The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972Shining Lotus logo

JULY 2017

in the University Hills West Shopping Center at
2553 South Colorado Blvd Unit 104
Denver Colorado 80222



in this issue


THE VIEW FROM THE WINDOW… a tale of unfair proportions  …………… by MARIO C. VEO












by Bruce Johnson

Encore Publication: This article was first published in the July 2012 issue of our newsletter. We thank Bruce Johnson for allowing us to share his writings and insights into the ancient mysteries and the occult.

The same power Jesus used to raise the dead was used in a lesser way by the ancients to magnetize religious gems and stone idols. The Chaldean, Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish priesthoods all communed with their gods through vitalized statues called teraphim. The willed direction of occult forces resulted in carved figures that could be imbued with life, intelligence, the ability to speak, and even mobility.

Teraphim varied from miniature, through human- sized and larger. Each god had his instrument of revelation to speak through. The life-size statue of Serapis in the Egyptian temples, the Chaldean  idol of the moon, and the stone oracles of Jehovah, all facilitated communication from divine beings to humans. Teraphim could be oracles for angels or demons depending on the goodness or evil of their fashioners.  It is well documented in history that Pope Sylvester the 2nd was the owner of an “oracular head”.

Positive teraphim were used as holy instruments of divine revelation, prophecy, divination, and judgment in ancient priesthoods. Astrological positions of the signs and planets were important factors in the creation of teraphim. Teraphim sympathetic to different planets made it possible for the angel or intelligence of that planet to converse through its respective oracle.

The original breastplate of Aaron emitted a visible light that not only indicated God’s presence, but was an oracle of victory in battle, and a communicator of divine judgment. Questions would be answered and verdicts rendered by the increase or decrease of light emanating from the breastplate. The High Priest had other breastplates he wore on special religious occasions. One of these contained a single white stone called the “Stone of Judgment”, which was worn over the heart. This stone varied in brightness and turned colors to silently voice God’s will toward the individual being judged.

The Urim and Thummin also radiated a perceivable light, and were used in combination as instruments of divination by the High Priest. They could also change in brightness, and were said to utter oracles with a physical voice at times. The Secret Doctrine 3 further explores teraphim.

The positive crystal skulls linked to the Atlantean’s and Mayans are modern day oracles to some seekers. The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls by Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas, reviews these crystal teraphim.

Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.

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SATURDAY, JULY 29 from 10 am to 6 pm.

In her psychic/intuitive readings Vicki uses the unique, ancient Chinese divination system called I Ching along with Tarot as effective tools to provide direct answers and information relating to all types of relationships, finances, career, health, grief and loss, and much more.
With her special gifts, Vicki Rose has been assisting people with quick solutions to difficult problems and insights into life challenges for over 40 years.
$72 – 30 min.  ~~  $90 – 45 min.  ~~  $117 – 60 min.

Call 505-410-5550 to schedule an appointment


a tale of unfair proportions
by Mario C. Veo

There is a small town, way over the mountains, where everyone is healthy, happy, and very, very  prosperous… in fact they lack for nothing… Well, all except one that is.

This is the story of Eve, the young girl who lives in a room on top of the tallest building in town.  From here she can see everywhere, all over town  –  she knows where the milk-man goes in his rounds, where the boys go to play their games, and when the market opens, and even who has the best produce.

Every day she sits by her window and looks out, and every day she follows, yearning to be out there, playing and greeting everyone she knows so well, but has never spoken to.

Alas, she cannot, for her window is nailed shut, and must never, never be open… or bad things will happen to her.

Why…? Because it is for the best – truly, for her own safety… you see, when she was very young, just a baby really, Eve got sick, so very, very sick, and she didn’t get any better, until they put her in this room…

“This magical room healed you”  or so they said with great conviction; and even though Eve was the only surviving child of the wealthiest people in town, her family now long gone, and only her guardians remained.

“It really is for the best” they said in unison,  “We’re doing this for you, to keep you safe, and healthy” they all agreed.

“But I want to go out and play, and be with my friends” Eve said, tentatively.

“Well, your friends don’t want to be with you” the eldest crone said, cackling all the while.

“If they were really your friends they would have been here already, wouldn’t they now ?”  said the other equally old crone  “You must listen to us; we are your guardians after all, and we know better than you”

“Yes, you must trust us… do you think it is easy for us to look after you after your parents died ? You are not of our blood, but still, we do our duty, and none can ask for more… you have your dolls and toys, what more do you need ?  Don’t be such an ungrateful child now”

And so they left, locking the door behind them, with only the maid to bring her daily food… until one day her old maid was gone, and a new, younger one took her place  –  and this one was different, a little stronger in character, a little too independent of thought, many would have said.

And after taking a good look at Eve, and her meager surroundings … well, she just turned around and left, without even uttering a word !! the wretched servant …but… she did not lock the door behind her… in fact, there it stands wide open, tempting one and all to go out and  meet the great, wide world outside.

Oh, there is Eve now, softly stepping to the door… and gently closing it shut… as she once again returns to her window, and resumes looking out to the world she’s grown so accustomed to… after all, she is not an ungrateful child… and they are her elders, and said they know better …

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

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by Sally Shotwell

This month begins with our attention directed to the highly charged Fourth of July weekend and the probability that we interact with others, hopefully in a pleasurable way. The Sun (our consciousness), Mars (our vitality), and Mercury (our thought processes) are in watery, sensitive Cancer and we may feel slightly overwhelmed and inclined to seek the company of close friends and family who offer us a supportive haven. Cancer’s symbol is the Crab who creates a shell to cover his soft, vulnerable body to protect himself from environmental threats. This image is somewhat misleading since this is the cardinal, assertive water sign and driven to protect and nurture those in need. The Great Mother, creator of us all, is its archetype and the Moon is its ruler, whose cycles control the tides and our unconscious, emotional life. This seems intimidating but let’s turn our focus to the relationship a devoted mother establishes as she nurtures her dependent infant, bonding the two together in heart-based love. This ideal is seldom truly realized but this is the nurturance we hope to achieve with those we care about.
Are we making ourselves available to our loved ones?
Are we extending kindness to ourself?
As we wend our way through the month, we should make our goal  to participate in cordial interaction and if things get tense, head for the hills. June 2, Mars and relentless Pluto in serious Capricorn challenge each other in a power struggle and July 4, erratic Uranus in fiery Aries annoys Mercury. Fortunately, charming Venus enters airy, witty Gemini shares her refreshing breeze, cooling off heated egos and this sets the stage nicely for the gifts July 5th brings.
First, the Sun and dreamy Neptune in watery, ethereal Pisces work together to help us tune into our spiritual/emotional intelligence, broadening our understanding of ourselves and others. Then, Mercury is renewed(as are our thoughts) when he slips into ebullient, fiery Leo and directs our attention to taking advantage of the fun Summer activities awaiting us.
Are we giving ourselves permission to play or even just hang out?
July 8 the Full Moon(culmination) is in responsible Capricorn, bent on tangibly contributing security to society as a whole. This is in contrast to the Cancer Sun’s focus creating a safe environment for our immediate community. Since the emphasis with both is to serve others there is much common ground. There are several other planets impacting this Moon so it is quite charged. The Sabian Symbol states: “The Union Jack flag flies from a British warship: The protection offered to individuals and groups by powerful institutions in charge of bringing order.” Both these signs look to the past to learn what has worked and what we should not repeat. Where great power is exerted, great care must be given to prevent its abuse and we need to be aware of what is taking place both personally and politically. July 9, the Sun and Pluto clash and could create unwelcome news. Our detachment will continue to greatly assist us during the tumult!
July 17, lovely Venus and Neptune do not see eye to eye, leading us to check out how realistic our relationship expectations may be. This can have a happy outcome and save us from unpleasantness as Mars and Uranus act out and force us to pay attention to our situation. July 18, things calm down with Venus joining benevolent Jupiter in harmony-oriented Libra, introducing a sense of renewal and optimism which perks us up. July 19, Mercury and Saturn put their heads together and share imaginative thoughts and practical strategies for us,
planting the seed to help us get our show on the road.
July 20, Mars enters Leo and feels rejuvenated and able to exude his fiery warmth again. The Sun and Uranus are not happy with each other but we can direct our attention to July 22 when the Sun returns to his Leo home. He’s emitting largesse and enthusiasm and sharing his vitality with us as we prepare for the New Moon in Leo July 23. This New Moon(new beginnings) concentrates on releasing material which has not been available to our consciousness before. This is a big deal as the Symbol says: “Blood rushes to a man’s head as his vital energies are mobilized under the spur of ambition: An irruption of bio-psychic energies into the ego-controlled field of consciousness.” This suggests a breakthrough in our personal growth but let’s make sure we moderate our responses and make sure we drink a lot of water and remain low key.
July 25, Mercury moves into earthy, practical Virgo, the home sign in which he becomes a bastion of organization. He lends us a sense of calm which comes in handy as July 26 the Sun and Mars put their heads together prodding us to employ our courage and implement our vision to share this vision to help others. July 30 Venus connects with electric Uranus reinforcing the theme that we should expand our expectations and venture forth into new, uncharted territory.
What do we yearn to communicate to others?
July 31, the month wraps up with Venus exiting Gemini for the comfy, watery embrace of Cancer and she’s on to something. Water can be soothing and therapeutic as well as cleansing and respite from our hectic pace. She’s presenting us with nourishing niche in which to rest and ponder our recent adventures. We’re certainly on a fast learning curve and holding our own!
Blessings and Love

Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.

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by Mario C. Veo

Much has been written about Manifestation – from the Law of Attraction to powerful rituals, to visualization and Will Power … yet we still struggle to achieve our highest potential!

We very clear about this: ‘We struggle to achieve that which is rightfully ours … !’

Why … ?

Because none of these valuable techniques are complete – they all leave out certain essential components to proper [and safe] Manifestation.

We all know the statistics – the great majority of people who win the lottery end up in a worse financial situation within two years … and most of them are not even actively practicing manifestation techniques, so imagine how much damage someone could create for himself if he was using any of the popular systems!

So, why do people end up so poor after winning millions in a lottery?

Because deep inside of them, in their very core, in their highest Truth of Truth … they are just not ready for the personal transformation this would require – essentially, they are simply not capable of being rich!

Sounds harsh ?! Well yes, of course it is, but it is self-induced … and so they can change it [if they know how].

In this in-depth workshop we are going to explore many effective techniques of safe Manifestation , how Energy is created and shaped to achieve the desired outcome, how to heal the part of us which is not yet ready for this, and even how to clear any Negative Energies projected at us which may be blocking this.

We meet on Saturday mornings, from 11 to 12.30, for 8 weeks starting on July 8th.
Registration is through the Shining Lotus [303.758.9113] but is being held at Path to Spirit, 4155 East Jewell Ave, Suite 1102 Denver 80222
Costs – $ 25 per session / $ 90 pre-paid for 4 sessions / $ 180 pre-paid for the whole course
Space is limited so pre-registration is strongly advised.

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with Shane Sale

Wednesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26, 2017.     7:00 – 9:00 pm.     $25 ea. class, or $90 prepaid.

This class was created to help people who have thought they don’t have intuition, “I don’t trust my intuition” or my favorite: “My intuition is always wrong.” If you or someone you know has felt this way…this class is for you. Shane’s energetic and passionate teaching style guides you through this 4 week 2 hours a night course. Each week we will explore where you are with your relationship with your intuition. By the end of the course you will be able to listen, trust and follow your intuition more effectively. Please Call 303-758-9113 to register and pre-pay.

Shane Sale is a psychic/medium and medical intuitive, trained in massage therapy. He incorporates years of trainings and knowledge into his sessions and teachings. His passion is to be of service to others by helping them heal.

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Sunday, July 9, 2017.    2:00 – 3:30 pm.    FREE PRESENTATION.

A Colorado artist discovered her muse in a painting where Tula emerged unintended, unannounced and unexpectedly captivating. Two years later, Tula’s truths and her muse’s voice continue to infuse a body of work by Dianna Cates Dunn that offers each of us a shared view of Tula’s joyful, riotously colorful and deeply insightful world. A book you’ll want to own and enjoy over and over again for a lifetime. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

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Saturday, July 15, 2017.    2:00 – 3:30 pm.    FREE PRESENTATION.

In the summer of 2014, it dawned on us, Kathy and Kamryn Clarke (mother and daughter) to combine our gifts and talents to create a book. In the early stages of the process, we received a call from international best-selling author Tom Youngholm who was interested in a collaborative project. The result is an enchanting photographic coffee table book that offers a blend of beauty, nature, rock balancing, and inspiration that will delight your eyes as it stirs your heart and soul. Kathy shares her photographic talents and rock balancing skills, and the images are complemented by inspirational words from Kamryn and thought-provoking quotes from the works of Mr. Youngholm.

Kathy Clarke is a semi-retired barber who is currently pursuing her lifelong passion for photography. She also began practicing another of her interests: stacking rocks. For years, between running her barber shop and growing her primary business, Lady Kate’s Photography, Kathy has been honing her rock-balancing craft. Further, she teaches the skill to groups and individuals through demonstrations and workshops.

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with C. A. Brooks

Sunday, July 16, 2017.   2:00 – 3:00pm.    FREE PRESENTATION.

If you are thinking about your future, your past, or just your place in the physical present, you owe yourself a visit with C. A. Brooks. C. A. has been a student of astrology for more than 25 years and a professional astrologer for over 2 decades. She has studied Tarot, Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Animal Communication. Join C. A. and friends for a fun and informational look at the astrology of the month ahead, and you may even get a personal Tarot mini-reading. Don’t miss this class. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

C. A. Brooks has been a student of astrology for 25 years and a professional Astrologer for more than two decades. Her astrological experience was started by a series of classes from Colorado’s leading astrology expert, Gayle Bachicha in the 1980′s at the Metaphysical Bookstore. In addition to astrology, her training includes Instinctive Feng Shui, Space and Clutter Clearing, Voyager Tarot, and Animal Communications, working closely with animal communicator, Joan Ranquet.

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Sunday, July 23, 2017.   2:00 – 3:30 pm.    FREE PRESENTATION.

Join Bess Adams, author of Sacred Lines, A Personal Journey From Darkness To Light, in this candid discussion about bipolar disorder. This illness is a physical disease that affects the brain. People with bipolar disorder go through extreme mood swings accompanied by changes in sleep patterns, energy levels, and the ability to think clearly. Bipolar symptoms are so intense they can damage relationships and make it difficult to deal with daily life and attend school or keep a job.
Using the messages in Sacred Lines, Bess will help participants discover how spirituality can bring comfort, hope, perspective, and self-worth, which leads to a greater ability to cope with the effects of this illness.

Bess Adams is a registered nurse who has worked in traditional and holistic medicine since 1978. She has lived with bipolar disorder for 30 years and is passionate about sharing the story of her journey and what she has learned about surviving and thriving despite this disease.

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with Mario C. Veo

Sunday, July 30, 2017.   10:15 – 11:15 am.    FREE PRESENTATION.

The Lines in your Palm hold may secrets – the Path your Soul has chosen for you in this Life, as well as your strengths and abilities, so you may deal with your challenges correctly. They show your Karmas and offer you insight on your Destiny, and how to be successful both in Love and Career… the Lines are your road map to a rich and rewarding Life [if you so choose] Join us in this introductory workshop as we explore the wisdom that is Palmistry. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

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An Advanced Palmistry Course
with Mario C. Veo

Tuesdays, August 8, 15, 22, 29  —  6:30 – 8:00pm  —  $25 each class, or $90 for all prepaid.

Palmistry is a fascinating and unique study –  it is both an Art and a Science  –  a science for it is a ‘language’  which any one call learn … and an art which expands your creativity, and helps you balance and manifest your Life as you best wish it to be. Basically Palmistry is a messages from your Soul written as the lines in your hand, guiding you towards happiness and fulfillment … and also shows you whether you are still ‘on-track’ or have deviated from your Destiny. It clearly shows you your Karmas, challenges and obstacles … not to limit you, but to help you resolve them.

Palmistry offers you great insight into your Gifts and Abilities, and how they have become affected  –  positively or negatively  –  by your Thought and Actions … and what you can do about it all.

Palmistry is one of the most powerful tools we can develop to help us shape our Life, to help us not only grow, but flourish and be truly happy.

We are starting an in-depth study program which will cover both beginners and advanced teachings  –  so no prior experience is necessary. We will meet on Tuesday evenings, from 6.30 to 8.00 pm, starting August 8th. Class size is very limited so registration is strongly advised. For registration please phone the Shining Lotus at 303-758-9113

Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and the last Sunday of the month at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.

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