© 2018 Bob Romero – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore newsletter August 2018
by Bob Romero
My teacher in my metaphysical classes has said that to turn the other cheek does not mean to be a pacifist and let others attack you, it means let no harm be done. So you are fully justified to defend yourself against an attack, even if it means killing the other person to save yourself. This is a difficult situation for those on a spiritual path that are nonviolent. It may mean, however, to ignore exchanging insults. Road rage is a prime example. My instructor in an AARP driving class said that when someone cuts you off in traffic, or makes obscene gestures at you, put him out of your mind, because he is out of his.
Another reason to avoid engaging in verbal assaults is that you don’t want to become bound to the lower energies of the other person. In this current political climate, it’s easy to get caught up in slinging nasty insults back and forth. I used to always make sure that I got a zinger in there, until I listened to a card reading on a web site, which stated, that you shouldn’t become entangled in drama that doesn’t really affect you, because it brings you down. Send love to the situation and pray for justice. Step back, and observe with divine neutrality.
There are now many claims about “fake news”. In order to be aware of what the true facts are, I researched news organizations to see which ones followed journalistic standards and verified their sources, instead of just using blogs as sources. There was an old saying that used to really get to me, which was “Well, both sides do it”, which to me was a cop out. I maintained that both ten and a thousand are greater than zero, but they are not equal. Now I can be more effective, by concentrating on being a light worker, and not letting it adversely impact me.
However, if you see atrocities taking place, you must also act, in addition to sending love to the situation. People must be held responsible for any damage or injuries that occur. Inaction on your part will also cause undesirable karma. At the very least, write your senator or congressman, and let them know your displeasure with what’s going on.
I once saw an automobile accident take place right in front of me. A teenage girl and her friend had just started to go after the light turned green, and was hit by a much older man in a pickup that ran a red light. No one was hurt, but the young girl had just gotten her license, and was pretty upset. At the time, the older man was very apologetic to the girl. Seeing that everything seemed under control, I started to drive off. I went about a block, and then my better angels told me to go back. As they were exchanging information and waiting for the police, I gave my business card to the friend, and told her to contact me if they needed a witness. Sure enough the girl’s father called me, and said that that the older man was blaming the young girl for the accident. It appeared to me that he was trying to bully her, and I can’t stand bullies. I told the father that I would be willing to testify, because the light had turned green for a full second before she started to go through the intersection. It was definitely not her fault. The older man then backed off and paid for the damages. I felt good about what I had done, not because I was some kind of hero, or I took delight in taking a bully down, but because, now the girl knew that she had done nothing wrong.
People who take the high road are often admired for being courageous enough to ignore their ego and keeping their standards high. This may make more of an impact on those with lower energies, than trying to argue with them with facts. Taking the high road is the road to higher consciousness.
Bob Romero has been a diligent student of esoteric spiritual subjects and metaphysics for many years, with a life-long quest for answers. He has submitted new and original articles that focus on life lessons and experiences he wishes to share with our readers and the world.