by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer with a private practice in the Denver area. If you would like to know more about how this month impacts you personally call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
We begin the month of April with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Chiron all in Fire signs. This preponderance of fire signs symbolizes a strong desire to initiate new projects and get things done. We started this fire storm on the New Moon in Aries back on Tuesday, March 21st. Mars entered Cancer on March 25th. Because Mars is the ruler of Aries the direction of energy now is moving toward the manifestation of home, family and emotional security.
Even the way we think about these areas of our life will begin to change as Mercury enters Taurus on Monday, April 3rd. Decisions involving money, finances and what we truly want and value are now at hand.
A Full Moon occurs in Libra on Wednesday, April 5th. This Full Moon offers us awareness of how we can utilize our skill in relating with others to help achieve our individual goals and negotiate agreements for mutual benefit.
The Moon enters the sign of Scorpio on Good Friday, April 7th. This ingress is symbolic of the death of the old in preparation for the resurrection of the new as the Moon enters Sagittarius on Easter morning, April 9th. Each of us have the freedom and opportunity to welcome a new vision of our future at this time.
Venus enters Gemini on Monday, April 10th. The urge to connect and communicate with others is enhanced while Venus is transiting the sign of Gemini.
A Last Quarter Phase Moon in the sign of Capricorn occurs on Thursday, April 13th. Our emotional need to invest in goals of a practical and business nature will enhance our desire for security.
A New Moon/Solar Eclipse occurs in Aries on Wednesday, April 19th. This eclipse symbolizes a new experience of ourselves for the next six months.
The Sun enters Taurus on Thursday, April 20th. Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus on Friday, April 21st. A time to reflect and connect to what is of true value is now at hand.
Earth Day is on Saturday, April 22nd. The fact that Pluto in Aquarius is square the Sun in Taurus could easily represent major shake ups and transformation in financial markets. Earthquakes and other natural disasters will become quite common. It is the time of atonement. Earth and its people are reaping what they have sown.
A First Quarter Phase Moon occurs in Leo on Thursday, April 27th. Leo is a sign that rules the heart. Leo is also a sign of creative self expression. It will be important for us to creatively express our truth in a heart-felt way. A renaissance of love and joy will bring us closer to the essence of our true self.
Saturn and Neptune continue their transit in Pisces throughout the next few months. Spiritual practices and helping others is recommended. We gain through investing time and energy in healing ourselves and others.
Compassion is the new currency.