The Original Metaphysical Bookstore, since 1972
May 2012
2178 South Colorado Blvd, Denver Colorado 80222
in this issue
AUTHOR VISIT & BOOK AND CARD SIGNING with Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Monday, May 7, 2012. 7 – 9 PM. FREE TALK AND BOOK AND CARD SIGNING
Celebrate with us, the long-awaited release of Angel Tarot Cards and Mary, Queen of Angels. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine will be discussing their new Angel Tarot Deck, rich with symbolism and imagery – including archangels, dragons, unicorns, fairies, and mermaids. They have created a very magical, positive and beautifully illustrated deck of cards that will provide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey.
Doreen and Radleigh will share some brief audience readings and important new messages from the angels. Doreen will also be introducing her newest book, Mary, Queen of Angels, which will help us deepen our own connection to Mary and the angels.
Doreen Virtue holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology; and is a lifelong clairvoyant who works with the angelic realm. Doreen is the author of Healing with the Angels, Archangel Oracle Cards, and many other books and card decks. Doreen has appeared on Oprah, CNN, The View, and other television and radio programs; and writes regular columns for Woman’s World and other magazines. Her website is
Radleigh Valentine is an internationally known speaker, author, spiritual intuitive, and radio host on He has studied tarot for more than 20 years and teaches workshops around the U.S. He is also the creator of RadScopes, weekly horoscopes with an enchanting twist of tarot. His website is
Body Secrets Revealed
By Ellen L. Hughes
“My heart’s just not into it.”
“I have a bad feeling in my gut.”
Sound familiar? Do you ever have a sixth sense about things, instincts that don’t seem to be based on logic? There is a scientific explanation for this phenomenon. It’s called a neuron. A neuron is a cell that processes information. Your brain has 100 billion neurons; your gut has 100 billion. Your heart has 40,000. In essence, you have three intelligence centers – head, heart and gut. So when you say, “My heart’s just not into it”, it’s really the result of neurons processing information – motor (movement), sensory (see, hear, smell taste and touch), and cognitive (reason, think, dream, plan, remember) that flows through the Central Nervous System.
An alternative health method that taps into this phenomenon is HeartMath. HeartMath utilizes technology, tools and techniques to facilitate communication between the heart and brain. It teaches about shifting your thinking from head to heart and taps into the heart’s intelligence.
HeartMath is just one of the lesser-known alternative health methods that takes little time but can make a big difference in your life. Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping) is another little-known method. EFT is a combination of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and acupressure. It is effective on a myriad of health issues. The first time I saw it used was at a conference where the volunteer was a lady in her 40’s who struggled with her memory of molestation as a child. The practitioner used EFT on her and within a few minutes, the lady’s face visibly cleared and she said she felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. I was amazed at how quickly it worked, researched EFT and finally trained in it.
During training a video showed what happens in the body when EFT is performed. There were three women: an EFT practitioner, a nurse, and a computer tech. The practitioner thought of something disturbing to her to change her mental state, the nurse then drew her blood and put it on a slide and the tech made the slide visible to the audience. The slide showed red blood cells that were elongated and stuck together – unhealthy cells. Then the practitioner performed EFT on herself. The nurse drew another sample and the tech again programmed the slide so we could see the red blood cells which were now round and flowing freely. A 5-minute session of EFT changed the blood cells from unhealthy to healthy.
These are only two examples of methods that have scientific proof to back them up. Scientific data speaks to my very logical side. And then I tend to have more faith in the method. How about you? What do you think? What is your gut feeling?
Ellen L. Hughes is an author and lecturer and describes herself as a “health junkie”. She is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and has trained in EFT, Brain Gym®, Tellington Touch, Energy Medicine and other methods. Her latest book, Adventures With Natural Healing explores 27 alternative health methods and discusses when to use them, the scientific principle and the body system accessed and basic instructions for each method.
She also shares her personal experiences. Come listen to her share her knowledge at the Shining Lotus Sunday, May 20th, from 2:00 – 3:00 pm.
For alternative health resources visit her site at
If you are a practitioner, there is a special announcement awaiting you at
By Marcia McCaffery
Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Key phrase: I HAVE
Earthy Taurus is a fixed sign which tends to play it safe. As pragmatists, Taureans simply trust what they know. However, with jovial Jupiter transiting this sign, possibilities abound to expand and grow. Hard work can result in positive outcomes. A more relaxed sense of well-being, coupled with a spirited sense of humor, is noticeably enhanced. On May 22th, the Taurus Sun conjoins with Jupiter indicating that expansive financial options might just pay off in the long run.
On April 21st, our annual attunement with love, nature, and beauty is sparked by the arrival of the New Moon at 1degree Taurus. The general outlook indicates that this is a good time to get down to business. The transiting Sun in Taurus makes an effortless trine with Pluto, offering potent transformations which can bring about a greater sense of personal power. Blocks which have been frustrating your success, are easily dissolved.
The Scorpio Full Moon (Wesak) on May 5th at 16 degrees Scorpio is the second of four “power moons” and is the most powerful Full Moon of the year. At this time, also known as Wesak May 4-6th expansive shifts in consciousness are more accessible. Intentionally generating peace and calm through deep breathing, meditation, yoga, mindfulness and centering, using rhythmic music and dance, aid in receiving these blessings. The Sabian Symbol for 16 degrees Scorpio suggests that Happiness never decreases by being shared. We are directed to focus on those things that bring us a greater sense of love and fulfillment.
Every 18 months, Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus and co ruler of Libra turns retrograde. This backward journey takes place from May 16th to June 28th. Taurus/ Libra issues are up for review regarding all forms of desire, money and wealth, love and romance, relationships and true value. Our awareness is heightened as we re- examine unresolved issues. This is NOT a time to act on this awareness. We simply need to trust our inner guidance and the evolution of a higher plan. Venus retrograde is not a favorable time to set a wedding date, give big parties or schedule cosmetic surgery. Better to choose a date when Venus is moving forward rather than traveling back over the past. This is an excellent time for creativity, the renewal of wedding vows, remarriage (same partner), and re-negotiating financial situations or legal affairs.
Marcia McCaffery is an NCGR certified astrological counselor specializing in life purpose, career and relationship readings. She is also a Reiki master teacher, a spiritual advisor, and an accredited Conscious Change coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She has a lifelong involvement with meditation, spiritual studies and the healing arts. She is a featured astrological consultant at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore.
To learn how these changes impact you personally, contact Marci at
For free, valuable resources visit her web site at http://
by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh C. Valentine $16.95
Tarot has long been revered for giving detailed and accurate forecasts. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine have created the first deck of tarot cards that is 100 percent gentle, safe, and trustworthy!
All of the words in this deck, as well as the artwork by Steve A. Roberts, are positive and beautiful, while still retaining the magical effectiveness of traditional tarot. The accompanying guidebook explains the general meaning of each card and walks you through the steps of giving an accurate reading for yourself and others.
Rich with symbolism and imagery—including angels, archangels, unicorns, fairies, and mermaids—the Angel Tarot Cards will provide you with inspiring guidance on your life journey!
by Doreen Virtue $19.95
Mary, Queen of Angels is a nondenominational book that follows in the successful vein of two of Doreen Virtue’s previous works, The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael and The Miracles of Archangel Michael. Within these pages, Doreen brings forth a collection of true stories from people who have experienced dramatic healings by, and visitations from, Mary. Doreen ties these stories together by category with comments and narrative for those who wish to deepen their own connection to Mary and the angels.
Mary, Queen of Angels is for people of all faiths and beliefs. It is filled with prayers for various life situations, fascinating discussions about the history of Mary, and details about geographic locations where there have been sightings of her.
by Hem Incense Company $5.99
Seven solid fragrances of 5 sticks each which correlate to the seven major chakras, in 7 packets inside a box, a fine set to use while balancing the chakras.
The Seven Chakras are:
Muladhara – the root chakra, survival.
Swadisthana – the sacral chakra, expressing emotions freely.
Manipura – the solar plexus chakra, power.
Anahata – the heart chakra, the love center.
Visuddha – the throat chakra, communication.
Ajna – the third eye chakra, seeing & intuition.
Sahasrara – the crown chakra, wisdom & cosmic conciousness.