by Roy Neal —

Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area.  If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.

Old Historic Astrologer

We begin the month of February with both the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius and Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus all in Earth signs. The tension here is between the urge for security represented by the Earth signs and the conscious expression of independence and change symbolized by Aquarius.

A Last Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Scorpio on Friday, February 2nd. Circumstances and situations invite us to let go of exclusive control and management of our personal and professional activities and experiences. Learning how to relax and go with the flow will support a more beneficial outcome.

Mercury enters Aquarius on Sunday, February 4th. This action signals an important change in our thinking and decision making. New insights and perspectives on how to share information is becoming more available.

New Moon in AquariusA New Moon occurs in Aquarius on Friday, February 9th. Awakening to new ways of experiencing relationship is symbolized by the Libra decan of Aquarius of this New Moon.

The Chinese New Year of the Dragon begins on Saturday, February 10th. The Dragon is one of the luckiest signs in the Chinese zodiac. The theme for this year is “Fortune favors the Bold.”

Mars enters Aquarius on Tuesday, February 13th. Actions involving independence, entrepreneurship, and innovation are favored. Unique and original expressions of love are likely to be expressed on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. The Moon in Taurus highlights the importance of choosing the right venue for the evening meal.

Venus enters Aquarius right after the First Quarter Phase Moon in Taurus on Friday, February 16th. The Moon entering Gemini on the same day encourages good communication and discussions involving business and pleasure with friends and associates.

Full MoonThe Sun enters the sign of Pisces on Sunday, February 18th. We are now invited to transition from the intellectual preoccupation of Aquarius to the emotional experience of Pisces. Pisces is a water sign ruled by Neptune.

Emotional sensitivity and compassion are favored. Music, meditation and artistic expression are highlighted while the Sun is transiting the sign of Pisces. Mercury enters the sign of Pisces on February 23rd. Trusting our intuition and spiritual guidance while Mercury is transiting the sign of Pisces will prove beneficial. A vacation involving water will be relaxing and emotionally therapeutic.

A Full Moon occurs in Virgo on Saturday, February 24th. Some combination of work, health and service will support optimum wellness.