The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972
2178 South Colorado Blvd, Denver Colorado 80222
in this issue
LET’S GET STONED! with Meghan Taft
by Mario C. Veo
So, do you want the ‘good news’ first or the bad ones…? (they are really just sides of the same coin). OK, here it is – “Stuff happens, and things are going to change… whether you participate or not!”
How is this ‘good news’? Well, IF you have enough fortitude, then you can join this grange and direct it to manifesting your Dreams and Desires… and the bad news… well, it doesn’t get done unless YOU do it! Does this sound too simplistic for you? Then consider the implications – Life is about Movement, about Action, about achieving Growth… but all of it is useless and empty unless they bring you Joy, Fulfillment, Greater Rewards… and the downside is that if you are just coasting along, meekly accepting your vanilla life, caught and fascinated by the minutia of Life… then that is what you deserve!
Too harsh for you…? OK, then consider this; how many Incarnations do you have to waste until you wake up and realize that you are worth a lot more than what your life is bringing you… how many times do you have to lower your expectations just so you would not lose your precious ‘security blanket’. How often have you accepted less than you’ve desired because after all, such Is Life…?
To all this I say Hogwash… Drivel… Pure Unadulterated Cow-Patty in a Milkshake… (yes, I know, I’m being very polite in choosing my words).
Do you not know that ALL-absolutely EVERYTHING – is available to you, and the ONLY reason you are not getting it is that (a) you don’t believe you can… or (b) someone told you that you don’t deserve it (got religion you sinner?)… or even, God help you, you forgot that the True One Creator is a Loving Being whose only wish is to Create – abundantly… oh, and yes, did you forget that all of this was for YOU…!
So, here’s the Law; you can only be as Happy as you believe you deserve to be… (nope, this is not just for ‘good guys’, or for those that have been ‘Initiated in one of those Righteous Secret Societies’… nor do you need to know the secret hand-shake, or have accomplished 12 Herculean Labors… and, interestingly enough, you most certainly DO NOT need to have achieved a ‘special level of Purity’ (hey, that will take care of a few zealots…).
Life is shaped by your Beliefs… about yourself, and the Society you’ve chosen to live in.
So then, here’s my Question – What is you Will… what do you Choose… and Why… (or not)? Remember, as you take your final breath in this Incarnation, it really doesn’t look too good if you blame others for your plain vanilla existence… it’s just soooo yesterday!)
I am dedicating this month’s classes to the Self and its discovery, to unveiling our Gifts, Powers and Abilities… and equally on clearing and releasing the Unwanted. I invite all of you who are curious or ready for this Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment to join us… all others… well, just sit back and enjoy your ice-cream – after all it IS the most favored flavor…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesday afternoons at the Shining Lotus Bookstore.
by Bruce Johnson
The form of scrying called mirror gazing is an ancient divination technique that has been used to prophesy the future, warn of impending danger, divine answers to questions, be aware of people and activities at a distance from one’s self, and to assist in the development of clairvoyance and third eye awakening. Folklore related to magical mirrors is widespread throughout the world. Alice in Wonderland and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, are some well-known stories that highlight mystical mirrors.
The Roman god Vulcan possessed a fabulous mirror in which he could see all things. The story of the Arabian Nights refers to the all-seeing mirror of Al-Asan. Nostradamus looked into a bowl of water on a brass tripod to foresee the future. Greek seers employed polished bronze or silver discs as mirrors, as well as utilizing wells and pools for water divination. Bowls of ink, along with shiny plates and bowls of bronze, silver, and gold, were some of the divination mirrors popular with the ancient Persians and Egyptians. The Aztecs used polished obsidian for mirrors, while the early Hebrew tribes preferred silver cups filled with water. The great European mystic and adept alchemist Roger Bacon pioneered in the study of optics and optical glass, and prophesied the future at times using special gazing mirrors. He was well known for owning a magic looking glass that enabled him to see anything he wished to see within a fifty mile radius.
Mirror gazing is only one of the many forms of scrying, which is the art of seeing images and symbols by viewing shiny or reflective objects and surfaces. Crystal gazing using clear, frosted, and black spheres of glass or crystal is the most familiar form of scrying in America.
Mirror divination as a tool for development is not for everyone. Like the development of any other spiritual faculty, it requires right effort and a balanced approach by the individual, and negative karma will result if mirror gazing is used thoughtlessly, or used to harm. Purity of body, mind, aura, and motives are important to good results. In ancient times, children were often appointed to describe the scenes in the mirror due to their honesty and innocence. Scrying is simply a spiritual gift that some people with that ability can develop like any of the diverse spiritual gifts Paul mentions in 1st Corinthians chapter 12.
The book – Crystal Gazing by Theodore Besterman, is an A-List book on scrying.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
LET’S GET STONED…or the art of being distracted by shiny things
with Meghan Taft
October 8, 2014. 7 – 9 pm. $5.
Hey Everyone! I hope you’re getting excited because I have picked the next three stones for the upcoming meetup, and these are really fun! The stones are Opal, a beautiful stone sometimes with iridescent inclusions, and sometimes opaque that can vary in color. Tourmalline, a translucent and brightly colored stone that forms in a variety of colors. And Petalite, a translucent to clear stone, that also forms in pink, gray, red-white, and green-white. These are some of my favorite stones to work with and their energies are so much fun to explore! Don’t forget to bring your pieces if you have any, otherwise bring yourself, so come on out to Shining Lotus on Wednesday and Let’s Get Stoned!
LET’S GET STONED…or ‘The Art of Being Distracted by Shiny Things’, is a guide for working with gemstones to help you balance your life. Doing so helps you heal yourself, manifest positive changes, and develop your psychic abilities. There are many gemstones to work with, and many different things they can do for you! We will go over the basic of the basics about gemstiones and how you can woek with them. Also, if you have any stones that you can’t identify, bring them with you and I can help you to learn how to identify your stones! We are going to have a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing you there, so come on and Let’s Get Stoned!
Meghan Taft has been studying geology and working with gemstones for 14 years. She works with gemstones by setting up grids in houses and businesses and does gemstone readings.
Please contact Meghan Taft at 303-789-0646 and ask for ext 47 to sign up for the group, admission is $5, we will go over a different set of stones each month and you will be emailed the updated info for each group.
by Sally Shotwell
The Sun (our consciousness) is in harmony-seeking Libra as the month begins. An influential event quickly follows as mental Mercury turns retrograde (backward) in intense Scorpio on October 4 to subsequently move to Libra on October 11. Before it turns direct on October 26, we are reminded that we should use this period to reflect upon recent decisions and review transactions to guarantee their accuracy. This scrutiny should also be employed when dealing with close, personal interactions. We’re all aware that our environment is shifting around us and taking the time to be informed of our immediate circumstances will prepare us for unexpected future developments.
These may be delivered to us via the two eclipses the month presents us with. The first takes place on October 8 and is a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Aries. This lunar aspect deals with inner, emotional issues but Aries is a fire sign which is uncomfortable internalizing things. Uranus, which is the unexpected, is involved, too, so will consciously need to remain centered. The Sabian Symbol offers a message to take to heart. “Nature spirits are seen at work in the light of sunset; attunement to the potency of invisible forces of nature”, suggests we become open to Nature’s magical attributes. Fall is a dynamic time to expose ourselves to these healing properties and relax into stillness.
Where do we most enjoy experiencing nature?
Where would be the best location from which to watch a sunset?
The Sun moves into profound Scorpio on October 23 joining Venus (relationships) and a New Moon solar eclipse. This Scorpio solar eclipse emphasizes external changes in our circumstances and having these three aspects clustered together will get our attention. This need not be negative. In fact, we could be happily surprised. Because eclipse cycles revisit the same position every 19 years it would serve us well to reflect back on what was happening in October of 1995.
The Sabian message describes “A crowded sightseeing bus on a busy street; the fundamental human eagerness to expand one’s social horizon and experience the results of collective achievements and new ways of life.” One of Scorpio’s key words is Transformation which requires resources to bring about change and growth. Fortunately we will be aided venturing forth from hesitation to exploration by the presence of active Mars in adventurous Sagittarius cooperating with expansive Jupiter in fun loving Leo. Many of us have a hard time playing and our health suffers because of it. We’re being given the opportunity to bathe in the warmth of these proactive forces and it would serve us well to succumb to their charm.
What activity have we always wanted to do but put off?
Where have we always wanted to go?
Mars moves into responsible Capricorn October 26 so we’ll be ready to celebrate Halloween on Friday, October 31 in a fun but not over the top fashion.
Happy Halloween!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a super-natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.