Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore

July 2011 Newsletter

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in this issue









by Marci McCaffery

Astrologer Marci McCaffery

The month of July begins with mounting planetary tensions. On July 1st, an intense, emotionally charged New Moon, Partial Solar Eclipse, at 9 degrees 11’ Cancer, creates a difficult planetary pattern. A major configuration is formed between the Sun and Moon and three outer planets (Saturn, Uranus and Pluto). Six square aspects, suggest a heightened degree of volatility. Squares signify turning points where the focus is on change. Innovation and creativity will strengthen determination.

Once again, we are confronted with a major crossroad. The old reality has passed away. Issues concerning home and family matters, women, children and the housing market, relevant to the sign of Cancer, become the focal point. The Sabian Symbol for this eclipse indicates that we are beginning a long process of collective spiritual transformation. Emotional issues that have been holding us back must be addressed. A Solar Eclipse is a special New Moon that brings in new energy for new beginnings.   We are offered new opportunities for growth and integration. We are advised to focus on what nurtures us and makes us feel safe (Cancer). Make note of how this plays out for you personally.

Cancer by Josephine Wall

A Solar Eclipse can bring an ending to one direction of your life and open a door to another. Remember, New Moon/Solar Eclipses are always a very powerful time to meditate.  Set your intention based on what you want to manifest over the next six months. Eclipses tend to emphasize matters related to the house in which they fall in your natal chart. Look for the house that contains 9 degrees of Cancer in your natal chart to understand the area of your life that is being highlighted.

From July 9th through December 9th, Uranus, the Mythic God of the unexpected and the unforeseen, turns retrograde. An internalized process of readjustment and reevaluation serves to give us further clarity on how to express our personal uniqueness in the outer world.

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 14th -15th at 22 degrees Capricorn 28’, reminds us not to lose sight of our goals. Emphasis is placed on ambition, hard work, responsibility and intuition. We are directed to trust the passions of our hearts. The Sabian symbol for this Full Moon accents the need for cooperative efforts, exceptional courage and compassion. Outmoded structures shift into new and unexpected directions. The sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon, has excellent instincts for trends. Use this month to get in touch with your deeper instincts. Any efforts you make to integrate your dreams and your spiritual life with your physical reality, will be supported.

Marcia McCaffery is a certified astrological consultant specializing in life purpose, career and relationship readings. She is also a Reiki master teacher, spiritual advisor, and an accredited life direction coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She is a featured astrological consultant at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore. To learn how these changes impact you personally, contact Marci at



with Cheryl Foster

Sunday, July 10, 2011, 2pm to 3pm, FREE

Shining Lotus™ and Cheryl Foster are offering free 10-minute foot reflexology sessions in our Used Book Room from 2pm to 4pm on Sunday, July 10. Please take advantage of this free offering and get a fantastic foot rub during your shopping day. Call 303-758-9113 to schedule your 10-minute session.

Cheryl Foster is a Nationally Certified Reflexologist through the American Reflexology Certification Board. Cheryl’s full time reflexology practice in southeast Denver emphasizes deep relaxation as the fundamental premise for healing and radiant health. Her 15 years of teaching gentle, therapeutic yoga in classes and privately have significantly improved her skills in addressing the whole body – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

There are a limited amount of 10-minute sessions available. Call 303-758-9113 to register.




Sunday, July 17, 2011 at 2:00 pm

author Susan Dugan

Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness $22.95

“I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the fastest way to peace and enlightenment.” ~~Gary Renard, best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe

Learn to heal your mind about your relationships and live more kindly and gently in this world by reading Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness, a new book by author Susan Dugan. The book chronicles Susan’s journey to date practicing the unique, transformative forgiveness taught in the profound spiritual psychology A Course In Miracles. This powerful, practical tool has taught her how to bring to light and release the unconscious belief in separation from our source (and each other) at the root of human suffering. She is learning from moment to moment how to:

  • question the habit of blaming others for her problems
  • accept the comfort of a truth beyond individual identities and competing interests
  • trust a different inner teacher we can always count on
  • smile at the silliness of our mistakes

You can, too!!!

In her talk, Susan will:

  • share what led her to A Course In Miracles
  • present a brief overview of the Course’s metaphysics
  • explain the three steps of forgiveness A Course In Miracles style

This talk will be followed by a book signing.

Susan Dugan teaches a regular Thursday night A Course In Miracles class at Denver’s Rocky Mountain Miracle Center and blogs weekly about practicing its extraordinary forgiveness in ordinary life at She is co-founder and faculty member of the School of Reason for A Course In Miracles teachers and students ( She appears in the documentary A Course In Miracles: The Movie along with other Course teachers including Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira, Take Me To Truth: Undoing The Ego, premier Course scholar, teacher, and prolific author Kenneth Wapnick, PhD., and Gary Renard, best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe. A freelance writer, her fiction has appeared in literary magazines such as eclectica, JMWW, Carve, RiverSedge, Prosetoad, Amarillo Bay, The Saint Ann’s Review, River Oak Review, and Echoes.


with Solei Hannahs

Sunday, July 31, 2pm – 3pm, FREE

What if YOU… could be the Gandhi, or the Dalai Lama, that walks through the world and transforms every molecule around you? What if YOUR VERY BEING could change the epidemic of pollution in the water and the air on this planet? What if YOUR VERY BEING could undo the compulsion for war and destruction so maliciously perpetrated on our precious mother earth? Come to this talk Sunday, July 31st and discover how you are the answer for which the world is looking.

Space is limited, so pre-registration is advised. Call 303-758-9113 to register.

Solei Hannahs is an international facilitator and healer of magnitude who has reached over 80,000 people in the last decade. Her humor and depth of caring have touched all who have come in contact with her.



by Bruce Johnson

The problem with relating stones to months rather than to astrological sun signs, is that about two thirds of the way through the month, a new sun sign begins. The sign of the last one third of the month is different in nature than the sign occupying the first two thirds of the month and has different affinities. An esoteric association of sun signs and gems is shown below.

  • Aries – carnelian, ruby, and red stones
  • Taurus – peridot, topaz
  • Gemini – green beryl, emerald and green stones
  • Cancer – garnet and orange stones
  • Leo – lapis lazuli, sapphire and blue stones
  • Virgo – rock crystal, diamond and colorless stones
  • Libra – zircon, bloodstone
  • Scorpio – agate
  • Sagittarius – amethyst and violet stones
  • Capricorn – chrysolite, citrine and yellow stones
  • Aquarius – onyx
  • Pisces – jasper

This arrangement includes the three primary colors-red, yellow, and blue, plus their complimentary colors -green, violet, and orange. White, brown, and mixed colors are also shown. The moon sign, ascendant, and ruling planet, also have affinities with gems in addition to those linked to the sun signs. Some people tune to these stones more than those associated with their sun signs.

Be cautious regarding claims of occult power attributed to different metals, gems, and minerals. While it is true that they all radiate unseen forces, it is also true that many contradictory and unfounded claims are made by authors and teachers in this field of study. The Adepts of Esoteric Wisdom have the last word concerning the emanations and soul nature of earths’ metals, gems, and minerals.
Two interesting books to consider are The Curious Lore of Precious Stones by George Frederick Kunz, and The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones by William T. Fernie.

Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.



THE FOUR PURPOSES OF LIFE : Finding Meaning and Direction in a Changing World


The Four Purposes of Life $17.00

author Dan Millman

In his first work of new teachings in twelve years, beloved teacher Dan Millman faces life’s fundamental questions: Why am I here? What am I meant to do? Millman understands the primary human need for direction and purpose. Here, in his wonderfully straightforward and down-to-earth way, he shares fresh, realistic techniques anyone can use to find and fulfill their fourfold life purpose. Writing with special consideration for those in transition or at a crossroads, such as graduation, raising a family, health challenges, career upheaval, or impending retirement, Millman simply and beautifully addresses everything from intuition to sexuality, making money to the meaning of service, predestination to paying attention to the present. The result is an extraordinarily lucid guide to nothing less than life and how to live it.

Dan Millman, a former world champion athlete, coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor, is author of Way of the Peaceful Warrior (adapted to film in 2006) and 12 other books read by millions of people in 29 languages. Dan teaches a way of living with a peaceful heart and a warrior spirit. His books, seminars, and trainings have influenced a wide range of people, including leaders in the fields of health, psychology, education, business, politics, sports, entertainment, and the arts.





Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness $22.95

author Susan Dugan

In mid argument with a loved one, as we stand unfairly accused, we would much rather be right than happy. As practising forgiveness raises our awareness of our attraction to and identification with the ego’s sneaky ways, our pain often increases. Some of these essays are reports from the eye of just that storm, accounts of her own fear, paralysis and mistaken belief in and attraction to a false, ego controlled self. But in each case, Susan got through by continuing to ask for help from the part of our mind that sees only our one true self and can never fail us. Today she is spending far less time in the eye of the storm and far more embracing the instant of release that reflects the real world available when we have forgiven all that would hurt us. You can, too.

Susan found herself at the threshold of true spiritual transformation. The signs? A longing that nothing external, not romance, success, money, adventure, parenting, or creating, had ever fully satisfied. This book takes us through a remarkably powerful, helpful forgiveness process that will stir your desire to awaken to who you truly are. Her well documented life experiences demonstrate love in practice. If you want a real life account of how to undo the ‘one’ block to love, then this is your book. (Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira, authors of Take Me to Truth: Undoing the Ego) Susan Dugan gives us a superb explanation of forgiveness, what it is, and exactly how to do it. I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in the fastest way to peace and enlightenment. (Gary Renard, bestselling author of The Disappearance of the Universe)

TAROT LEARNING CARDS : Self Study Flash Cards

by Living Magick Publishing

Tarot Learning Cards $19.95

Living Magick Publishing, an independent publishing house that specializes in New Age, Spiritual, and Personal Development educational products and books, has released excellent quality and content rich educational tools in the field of Metaphysics for students and instructors. The Tarot Learning Cards box includes 78 cards, plus informational cards, for learning the theme, keywords, numerology and more of each Tarot card.

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