by Roy Neal —

Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area.  If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.

Old Historic Astrologer

We begin the month of August with a Full Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, August 1st. Our ego’s need to express authentically and be acknowledged seeks balance with our emotional need for independence and originality.  Celebrations, dance and artistic pursuits are favored.

Venus is retrograde in Leo for the entire month. During the time while Venus is retrograde we are advised to reconnect with people and projects that need our love and attention. Relationships with children, family members and loved ones will be a priority. Old romantic partners may resurface. We may need to resolve previous emotional issues in personal relationships.

A Last Quarter Phase Moon in Taurus occurs on Tuesday, August 8th. The need for authentic communication regarding issues of a business and financial nature will require our attention. Health issues and practical concerns are also a priority while both Mercury and Mars continue their transit of Virgo.

New MoonA New Moon occurs in Leo on Wednesday, August 16th. The need for full disclosure and a loving way of sharing our truth with others will prove to be advantageous for everyone.

The Sun enters Virgo and Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo on Wednesday, August 23rd. All major decisions should be on hold until Mercury goes direct on September 15th. Careful analysis and evaluation is recommended so that all the facts necessary to make fully informed decisions will be available after September 15th.

A First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Sagittarius on Thursday, August 24th. New visions and possibilities may inspire us but we are cautioned not to react impulsively on them.

Full MoonMars enters Libra on Sunday, August 27th. Seeking insight and assistance from others is favored while Mars is transiting the sign of Libra.

Uranus goes retrograde on Monday, August 28th. We now have Mercury and Venus retrograde along with Saturn, Neptune and Pluto; a total of six planets now retrograde including Uranus. Care should be taken not to be too impatient with people and projects at this time. There are likely to be many challenges and delays during this retrograde period.

A Full Moon in Pisces occurs on Wednesday, August 30th. It is best to focus on activities that nourish your soul at this time. Compassion and helping others as well as music, meditation and movies are favored.