Yesterday I met Sacred Space author, Denise Linn. The Age of Miracles author, Marianne Williamson gave a very inspiring talk. James Twyman gave me a copy of his new book, The Barn Dance, about some tragic events in his life, we talked for a bit and then hugged like old friends. Louise Hay was hanging around her Hay House booth chatting with friends. I don’t know how she does it, but Doreen Virtue seems to have her focus turned down a bit. You really have to look hard to see where she ends and the surroundings begin.
We were very excited when Turtle Wisdom author and great friend, Donna DeNomme won the 2010 Best Kids/Teen Book Visionary award for Ophelia’s Oracle. I was also able to introduce our good buddy, Laura Lozano to one of her favorite authors, Denise Linn. That was cool. I think Justin had a really good time, too. He is so low-key, though, it is sometimes hard to tell.
Today is the last day I will spend at the trade show that has been going on all weekend. The best part of this whole big deal is the fact that it takes place here in Denver and we don’t have to travel and stay in a hotel. This is the only trade show there is for our genre. We have met so many new people, re-connected with old friends and re-affirmed our connection with the huge community we are so proud to be serving as a metaphysical/new age bookstore and education center. It really makes one see that we are all together, and we will succeed and thrive only with each other’s help.