by Bruce Johnson --

Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a Spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.

Crystal BallSpiritualism is a philosophy, religion and science teaching the continuity of life after death and the fact of communication through mediumship with spirit beings. The Spiritualist not only recognizes the reality of genuine conversing with the spirit world, but endeavors to mold their character and behavior to conform with the highest teachings derived from such interaction.

The joys of Spiritualism are rooted in the liberating truths it expounds which include- each individual is responsible for their choices and actions, thus rejecting vicarious atonement yet acknowledging karmic justice for all; humans are spiritual beings temporarily encased in physical bodies who continue to live after the death of the body, thus removing all fear of death while comforting the bereaved; and that eternal natural laws govern the universe, not an anthropomorphic wrathful deity.

Spiritualist doctrine instructs that human souls are immortal and progress continuously over the ages into greater levels of love, wisdom and power; communion between earthly persons and those in the spirit planes is proven by an abundance of scientific evidence; spiritual gifts are natural to humanity, and are to be developed for good; and through mediumship, the incarnated human can meet and talk with their discarnate family, friends and guides.

Candle TrayThe greatest souls speaking through the best mediums of traditional Spiritualism have striven to provide evidence of their identity for the sitter, paralleling the efforts of their instruments who sometimes worked for years with prominent psychical investigators to demonstrate proof of their phenomenon. Today, with mediums world-wide claiming contact with archangels, ascended masters, famous people from history, multi-dimensional beings, space masters, as well as composite life forms, human spirits and other beings, it seems more important than ever that mediums and the consciousness articulating through them at least attempt to furnish some evidence of their assertions.

SeanceTesting the spirit was wise in biblical times and its very good practice in the Aquarian Age. The ability to discern between spirits is vital, as without it, deluded mediumship is likely. Listed are some of the false sources of utterances through sensitives. Lying human spirits who impersonate a spiritually or physically renowned personage, mischievous nature spirits who find it a fun game to pretend to be disembodied humans during a séance, the subconscious mind of the medium is well-known for representing itself as a separate entity operating through the medium, as well as the astral shade or shell having a partial memory of its recent life.

Stay away from Ouija boards, planchettes and similar devices. They are dangerous tools for spirit contact and can certainly attract negative energies and earthbound spirits. Be cautious with automatic writing. Although it can be genuine, it is conducive to subconscious mind messaging, and I have received multiple fraudulent readings that were relayed through erroneous automatic writing.

In the New Age, Spiritualism will evolve and become more accepted corresponding to humanity’s increased knowledge of the higher dimensions, the more widespread development psychic abilities, and Spiritualism’s increased cooperation with the scientific community. Etheric vision will become more common, eventually furnishing undeniable proof of the etheric plane and the forms of life that dwell there. New discoveries will be made, one of which will enhance contact between the spirit world and the dense physical plane, opening the door for Spiritualists and research scientists to work together in exploring higher plane realities.