by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of May with Beltane and Pluto going retrograde on May 1st. Pluto is currently in Aquarius but will be returning to Capricorn by June 11th. The inner process of transformation and change continues to be the theme while Pluto is retrograde.
A Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on Friday, May 5th. The theme for this Eclipse is letting go of what no longer is of true value. Spring cleaning comes to mind.
Venus enters Cancer on Sunday, May 7th. Cancer is a sign of family and security. Relationships with family members and decisions involving home and emotional security will be our primary focus.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in the sign of Aquarius on Friday, May 12th. Changes may become necessary in order to achieve professional and financial success.
Mercury goes direct in Taurus on Sunday, May 14th. Decisions that support our financial well-being will be necessary in order to insure our continued professional and personal success.
Jupiter enters Taurus on Tuesday, May 16th. The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus. The knowledge and opportunity for business success will involve new ways of relating with others.
A New Moon occurs in Taurus on Friday, May 19th. New beginnings in business and financial investments are likely to produce rewards in both the short and long term.
Mars enters the sign of Leo on Saturday, May 20th. Authentic self-expression and self-confidence will enhance our personal and professional interactions.
The Sun enters the sign of Gemini on Sunday, May 21st. All relationships and activities are enhanced by developing skill in dialogue and communication.
Quality friendships and alliances are favored as Venus in Cancer makes a productive aspect to Uranus in Taurus on Friday, May 26th.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Virgo on Saturday, May 27th. Awareness of what is needed to improve the quality of work and essential projects is now at hand.
Connections with others are likely to prove valuable as the Moon enters Libra on Memorial Day on Monday, May 29th.