by Roy Neal —

Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. Roy Neal is available for personal chart updates and readings by calling his land line at 720-962-4633 or sending him an email at

Cancer the CrabJune 20 to July 20

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Cancer on Thursday, June 20th. Cancer is a water sign ruled by the Moon. The Moon represents our emotional nature and how we relate with women and our mother. The key phrase for Cancer is “I Feel.” The Cancer person is sensitive; they can be intuitive and psychic, they are also very emotional although they do not always show it.

The Cancer person is primarily concerned with home, family and personal security. Cancers can be very protective of their family, friends and their own emotional feelings. Cancers are often good cooks who desire to nurture and nourish others.

Like the phases of the Moon the feelings of the Cancer person are changeable; they can also be sensitive to the feelings and moods of others. They create an environment that is secure and safe for their family and themselves.

If you are fortunate to be a member of their family or tribe you will not lack for any nourishment or emotional support.