Sunday, August 27, 2017
We all enjoyed a free talk from local author Rich Haas who explained the insights and answer questions about this very successful book. Sacred Quantum Metaphysics combines 24 updated metaphysical principles of ancient wisdom with 12 new scientific discoveries including Einstein, Quantum Theory, etc. Rest assured, it’s easy to read and easy to understand, and everything is explained in everyday language, without scientific jargon, formulas or difficult equations!
Since science has verified many aspects of ancient wisdom, now any of us can use these facts to create a better future for ourselves and our loved ones!
Writer and Metaphysician Rich Haas operated a successful science based Metaphysics practice in Morrison, Colorado for many decades. Rich attained a Psychology Degree in 1975. He is a Dual Certified Hypnotherapist (NGH and NATH), Certified Hypnotherapy Instructior, and a Certified Life-Between-Life Therapist. You will find much more information at