The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972
2178 South Colorado Blvd, Denver Colorado 80222
in this issue
HEY YOU…! YES, YOU… by Mario C. Veo
LET’S GET STONED by Meghan Taft
Sunday, August 24, 2014 —- 2 – 3:30 pm —- FREE PRESENTATION.
The last time Radleigh visited us to present his Angel Tarot deck, we had to rent a bigger space to hold the 125 people who showed up for his event. It was a huge success and we are very grateful to Radleigh for blessing us with another visit. This time he will be introducing the Guardian Angel Tarot and The Big Book of Angel Tarot, both co-authored with his BFF, Doreen Virtue. If you plan to attend this event, please call us at 303-758-9113 to reserve your seat. Thanks!
With the Guardian Angel Tarot, Radleigh and Doreen have enjoyed such success with the Angel Tarot and Archangel Power Tarot, and have come forward with another comforting way to get precise and clear answers for you and others.
The Big Book of Angel Tarot: The Essential Guide to Symbols, Spreads, and Accurate Readings. In this book, Doreen and Radleigh take you card by card through the journey of The Dreamer in the Major Arcana, describing in detail all the magical symbolism found throughout tarot. You will understand the importance of each suit of the Minor Arcana and its relevance to your daily life, as well as develop a firm grasp of the court cards by getting to know each one as though they are real people.
P.S. I don’t think Doreen will be with him this time. 🙂
Many Blessings,
The Shining Lotus staff
by Mario C. Veo
Do you know what one of my most frustrating things is…?
When people see themselves only in a Lesser Mode.
Let me explain – when a client comes to me for counseling or a Reading, the first thing I do is look at their Radiance (basically I look for all that is great, beautiful or wonderful about them). Then as they tell me their story, I realize that ‘they don’t really know who they are!’.
Sure, they think they do, but not really…I mean, who truly defines themselves as ‘an accountant’? Don’t get me wrong: we need accountants, we welcome accountants… many beautiful people are accountants…but this does NOT, and should NOT be, how they see themselves!
So, I say again, most people do not ‘see’ their Beauty, Wisdom, Creativity, Exceptional Goodness…all they do is to remain focused on the stupid little things that have happened to them – and cloak themselves in this Lower Image (now, if this isn’t one of the best tricks that the Dark Brotherhood has ever played on Humanity!)
Now here we sit, the client and I, while I do my darnedest to get them to see what I see: a radiant, beautiful, unique Being, full of unexpressed potential…and painful Opportunities…and what do you think I get back…? Things like: “Who would want me?…after two divorces, and a bad relationship, I am just a screw-up…nothing I do ever turns out right!…I just can’t trust myself…I should just be alone…!”
Upsetting, right?
Here’s the thing – it is BECAUSE you’ve had such challenging experiences, that you are wiser…more perceptive…can make better choices…so – believe in yourself…embrace your experiences and BLOSSOM in the beauty and gifts that you are! (and if it’s any consolation, when I would frequently bitch at my Teacher that my Life was hard, she would just smile and sweetly say, “The best students get given the hardest lessons…because they can!”. Now ain’t that just saccharin peachy?…and just plain frustrating!!
So, I am dedicating this month to unveiling your True Self. Not as some high muckety-muck, New Age glorified, ‘Perfect-as-you-are’ Being, just the beautiful, radiant self that you are! If you are curious, then look at our classes…and choose what you would rather be!
Tuesday, August 12, 2014. 7 – 8:30 pm. $20.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014. 7 – 8:30 pm. $20.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014. 7 – 8:30 pm. $20.
Mario C. Veo was born in Italy and grew up in Africa. From an early age his love for Spirituality and Metaphysics led him to explore a wide range of disciplines. He has studied with Sufis, Shamans and Spiritual Masters from around the world. Mario is a senior T’ai Chi and Chi Gong instructor, a Spiritual Counselor, Shaman and Healer, and teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation, Empowerment, Manifestation and Spiritual Alignments. He is available for personal guidance and consultations.
Mario is the featured reader on Tuesdays from 12:30pm to 6pm at the Shining Lotus™. He is also available from 12:30pm to 6pm on the last Sunday of every month.
by Bruce Johnson
Esoteric astrology teaches that the stars, constellations, planets, and planetoids all radiate energies that influence individuals, groups, and nations. Exoteric astrology deals primarily with the effects of planetary forces on the personality, the physical body, and Earthly environment. Esoteric astrology accents and studies the influence of the seven color rays on the soul, the seven bodies, and the chakras.
Occult astrology holds that the planets circling our sun, or Solar Logos, are not inanimate bodies in space, but living vehicles of intelligent beings. Esoteric astrology divides 10 planets, plus the sun and moon, into sacred and non-sacred planets. The sacred planets influence the higher self, are seven in number, and tend to unify the human personality, and blend it with the soul nature. The three non-sacred planets of Mars, Earth, and Pluto, plus the sun and moon, affect the form nature, the four most concrete bodies of the soul, and the human self.
Each sacred planet emanates and corresponds to a color ray. The seven sacred planets and their related color rays are-Vulcan-red, Jupiter-orange, Mercury-yellow, Saturn- green, Venus-blue, Neptune-indigo, and Uranus-violet. Each of these seven rays is again seven-fold and attuned to one of the seven major chakras. The seven sacred planets transmit the seven rays of the sun in the macrocosm of our solar system, as the seven bodies express the seven rays of the soul in our individual lives.
The seven sacred planets are connected with seven groups of divine beings known as Dhyan Chohans. The seven Heavenly Men, the seven planetary spirits, and the seven Archangels, are synonymous terms for the Dhyan Chohan. The Book of Revelations describes these celestial beings as seven lamps, and the seven spirits before the throne of God.
The 12 sun-signs of Aries through Pisces all have traditional and esoteric planetary rulers. The influence of the esoteric ruler of the sun- sign increases as we spiritually progress and are able to respond to the higher frequencies of our souls. Esoteric astrology teaches that we reincarnate in all the sun- signs many times in the course of our soul’s evolution. The 12 labors of Hercules are based on the tests and learning the soul experiences as it progresses through each sign.
The book- Esoteric Astrology by Alice A. Bailey is a foundation stone of spiritual astrology.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
with C. A. Brooks
and special guest Mo Abdelbaki
Wednesday, August 6, 2014. 7 – 9 pm. $20.
The Shining Lotus welcomes Vedic Astrologer and Tarot Master Mo Abdelbaki to discuss a comparison between Western Astrology and the more ancient Vedic system from which modern astrology takes its roots. Some consider him a local celebrity – reclusive and yet prolific. Of Egyptian heritage, Mo has been a student of the mysteries for over fifty years and has been a professional consultant for over thirty.
His intensive studies have encompassed Vedic Astrology, Tarot, I-Ching, Hermetic Qabalism, Runes and numerous other spiritual systems. Mo’s lifelong quest into all things metaphysical has provided him with a powerful intuition and accurate tools with which he has guided thousands of clients worldwide.
In addition to his private practice, Mo is a psychic advisor with 12Listen; writes a weekly column for Mark’s Power Peek at; teaches classes at 12Academy and can be heard every Wednesday on “Out of Mo’s Mind” on 12Radio. As a teacher, Mo has taught thousands in the proper use of Tarot, astrology and other divination methods. He is a voice of hope and reason in hectic times.
Don’t miss your chance to hear Mo, August 6th. Register by calling the Shining Lotus at 303 758 -9113, 7 -9 pm. Seating is limited and expected to sell out.
with Sarina Baptista
Monday, August 18, 2014. 7 – 9 pm. $20.
Join internationally renowned speaker, author, spiritual teacher and psychic medium, Sarina Baptista for an evening of connecting with your loved ones on the other side! Sarina’s unique style of mediumship brings messages of healing and love from your loved ones. They want us to know they are okay, they are happy, out of pain and can see so much more now than when they were here. Hope you can join Sarina for this incredible evening!
Sarina’s books, A Bridge to Healing: J.T.’s Story and A Bridge to Healing: J.T.’s Story Companion Workbook will be available for purchase at this event! Sarina will also be signing books after the event.
Advanced purchase of tickets is recommended – Seating is limited!!
Go to and click on the Events tab to purchase tickets.
Please note: This is a gallery style reading, which means your loved ones decide who receives readings. Not everyone in attendance will receive a reading.
Sarina Baptista bio
Internationally renowned Speaker, Spiritual Teacher, Author and Psychic Medium, Sarina Baptista was a featured speaker for the “Life, Death and Beyond” International Conference in Crete, Greece, and is the resident psychic for Northern Colorado’s Clear Channel. She brings message of hope from your loved ones on the other side, leading you to a guided life!
by Sally Shotwell
It’s Leo season and we should now be able to start bringing our personal agendas into play. We’ve been spending months going to great pains to strengthen our inner foundations and can now branch out and embrace the wonderful opportunities this inspiring, generous sign has to offer. It’s ruled by the Sun (our consciousness) and is associated with an individual’s creativity, love for life, nobility and heart. FUN is another word which comes to mind.
Not only the Sun, but optimistic Jupiter, mental Mercury and affectionate Venus (8/12), are beneficiaries of Leo’s fiery energy. Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System and will remain in sign until August 11, 2015. This means he’ll have a lot of time to put new opportunities in place to help us expand our horizons. We’ll be challenged to leave our comfort zones and strike out in search of our true individuality. This may sound grandiose, but he will be supplying encouragement and new-found faith in ourselves. There is one thing we must keep in mind, however, he does seem to occasionally encourage us to excess and over the top behavior which could complicate our lives. That said, with these particular planets in play in Leo, entertainment is the name of the game and we are being called to enjoy ourselves.
Where do we seek pleasurable and fun experiences?
Do we feel these lead to self-fulfillment?
Although we’re experiencing a lightening up after many twists of fate, we still have outside influences manifesting chaotic and unsettling circumstances so we need a game plan to help us cope. The Sabian Symbol for the August 10 Full Moon (culmination) states, A forest fire is being subdued by the use of water, chemicals, and sheer muscle energy; the skill and courage necessary to bring under control the destructive potential of carelessness of karmic ‘visitations’. In our lives the admonition to not be careless and to show courage when meeting challenges becomes a practical strategy for ourselves and how we function as members of a group.
The August 16 arrival of perceptive Mercury in discriminating Virgo brings with it the clear thinking and detachment needed to help us achieve this centeredness. The energy of the mutable Earth sign will be helpful in helping us defuse any unwanted intensity which may have accumulated due to the emphasis on planets fiery fixed sign Leo. August 22, the changing of the guard continues when the Sun (our consciousness) follows Mercury into Virgo encouraging us to focus on and refine the plans we’ve recently formulated.
What aspirations do we cherish?
What strategy should we employ to facilitate realizing them?
Virgo is noted for its very high standands and productivity and while we’re traveling this read to accomplishment we mustn’t beat ourselves up if there are glitches along the way. The Symbol for its New Moon (beginnings) August 25 reminds us that there’s a lot more support available to us than is apparent; Two guardian angels; invisible help and protection in times of crisis. The message is that spiritual agencies extend their support to us as we as humans wend our way through existence. Clarity and simplicity are rewards gained when we connect with eternal values.
Further introspection will be available to us as we continue to access revelations which are offered by responsible Saturn and assertive Mars in intense Scorpio and visionary Neptune in impressionable Pisces. The fact that they are in the water element suggests that healing will continue to be paramount in our lives leading to greater peace of mind. I’m all for that!
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality with a super-natural curiosity and an undying thirst for knowledge. Her focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades, and have included studying with Mario C. Veo, John Joseph, Mark Husson and C. A. Brooks.
LET’S GET STONED…or the Art of Being Distracted by Shiny Things
with Meghan Taft
Wednesday, August 13, 2014. 7 – 8:30 pm. $5.
Alright everyone, it’s time again, I have chosen the next 3 stones from my magic box of rocks! This month we are going over Mangano Calcite, Seraphinite, and Celestite. Mangano Calcite is a really pretty soft pink color, and can sometimes have alternating rings of white and pink running through it. Seraphinite is a chatoyant green stone, with fan like fibrous striations. And Celestite is a beautiful translucent, gemmy blue color, and can occur as white or colorless as well. All three of these stones all work well together and share one particular trait in common and we will discuss what that is at the meetup on Wednesday, so come on out to Shining Lotus, and Let’s Get Stoned!
LET’S GET STONED…or ‘The Art of Being Distracted by Shiny Things’, is a guide for working with gemstones to help you balance your life. Doing so helps you heal yourself, manifest positive changes, and develop your psychic abilities. There are many gemstones to work with, and many different things they can do for you! We will go over the basic of the basics about gemstiones and how you can woek with them. Also, if you have any stones that you can’t identify, bring them with you and I can help you to learn how to identify your stones! We are going to have a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing you there, so come on and Let’s Get Stoned!
Meghan Taft has been studying geology and working with gemstones for 14 years. She works with gemstones by setting up grids in houses and businesses and does gemstone readings.
Please contact Meghan Taft at 303-789-0646 and ask for ext 47 to sign up for the group, admission is $5, we will go over a different set of stones each month and you will be emailed the updated info for each group.