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2553 South Colorado Blvd, Unit 104
Denver Colorado 80222



in this issue

A VIEW FROM A DIFFERENT HEAVEN  ………………………  by Mario C. Veo

THE MOON, OCCULTISM, AND ISIS   …………………….   by Bruce Johnson


PRAYERS  …………………….  by Bob Romero

IS LOVE TRULY THE KEY…?  ………………………..  by Mario C. Veo





by Mario C. Veo

Long, long ago, in a time when the ancient Gods and Goddesses ruled this planet, a group of Beings [don’t you dare called them ‘angels’] were gathered together for their daily party. Yes, in this Heaven it was party, party, party all the time… the wine was divine, the music celestial, and the people just loved being here… Well, what’s not to like…?!  It was Heaven at its best !

And in this particular day the main attraction was watching those weird little creatures they had created to populate the planet…and see what foolish things they’d get up to now… Bizarre little creepy things they were, always running around doing crazy things – loving one day, fighting another, it was a wild roller-coaster ride, even though their lives were so short…but man, were they funny! Look at them now, rallying together under some silly pretense to go out and bash each other, vilifying even the most basic courtesies, as they postured and pointed their dirty fingers at those whom they’d decreed ‘were not as good as them!’

Yes, they still thought that they were better than others, without realizing that, from the point of view of Heaven, one dirty savage is no different from another…and still they fought for supremacy, still believed that ‘Might makes right’… and for what ? to gather some measly material possessions, a title or two, some gold or such like… and then they die! What a waste of life…

Well, it was quite amusing to these non-angels… and so they thought of making things even more interesting – they took bets on what it would take to bring about ‘evolution’ to these weird little creatures… Soon two different camps were formed – the first would send down a great leader – a Being of superior intellect, one with many gifts and powers, who – supposedly – would be able to unite these warring tribes, and bring them peace… while the other group would simply create more drama, more attrition, more chaos… and we’ll see who will win … [the wager was a cask of golden nectar, much valued in these lofty realms…] And so it began – this wonderful leader was born on this little dirt ball, and even though he was a great speaker – very passionate fellow, and with good diction too – still, he just didn’t catch on… Ok, so a few people followed him as he went around telling people about stuff like love and kindness and unity… but you see, no one really cared…

Yes, some did build temples in his image, and others even wrote down his most famous words… but greed being what it is, soon many elected themselves as being ‘his Acolytes’, his duly appointed ‘chosen ones’ , who will now speak with his voice, and tell all others what to do, how to do it, and how much to pay… [after all, you didn’t think the temple ran itself, now did you…!]… Oh, yes, and they all still fought one another, killing each other in the name of His Holiness…

So, that sucked… and now it’s the others’ turn…

Well, they had it easy – they sent earthquake after earthquake, tornadoes and volcanoes ripping the land apart, torrential rains devastating the land… thousand, nay, millions of creatures died… famine was everywhere… and what do you think happened …? Crazy people created temples and worshiped these new ‘Angry Gods’, and even offered virgin sacrifices to appease them [yuk ! what a weird thing to do… but hey, what’d you expect, they’s primitives, right !] …and when that didn’t work…then they just blamed each other, and went to  war…and killed, and killed, and killed…

And so it was declared a draw – neither side won, because, after all, what can you expect from such retarded little creatures… and so these mighty non-angels in their wisdom smited these lowly creatures …[smote, smit,  oh heck, killed off the buggers… ] for they were no fun after all… Bummer, after all that works… But hey, don’t worry, the party still goes on…the wine still flows abundantly, everyone still rejoices that they were born superior… and if you wait a while, someone else will create another race of weird little Beings… and the fun will start all over again… But hey, don’t hold your breath, you know what’ll happen – they just go and kill each other again…! What did you expect them to do – be ‘enlightened’…that’s a laugh, they’s primitives, man! Here, have another drink…

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places.  From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him: /by phone — 303.525.7223
/by email —
/by website —

Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.

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by Bruce Johnson

Encore Publication: This article was first published in the November 2013 issue of our newsletter. We thank Bruce Johnson for allowing us to share his writings and insights into the ancient mysteries and the occult.

The Ancient Wisdom tells us that the moon used to be much nearer to earth than it is now, and was also larger than its now shrunken shell. Our moon is part of a previous chain of worlds connected to the earth’s evolution. The moon is far older than the earth, and contrary to the beliefs of many modern astronomers, is the mother or parent of earth, not her child.

Ages ago, Laws of planetary evolution caused the moon to transfer its’ life forces into the earth. The moon is now a dead body, occultly speaking. Its’ inner life and higher principles are gone, and a decaying corpse is all that remains. Earth’s moon will eventually disintegrate, like all physical forms.

Today’s moon is a receptacle of destructive and creative energies, and a reflector of the sun’s light. This relationship with the sun makes the moon most influential during the full moon phase of its cycle. The destructive radiations are a combination of ancient negative thought forms, and subtle particles emitted as the result of its ongoing etheric decay. Moon beams are dual, poisonous to some organisms, and beneficial to others. The creative energies are primarily the positive reflected rays of the sun. It is possible to place oneself in rapport with the forces of the bright side of the moon, and attune to its’ mirrored solar light, especially during a full moon.

Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey

Isis was the virgin mother of Egypt, and goddess of the moon. Isis is depicted in the High Priestess card of the tarot deck. This card contains many feminine symbols, including fecundity, water, and moon phases. The moon is also linked with the astral plane, which reflects the light of the sun and higher spiritual planes. The cat was sacred to Isis, and cats’ eyes were said to reflect moonlight like the moon reflected sun light. The cat goddess of Egypt was called Bastet, and was a symbol of fertility and life. This belief is similar to the popular lore of cat’s having extended, or nine lives. Sapphire was sacred to Isis and was said in ancient teachings of some cultures to offset negative energies, including lunar ones.

Alice Bailey’s book- Esoteric Astrology investigates the inner nature of our moon and solar system.

Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.

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by Sally Shotwell

The month begins with the Sun (our consciousness) and Mercury (our thought processes) passing through airy Libra, ruled by Venus.  As the Goddess of Love and Beauty, she’s committed to helping us establish harmony and balance in our personal relationships and the greater environment. In Taurus she basks in the joys of Nature and the manifested world, here she seeks fulfillment through aesthetic  interest and a commitment to fairness and Justice for all (The Scales is Libra’s symbol). Let’s use this Libran motivation as a touch stone as we encounter surprising unnerving personal and  environmental developments.   The air signs are noted to offer a detached attitude which guides us to consider our options before taking action or speaking rashly. This is important because we have a lot of emotionality with the influence of  watery Scorpio, ruled by Mars and Pluto, whose issues  deal with transformation (sex,  death and rebirth). Venus, in transit here herself, is  behaving in an uncharacteristic fashion, being passionate and demanding intimacy.  October 10 she goes retrograde and and we find ourselves in a new emotional cycle which leads us to greater self-awareness.
October 2 talkative Mercury gets in a power play with manipulative Pluto  in ambitious, earthy Capricorn, and suspicion may prevail.   Let’s avoid any of the blowback since we have Venus retrograde on the 5th to adjust to. She’s a personal planet and rules the process by which we discover what we value most in our lives. When she’s in investigative Scorpio, we’re asked to delve into the murky depths of our unconscious to identify our true desires, releasing ourselves from remnants of past conditioning. Here’s where our inner resources and treasured relationships save the day.   Are we allowing ourselves time to relax and contemplate?
October 8 is the New Moon (new beginnings)is in intelligent Libra and a seed is planted to help us find the equilibrium we require to live fully. The Sabian Symbol states “After a storm a boat landing stands in need of reconstruction: The need to keep in operation steady links between the vast Unconscious and the ego-consciousness…the tenuous link between two realms is REPAIR.”  Repair work takes time and our respecting the retrograde mantra of reviewing and revisiting  helps us as  Mercury joins Venus in Scorpio  on the 9th. He assumes the role of Master Detective and immediately gets into action on the 10th when he first interacts with  unpredictable Uranus in electrifying Aquarius.   This is followed up by a challenging exchange  between mysterious Venus and assertive Mars, in unconventional Aquarius.   The 11th another questionable combination occurs when the Sun in cordial Libra awkwardly crosses paths with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, in  somber Capricorn.  Again, let’s avoid highly charged situations  when possible, and deep breath a lot.
October 12 we find Investigative Mercury happily gathering facts from Teacher Saturn in Capricorn,  creating an environment which facilitates our planning for future ventures.   This reassuring influence continues the 15th when Mercury joins forces  with Venus, commingling the intriguing, intimate Scorpio energies they now share .  We, ourselves, deserve to communicate feelings of love and affection with our loved ones and celebrate our good fortune.
October 19 Mercury and imaginative Neptune in watery, inspirational Pisces share creative ideas, inspiring us to express our intuitive vision with sympathetic companions.  What insights have we received during our journey through this psychically active period?   Are we arranging for quiet time to receive them?  The 22nd thoughtful Mercury and  profound Pluto put their heads together to help us recognize the import of the resources we now have on hand. Our efforts are paying off and preparing us for our further revelations.
October 23 the Sun enters transformational Scorpio and shares his  powerful support with  fellow travelers, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter, who are charged with helping us deal with concealed material which is ready to surface.  He quickly finds himself in a face-off with edgy Uranus and  outrageous behavior and sudden change may be the result of this friction.  Fortunately, the 24th Mercury and Saturn get together and business and personal relationships benefit from their meeting of the minds,  suggesting the means by which we may establish long-term commitments. This prepares us for the  highly charged Full Moon (culmination) in earthy Taurus, opposite the Sun in Scorpio and aspecting Uranus, Venus and Saturn.
The Symbol for this Full Moon states “An electrical storm: The cosmic power able to transform all implications of natural existence…At certain times, this power compels the natural earth-conditioned personality to accept…the spiritual potentialities of it’s ‘higher’ celestial destiny.”  We live in this world while expanding our consciousness and can use the reality  check Taurus offers us through the boons of Nature, keeping us safe and grounded while exploring new horizons.
October 26 Venus and the Sun join forces to shed light on the buried treasure we are mining, sharing companionship and enriching social connections.  The 27th the Sun and responsible Saturn shake hands in fellowship, forging a bond founded on authority based  discipline,  reassuring us about  our current efforts.  The 29th Mercury and optimistic Jupiter further reinforce our self-confidence in branching out in expressing ourselves, encouraging us to think beyond our situation, perhaps even travel.  This corresponds to Mercury entering fiery, adventuresome Sagittarius the 30th where our thoughts go from dwelling on what’s hidden to reaching for the stars.  The Archer’s arrow is aimed at the firmament  and our world view becomes global. The 31st we need to be open to expansiveness as  Venus is on the verge of waving goodbye to Scorpio and playing hide-and-seek with renegade Uranus-they’re always unpredictable together. Happily,  by afternoon she returns to her home sign of cool, charming Libra, contributing a more detached, mellow take on interpersonal relationships. Let’s embrace this calmer attitude, nurture ourselves and have a really fun Halloween!

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.

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by Bob Romero

Praying to God is a very personal way to talk to God. Usually when we pray, we are asking for God for something. Sometimes we feel guilty because we ask for so much, and we think that maybe we don’t deserve what we want, because we’re not worthy. That’s usually because we have been taught to be humble. Yet in the bible, it says “Ask and ye shall receive”. In my esoteric classes, I have learned that because we are created in God’s image, and God wants us to be happy. So it’s okay to ask for what we want, and more, as long as it’s for good and not tied to ego. The only limits to what we can receive are the limits that we place on ourselves.

We also talk to God to thank Spirit for all of the blessings God has given us. Unfortunately it’s not often that we do this, because this gratitude spurs more blessings and more manifestation. It’s actually very easy to do this every day, because we have so much to be thankful. And the more gratitude we express, the more we receive. Some people may have hardships, or may be on the receiving end of some bad karma, and think that they don’t have anything to be grateful. As we get older though, we realize that waking up each day, is a blessing. And when we take time to look at beautiful blue sky, with the spectacular cloud formations, and the beautiful flowers and trees, or listen to music that inspires us, we appreciate the wonders that are available to us. Then to be blessed with friends and family that uplift us, we are filled with joy and gratitude. The impact of hardships and karma on us, begin to shrink.

We can also just talk to God as we would with anybody. The more we communicate with Spirit, the more Spirit communicates with us. It’s amazing how many problems are resolved just by talking to God about them. There are many informal rituals in many different faiths that invoke Spirit. One that is common, is to light a candle with a special intention. The power of the light of the flame is tremendous, and I have personally experienced the positive results of this ritual.

There are also prayers that have been taught to us or have been written by someone else. These are sometimes referred to as “rote prayers”. At first I was bothered by the definition of rote, as it means learning something by repetition usually without comprehension or understanding. However, if you examine these prayers, they are beautiful and sincere. So if you think about what the words mean, and what your intentions are, and say them as if you’re saying them for the first time, they become much more meaningful. They are like mantras. Just don’t say them in a “rote” way.

This discussion about prayer has been about talking to God in different ways. So far it’s been a one-sided conversation. As with most conversations, it’s important to listen to the other party. Listening to what Spirit has to say is called meditation.

Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.

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by Mario C. Veo

This is probably the single, most challenging question for today – is Love truly the Key… or are we just going to be used, abused, and thrown out as a wet dishrag  that is of no value… Can ‘Love’ be the solution to all the troubles, negativity, blatant lies, posturing, propaganda, and outright abuse of  basic humanity that is going on everywhere around the world…

Yes, it has become an epidemic, a corrosive, corrupting, pus-ridden wave of virulent energies, that is spreading all over, attacking all that once was held precious as basic decency… Now violence is everywhere…pick a town, any town, and there is violence perpetrated openly, and far too often excused as a ‘sign-of-the-times’ .

And what is worst is when people stand behind their Christian Righteousness to defile and belittle others… What, is this truly the teachings of the Master… or are you just hiding your prejudice behind this puerile excuse… Do you really think that you can fool Spirit with all this … or that you will not be held accountable in the Afterlife…? Yes indeed, it is a dark time – when all seems lost, and even our leaders fail us… for we forget that they are simply human, too easily giving in to the contamination that is all around.

It is foolish to think that each of us is ‘powerless’, that as single individuals we don’t really matter, that just one thought, one word, one action will not make a difference… because if that is truly what you believe, then I have news for you – you’ve caught the bug… you’ve been contaminated, and it’s eating away at the Light that is within you… So what can any of us do …?

Forget violence… forget forgiveness … forget ‘neutrality’ …

No, it is time to stand up and hold people accountable, to make everyone understand that ‘Actions have consequences’… and while many will shout that ‘rank has its privilege’, then simply reply ‘to those that much is given much is expected’, and hold them accountable to a high standards… and if they cannot / will not, then they should not lead…for they are an offense to their position. And do not be fooled by platitudes, negative campaigns, and by those that pander to prejudice, to chaos, drama, and agitation… for this IS the time of revelation, where “By their own actions they will make known their heart…”  or not…

So – is ‘Love’ the answer …? I truly don’t know…

I know that human decency, respect, equality, and even justice are at risk… I know that violence only begets violence, so that is NOT the answer… and I know that we are at one of the most important crossroads of our human evolution… so, what can we do … I give you this – Look first within you, at your thoughts, your words, your actions… and ask yourself  – “What am I creating by doing this… What consequences am I triggering… and how will I be held accountable, in this or my next Life…” and if you remain centered, unmoved by all this rot, and live as a decent human being, then Change is possible, and we can get back to those great spiritual principles that founded this nation… and remember that Gandhi brought down the mighty power of the British Empire …through a peaceful revolution… [but man, was that little guy focused !!!]

And if you still need more support, this month’s classes are dedicated to Love, and Light, and Intuition…and releasing all that has been feeding off our radiance… after all, we are worth a lot more than the muck that’s been thrown around…

Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa, and has been on multiple spiritual pilgrimages to India and other sacred places.  From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to study with great Teachers and Masters from around the world. He is a dedicated Spiritual Practitioner and Counselor, a Healer and Shaman Initiate, a senior T’ai Chi / Chi Gong instructor, a Feng Shui Master… Mario is in private practice in Denver, and teaches and guides Spiritual Seekers on the path of Self-Empowerment and Transformation.
You can reach him: /by phone — 303.525.7223
/by email —
/by website —

Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore in Denver.

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Sunday, October 7
2:00 – 3:00 pm
A love donation bowl will be available

A Spirit Channeling with Norma Mitchell. The Source (Spirit, or maybe you call her God) talks to us, and we need a channel through which to hear these messages. Norma is just that channel. The valuable information that comes through her is lovingly supportive and profound. Please join us for a small introduction to the beautiful and spiritual messages that come directly from Spirit. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, October 14
10:15 – 11:15 am
$10 fee

Let Go Of The Past… And Succeed – $10 Workshop with Mario C. Veo. Every pain and trauma cuts into our Identity until we no longer know who we are…and live as a poor shadow of our true potential, lost in a sea of turmoil, limited by an unfair, negative past. Join us for the greatest revelation on how to reclaim a joyful Life. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, October 14
2:00 – 3:00 pm
A love donation bowl will be available

The Intention Project with SuEllen Shepard. The Earth level isn’t always an easy one. Sometimes we see or hear about big world problems and we are left uneasy and not knowing what we can do. It seems too big. We feel overwhelmed or helpless. This is where intention comes in! Intention is a web of energy exchange that can be channeled and focused to reconcile mind with matter and bring about positive change in our lives. Human thought and intention has been defined as an inexhaustible and tangible energy with the potential to focus our lives, heal our illnesses, clean up our communities, deal with negative forces, and hopefully improve our planet for everyone. Each month will have a different topic. Come join us for an hour of discussion and intention! Call Shining Lotus 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, October 21
10:15 – 11:15 am

Mantras for your Chakras with Dr. Larry Quell.  You don’t have to hit the yoga studio to work on balancing your chakras when you know the secrets. Dr. Quell will share his knowledge of Mantras that can help keep your body, mind and soul in balance. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, October 21
2:00 – 3:00 pm

SimpleTales™ Cosmic Astrology Monthly Update with C. A. Brooks. If you are thinking about your future, your past, or just your place in the physical present, you owe yourself a visit with C. A. Brooks. C. A. has been a student of astrology for more than 25 years and a professional astrologer for over 2 decades. She has studied Tarot, Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Animal Communication. Join C. A. and friends for a fun and informational look at the astrology of the month ahead, and you may even get a personal Tarot mini-reading. Don’t miss this class. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, October 28
10:15 – 11:15 am

Karma, and Healing Your Past Lives with Mario C. Veo. “Change is inevitable…Growth is optional” Until we learn how to embrace and release our Karmas, no true change can take place – and we remain stuck, repeating the same old patterns, over and over again… Is this what you really want…!? Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Sunday, October 28
2:00 – 3:00 pm

Shamanism for Newcomers with Iskōn Rawa. What is Shamanism? Who are Shamans? And why has this field of practice suddenly captured the interest of seekers all over the world who are in search of answers? More now than in recent history, people are reconnecting and reshaping traditions and ways of ife that are connecting us into our ancient past and helping us repair our collective future. Many of us feel an innate yearning to listen to a deeper part of our souls. Shamanism can serve as a bridge in that transformation and has dynamically for its many seekers, practitioners and medicine people. Join us for a personal and informal introduction to Shamanism. We will explore a short history of Shamanism, identify the ways Shamans practice and discuss the many different modalities of Shamanism. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

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Please call 303-758-9113 if you have any questions about our schedule. Most of our events require a registration call to ensure your seat.
