tangible energy with the potential to focus our lives, heal our illnesses, clean up our communities, deal with negative forces, and hopefully improve our planet for everyone. Each month will have a different topic. Come join us for an hour of discussion and intention! Call Shining Lotus 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, August 11
3:00 – 4:00 pm
Free Presentation
On Being A Medical Intuitive with Shane Sale. Have you ever wondered what a Medical Intuitive is? Better yet, why would you see one? Join us as a local Medical Intuitive (Shane Sale) shares with you: 1. What a Medical Intuitive/DNA Healer is. 2. How would a Medical Intuitive help me. 3. His story on how he became a Medical Intuitive. 4. Demonstration on willing participants.. plus Q and A. Shane has a dynamic and engaging style of teaching. Take advantage of this opportunity! Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, August 18
10:15 – 11:15 am
A donation bowl will be available
Introduction To Healing, And The Medical Intuitive with Mario C. Veo. Healing occurs once the chaotic Energies of the disorder are brought back to a state of balance and harmony – a Medical Intuitive is an Empath who can tune-in to the disorder and communicate with it. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, August 25
10:15 – 11:15 am
Free Presentation
Two Guided Meditations – a practical hands-on experience with Mario C. Veo. Guided meditation, deep relaxation and mind-body techniques are not passing fads, trends, or New Age nonsense. They are researched and proven approaches that have lasting benefits for radiant health, happiness and self-empowerment.Guided Meditations can transform your Life totally. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, August 25
2:00 – 3:30 pm
Free Presentation
Meet Deb Acker, author of Living Deeply. As spiritual beings, a huge part of our journey is healing and forgiveness. But, how do we do this to fully heal ourselves and our relationships to not only be able to handle anything that comes your way, but to recognize it’s for you? In today’s talk, meet the author of Living Deeply: A Transformational Journey Through Deep Pain, Loss and Abandonment to Healing, Self-Love and Miracles, Deb Acker, as she shares her journey and unique tools to healing and forgiveness, including how she healed her abandonment pattern, a pattern many practitioners said she would likely be managing her entire life, and fully forgiving and creating a loving relationship with her father, who left before she turned two. Through this, she holds the space that owning all parts of ourselves, including our emotions, is necessary for us to be seen, loved and healed, sharing the secret to a life that’s worth living—self-love, self-worth and self-connection—and that to have an authentic life, we must first be authentic with ourselves, then with the world. A book signing will follow. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Please call 303-758-9113 if you have any questions about our schedule. Most of our events require a registration call to ensure your seat.