Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a Spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.

Ancient ChaldeansThe original Chaldeans were an ancient tribe of highly educated magician –astrologers who lived in the area of the lower Euphrates River in what is now modern day Iraq. In addition to astrology and magic, the Chaldean Wisdom-Religion teachings included- astronomy, Emanation, involution and evolution, Karmic Law, reincarnation, divination, and the four elemental kingdoms. Psychometry, prophecy, and the interpretation of omens were among the highly valued psychic abilities demonstrated by Chaldeans.

To the Chaldeans, magic was a sacred science that was not considered supernatural, but an inseparable part of their religion. Chaldean positive magic was rooted in their understanding of the sympathies and antipathies that exist in the natural world. A familiarity with the etheric and astral planes along with their energies and forces was fundamental to the Chaldean magi.

The Chaldeans understood the magical properties of stones and minerals, and used various kinds of specially magnetized stones in their occult work known as aerolites, or betyles. These were “animated stones” that were highly vitalized with particular etheric forces. Aerolites were used as tools for psychic development, prophecy, healing, protection, the speaking of oracles, and divination, among other purposes. Chaldeans were gifted diviners who divined by astrology, psychometry, flights of birds, mirrors, plants, water, signs in the sky, human face and body, groups of animals, and fire, to name some methods used.

ChaldeansEarly Chaldean astrologers perceived the seven observable planets as the physical bodies of living intelligences that interpreted and then directed the will of Bel, the solar deity, to humanity. Each of the seven planets had a particular ruling spirit, plane of consciousness, and color ray associated with it. All human evolution and cycles of growth on Earth were seen to be controlled by these seven ‘Heavenly Men”. In addition to the exoteric planets, Initiated Chaldean astrologers knew of Uranus, Neptune, and an un-named third planet, plus invisible etheric planets. The sacredness of astrology to the Chaldeans was rooted in their worship of Bel, personified by the sun, who was the second person of the original Babylonian creative trinity of Anu, Bel, and Hoa.

Among the ancient Chaldean temples built in Babylonia for the practice of Bel worship, The Mysteries, magical ceremonies, healing, and star-observation, the original Tower of Bel at Borsippa was the most significant. Placed on a high mound, the planet-tower at Borsippa was built with seven stages of brickwork, each of the seven stages were a different color, corresponding to the color of the planet ruling that stage of the tower. Above the lower seven levels was an additional level that contained a sacred sanctuary. Chaldean priestesses at times psychometrised aerolites in this upper sanctuary to receive prophetic visions. The completed 8-tiered physical Tower of Bel was the obvious inspiration for the allegorical unfinished Tower of Ba-bel that the Lord stopped work on before it was fully built.

The Chaldeans had a 360 day year, made March 25th the Vernal Equinox, understood the precession of the equinoxes and could predict eclipses with their Saros cycle. The Babylonian Neros and Saros cycles are based on the number 60, and the Jupiter and Saturn cycles of 12 and 30 years respectively. Sixty years is a multiple of 5 Jupiter cycles or 2 Saturn cycles. Sixty years equals one-tenth of a 600 year Neros cycle. The square of sixty is 3600 years, or one Saros cycle.