by Roy Neal —

Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area.  If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.

Old Historic Astrologer

We begin the month of June with the Sun in Gemini, Mars in Leo and a Full Moon in Sagittarius on Saturday, June 3rd. All this air and fire could inspire restless energy and a desire for travel and a change of scenery.

Venus enters Leo on Monday, June 5th. The desire for fun, creativity and romance is experienced while both Mars and Venus are in Leo.

Full Moon in SagittariusA Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Pisces on Saturday, June 10th. The temptation to indulge in fantasy and escapism is short lived as Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn and Mercury enters Gemini on Sunday, June 11th. The Moon entering Aries also on this date inspires us to be awake and aware of what activities are necessary for us to be successful in the accomplishment of practical goals.

Reassessing our plans, objectives and goals may become necessary as Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces on Saturday, June 17th.

A New Moon in Gemini also occurs on June 17th. This New Moon further emphasizes the need to access new perspectives regarding how we choose to proceed with business decisions and investments.

Father’s Day is on Sunday, June 18th.

The Sun enters Cancer on Wednesday, June 21st. This event is the official beginning of the Summer season and is known as the Summer Solstice. I will be doing a chart of this event and sharing my insights in a future article.

A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Libra on Monday, June 26th. Healthy relationships that support an experience of mutual value are recommended.

Mercury enters Cancer also on June 26th. Decisions involving family, home, and security will be in high focus.

Neptune goes retrograde in Pisces on Friday, June 30th. Pisces is a water sign. Neptune represents our connection with the invisible realms of Spirit. These realms are not understood or accessible by the logical mind. We benefit by developing a daily spiritual practice of prayer and meditation. Activities that strengthen our faith and intuition are favored. Certain types of music can also be helpful.

As long as Saturn and Neptune are both transiting the sign of Pisces we continue to benefit by helping others.