© 2012 – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter December 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012 – 10am to 6pm
$1 a minute Psychic or Tarot Card Readings
$1 a minute Chair Massage or Foot Reflexology
Every item in the store is 12.12% off
Free 12/12 meditation led by Mario C. Veo at 12:00 noon and 4:30 pm
Energy Healings. Kelly Whetstone will bring her clairvoyant and intuitive gifts to assist you in expanding your energetic health and advancing your spiritual growth.
Intuitive Readings. Norma Mitchell will provide very accurate intuitive readings that help clear negativity and invite peace, love, good health and prosperity into your life.
Tarot Readings. SuEllen Shepard will invoke the power and mystery of Tarot Imagery to help you reveal the possibilities as you move forward in your life during this powerful time of 12/12/12.
Tarot Readings. Karma Joe is back for one day only. Joe is an excellent and talented card reader that will astound you with your Tarot reading.
Intuitive Astrology. Marci McCaffery will help you realize your dreams and plans for the next year.
Chair Massage. Edna Garcia will add a relaxing, healing and therapeutic chair massage to your 12/12 experience.
Foot Reflexology. Reflexologist Linda Davis will make sure your body and “sole” are perfectly aligned with a foot massage.
Palmistry. Mario C. Veo will give palmistry and psychic readings throughout the day.
Mario will lead a free 12/12 meditation at 12 noon and then again at 4:30 pm, designed to awaken your awareness, embrace your spirituality and align your abilities with the Divine. This is an entire day dedicated to spiritual awakening and working toward enlightenment.
Save 12.12% on every product in the store, every book, every candle, every card, every gift. Everything is 12.12% off. If you feel guided to be with people of like mind on this auspicious day, please come to the Shining Lotus on December 12, 2012.

THE NUMEROLOGY OF 12 – 12 – 12 by Mario C. Veo
The great Persian Magicians believed that the number 12 could be used to reveal ‘great manipulations’ and expose ‘hidden, or dark deeds’. When this was ignored (either through ignorance, or by willingly turning our eyes away), then the number 12 would attract ‘great sorrow’. No matter which, positive resolution could only be accessed through the concept of Sacrifice, i.e. what are you willing to do to create ’honorable and healthy changes’?
This is a time of Self Examination, a time when it does not pay us to ‘blindly accept any Propaganda’; for no matter the Source, there is more that has been kept away from us…and so we can be easily led astray – not only through our angers or resentment, but through our lack of true knowledge and half-truths.
So where is this most demonstrated…? by breaking down the presence of the contributing numbers we can see the pathway of these influences.

2012 – The first 2 represents the Couple or the Union – what do we attract, or repel – what becomes ‘attached to us’.
This becomes influenced by the number 0 = Spirit, or our Value System – what creates positive progress, both in our life as well as in the Expansion of our Consciousness.
Next, the number 1 represents the Self – how we see ourselves (our inner identity), and how we express this outwardly (a reflection of our ‘success/achievements’ in life).
The final number 2 represents our immediate friends and lovers – who and what we allow to touch our hearts – and how they influence us (our Circle of Trust, and our vulnerability).
When we examine all these together we end with an interesting statement: The year 2012 was an opportunity to examine Relationships – both intimate as well as those people and events which we have allowed to influence us. It was a year of ‘molding’ – either liberating us (through our own Inner Wisdom, clarity of thought, or connection with Spirit and Spiritual Insight), or binding us to a Lower Consciousness (by accepting external influences without much thought or deliberation).
Yet the year is not over…December – represented in our calendar as the 12th month, allows for a deeper insight into this relationship with people and events…have they been of benefit to our Path…or have they bound us to negative beliefs. Are we joyful in our perception of the Unlimited Opportunities of Life…or do we willingly embrace doom and condemnation? The very name ‘December’ comes from the root word “deca” meaning 10, numerically “the first step of a new path”.
When we add up 2012 (2+0+1+2), we end with the number 5, the number of Mankind, ruled by Mercury (the exotic, or the foriegn, travel, exploration, new opportunities, Man’s choices and influence). In its positive form it is joyful, progressive, adaptive and open to change…in its negative form it is irritable, restrictive, irrational and antagonistic…it also favors thieves, and theft.
The 12th of December 2012 = 12 / 12 / 12 reduces to 3 / 3 / 3 and adds up to the number 9 (Mars and conflicts) which represents the end of Spiritual Cycles, and the unveiling of it consequences (being made up of 3′s it is the influence of the ‘tribes’ in your life – religious/spiritual/social/political/familial). Now is your opportunity to be an individual. Think for yourself and become a source of Spiritual Insight, or enter the New Year – the number 13 – associated with strong superstition and prejudice.
While we all have strong influences in our Life, what matters most is our own Inner Radiance and Wisdom…are you a Divine-Human…or merely human…what you choose will determine your future year!!!