in this issue
Digital Network Alignment w/ Solfeggio Frequencies Workshop with Kirkland & Laura Ross
Jacob’s Ladder and the Levels of Heaven by Bruce Johnson
August Astrological Update by Marci McCaffery
Tarot Cards as Spiritual Tools with Mario C. Veo
Hot New Products for Summer
Laura Lozano: featured reader
Wednesday, August 24 at 7:oo pm. Your $20 admission includes a free cd. This workshop called Digital Network Alignment w/ Solfeggio Frequencies is a highly energized mix of visual information with waves of healing sounds where we utilize the music and symbols from OMNIPURE’s new album DNA MUSIC to assist each participant in raising their vibration through the healing powers of Solfeggio Frequencies. In this lively, powerful, and experiential presentation they share about what Solfeggio Frequencies are and how to use them on a cellular level to assist the DNA in upgrading the body. They will offer information on energetic pathways utilizing the body as the vehicle for change demonstrated through a very powerful experiential process where each participant feels their mind, body, and spirit align on a personal level as well as with others in a multi-dimensional level. Through the alignment process which involves releasing the calcification around the Pineal Gland, each participant will know how to access and apply high frequency energy into and through their body to serve mankind. In this workshop, you will learn about:
• Solfeggio Frequencies – what they are and how to use them on a cellular level to assist your DNA in upgrading the body.
• DNA Programming – program the microtubule of water in your cells with Sound and Light to upgrade your body.
• Spirit Antenna – utilize Crystalline Diamond Light to increase your vibration through your DNA/Spirit Antenna.
• Pineal Gland Calcification – release the calcification throughout your body beginning with the Pineal Gland.
• 11:11 Stargate – access the Unified Field of Energy through your cells utilizing the energy of Solfeggio Frequencies.
• Digital Network Alignment – align your mind, body, and spirit with four energy patterns in our powerful Alignment process.
Kirkland Ross has been creating music for healing since 1987 after waking from a dream wherein he felt his DNA shift into alignment from deeply encoded information which was activated and revealed to him through Sound and Light. It would take him over 20 years of working with this Sound and Light before he was able to record music for others that impacted the DNA so profoundly. In 2010 he recorded the Expand The Light Series Trilogy to assist others in utilizing bio-photons to increase their cellular vibration and in 2011 he recorded DNA MUSIC utilizing Solfeggio Frequencies where he found the way to bring this dream music of Love Light Wisdom and Power from 1987 into this dimension. Through two decades of research and commitment he found the way to assist others to connect and unify their own energy field through a Digital Network Alignment process by simply connecting to the frequencies imprinted into the music. OMNIPURE has sold over 2,000 CD’s worldwide assisting others to Expand The Light.
Laura Ross began her musical career at an early age with a family that loved music. Growing up in small town Utah in a large polygamous family there was not much to keep her occupied so her father invited all his children to participate in music recording and singing on mainly Christmas albums on a 4 track reel-to-reel machine. “I loved the unity and creativity of making music with a piano and the accordion sharing in the joy of singing with my family.” With a background in singing, corporate marketing, and health and wellness, Laura creates a space of balance and peace through direct communication skills.
by Bruce Johnson

"How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven." -Jacob
Chapter 28 in the Book of Genesis tells the story of Jacob’s journey to Haran and his mystical dream while sleeping with a stone as a pillow. Jacob dreamt of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending the ladder. The symbolism of the Ladder to Paradise is universal, and is referred to in many ancient and modern religions.
The ladder, like the step pyramid, links the earth plane to the realms of spirit through a series of rungs or levels, often seven in number. Each rung or level indicates a plane of life, a spiritual initiation, a planetary sphere, a color ray, a musical note, and a step into a higher plane of conscious awareness. Above the highest step of the ladder is God, or the cosmic consciousness one gains by ascending beyond the top rung of the Ladder of Life.
Like Jacob, the Biblical seer Enoch saw the Kingdom of Heaven in a vision, along with its divisions. He was lifted up on a cloud, as the wind raised him into the uppermost levels of the Celestial Worlds. After leaving Jerusalem on their famous night journey, the Prophet Mohammed and the angel Gabriel visited each of the seven heavens. They flew to each of the heavens and met and talked with the prophets of God who dwelt on each level. They then entered Paradise, and Mohammed experienced the joy possible for the one attuned to Allah, before they returned to the earth plane. Allegorically, Mohammed was said to have climbed a “Ladder of Silken Cords”.
The Egyptian sun- god Horus set up a ladder to the Crystal Heaven and surmounted the physical world. Buddhist teachings include a ladder of different colored rungs that symbolize the seven planetary spheres above Earth. The initiates into the mysteries of Mithra climbed a seven-rung planetary ladder, with every rung made from a different metal. Shamans of northern Europe substituted a pole with seven notches for the seven- rung ladder of the ancients. Rosicrucian’s and Kabbalist’s have their own forms of the Ladder of Spiritual Ascent, with each rung corresponding to one of the seven sacred planets. Occult symbolism shows Jacob’s ladder as the spine, with the seven rungs as the major chakras.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
by Marci McCaffery
August holds the potential for new beginnings, as the Sun transits into the majestic, fixed, fire sign of Leo on July 23. Energies are high and exuberant. Leo is the natural natal ruler of your Sun sign. Wherever Leo falls in your natal chart shows where you are innovative, imaginative, resourceful and dramatic. Opportunities for creative self-expression enable you to shine and showcase your uniqueness. On August 2nd Mercury makes the second of its tri-annual retrograde journeys through the sign of Leo, until August 26th. Mercury rules how we think, communicate and integrate our thoughts and ideas into our everyday reality. Its reversal shifts the energy and accelerates the pace. Many aspects of our life are revised prompting us to make new decisions, using the fiery, action-oriented traits of Leo. Use this period to gather information and remember this is never a good time to start new projects or relationships. This is a time to review, re-evaluate and reconsider as you integrate new adjustments into your life. Once Mercury turns direct, you will be in a better position to put it all together. Remain flexible. The cosmic urgings of this energy suggest letting go of the past, to embrace the future.
The New Moon at 7 degrees Leo on July 30th, offers an infusion of new beginnings. Those of you with planets on or near 7 degrees Leo, Aries and Sagittarius benefit, as well as those with planets on or near 7 degrees Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. New beginnings emerge from old foundations to offer positive revelations. Re-activation of an old dream is revisited. Take time to meditate, re-focus and open yourself to new possibilities. Nurture your dreams with loving care and watch them revive.
A cosmic face-off between the Moon/Pluto duo in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries spell conflict through August 8th and again from August 27th through September 15th. Stand strong; listen to your heart and reserve judgments, to effectively deal with these challenging aspects.
On August 13th, the energy shifts to the Full Moon at 20 degrees Aquarius. Sudden impulses to help us break free from the status quo are implied. Reversals regarding friendships, groups, and organizations are highlighted. Unexpected breakthroughs move to the forefront. Since these energies can be erratic, avoid challenging and unusual moods by grounding yourself. Taking walks, sitting or lying on the ground are suggested. Hematite and Smokey Quartz are protective stones for grounding.
Venus in Leo makes a magical opposing connection with Neptune from the 15th through the 21st, allowing us to revel in a pink fog of romantic fantasy. Self-delusion may be strong and judgment weak during this time period. We are soon brought back to reality when Venus travels through Virgo, where earthly concerns of the heart become more pragmatic and analytical.
Marcia McCaffery is an NCGR certified astrological counselor specializing in life purpose, career and relationship readings. She is also a Reiki master teacher, a spiritual advisor, and an accredited life direction coach with a private practice in the Denver area. She has a lifelong involvement with meditation, spiritual studies and the healing arts. She is a featured astrological consultant at Shining Lotus™ Metaphysical Bookstore on the third Saturday of each month.
To learn how these changes impact you personally, contact Marci at For free, valuable resources visit her web site at
Used with permission. Copyright © 2011,Stardirection Astrology
A Five-Week Class offered by Mario C. Veo
“Tarot cards have endured throughtout the ages and have collected a large following along the way. Containing a fusion of beliefs in pictorial form, the cards have evolved over the centuries through their assocfiation with many differnet religious groups, philosophers, spiritualists, artists, and theosophical societies. Folklore and myths surrounding their use for purposes of fortune telling have added to their mystery and allure.” ~~from The Hanson-Roberts Tarot Companion by Susan Hansson.
Tarots are more than ‘a fun way of seeing the future’ – taught correctly they open a bridge to Spirit and our own higher consciousness, guiding us to shape our life in joyful fulfillment. Join us in the 5-part series where we will explore the true meaning and the power of Tarots.
Tuesdays in August, 7 – 8:30 pm – August 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30. Each class is $20 when paid individually. Pay $100 for all 5 classes together and get 30% off your choice of a New Tarot Deck.
Chakra Meditation Kit
by Crystal Essence Candles
$15.95 — CHAKRA Tealights and Crystal Meditation Set -set of 7 tealights – 7 different scents – burns remarkably for 7 to 10 hours each – 1/2 pound of Clear Quartz crystals. These are not your ordinary tealight candles, they are specially designed soft wax tealights that have an amazing burn time of 7 to 10 hours each. The vibrant colored candles are made with the finest wax which resists fading in sunlight. All oils have been blended through these candles creating a better, more evenly scented candle throughout its long burn time. All Crystal Essence candles are made with 100% cotton wicks, Reiki charged and hand-poured in Colorado. After burning Crystal Essence candles, you will not want to burn anything else!
Healing Through the Akashic Records
by Linda Howe
$21.95 — With her book How to Read the Akashic Records, Linda Howe helped thousands of people access valuable information in the Akashic Records—an energetic archive of every individual’s soul and its journey.
Now with Healing Through the Akashic Records, she shares her expert insights on how we can all use this powerful resource to help heal our sacred wounds, transforming our relationship with the limiting patterns and behaviors that interfere with our ability to experience our true potential and divine nature. With dozens of reflection exercises and practices, this one-of-a-kind book will help you discover your soul’s immutable perfection.
“Although our healing work takes place in the spiritual realm,” teaches Howe, “this process involves clarifying our difficulties, gaining insights into them, and then arriving at real-world solutions that we can bring into our everyday lives.” Using Howe’s unique three-step process that she gleaned over the past 20 years of working in the Records, you’ll learn how to tap into this infinite resource to gain a soul-level perspective on your wounds, and unlock their potential for growth by exploring:
• How to access the Akashic Records using the Pathway Prayer Process
• Tips for identifying your primary sacred wound—the hurtful event, person, or circumstance that is holding you back
• Strategies for liberating you from old ideas and limiting patterns
• Tools for making choices aligned with your most authentic self for your highest good
• Three ways to activate the Ascension Matrix to help you realize your hopes and dreams
“Governed by the principles of ‘Judge not, fear not, resist not,’ the Akashic Records provide a safe and ideal environment for our spiritual healing,” teaches Howe. Healing Through the Akashic Records offers practical wisdom and consciousness-shifting tools for developing a richer connection with our innermost self, a greater sense of aliveness, and increased joy for living.
Astrology Learning Cards
from Living Magick Publishing
$19.95 — Living Magick Publishing, an independent publishing house that specializes in New Age, Spiritual, and Personal Development educational products and books, has released excellent quality and content rich educational tools in the field of Metaphysics for students and instructors. With this Astrology flash deck you will learn about Zodiac signs, Planets, Houses, Aspects and Chart Casting.
Shining Lotus™ Reader Feature
Laura Lozano is a Gifted Intuitive, Psychic and Angel Reader who also has the ability to communicate with those who have crossed over. Laura offers a proactive approach in readings and helps people attain emotional clarity. Laura’s intuitive readings are guided by the Angelic Realm and Spirit Guides. She has trained and worked with many Shamans and Traditional Healers from Belize, Italy, Mexico and the United States. Laura is also a certified Herbalist, Hypnotherapist, Reiki Healer and Devoted Mother. She is also a popular psychic advisor on 12Listen , an instructor on 12Academy , and host of the top-rated internet radio show “Laura Out Loud” on 12Radio .
Due to scheduling difficulties, Laura will be leaving her Wednesday featured reader post with Shining Lotus™ in August. She has been providing our customers heart-felt, reality-based, spiritual counseling for the past 3 years. We and our customers will be very sad to see her leave the Wednesday line-up. Please join us in wishing Laura the best of luck and many abundant blessings.
She will still be available for readings at Shining Lotus™ from 12pm to 5pm on the 2nd Sunday of every month.
Telephone: 303-221-4314
Next Month: Meet C. A. Brooks
Coming up in September
Saturday, September 10, 2pm – 3pm, Free Presentation.
Rikka Zimmerman presents…
The 21 Secrets of the Universe Consciousness Card Deck. $34.95. This playfully illustrated card deck, includes 63 Cards, each with their own beautiful graphic design and 63 Life Changing Tools. These are must-have reminders as you begin this journey towards having everything that you desire out of YOUR life.
Sunday, September 11, 2pm – 3pm, Free Presentation.
Ron Liggett presents “UFOs and Their Spiritual Mission”
Unprecedented numbers of UFO sightings all over the world
Huge crop circles appearing overnight
Brilliant luminary objects shining in the sky
What does it all mean?
Is there a relationship between these events and the emergence of
Maitreya, the World Teacher into our every day world?
Come see a multimedia presentation and draw your own conclusion…