by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is a professional astrologer in the Denver area. If you desire to know more about how this season impacts you personally, call Roy at 720-962-4633 and schedule an update of your individual birth chart.
The beginning of the Winter Season is known as the Winter Solstice. A chart done for this event in the Mountain Time Zone reveals the pattern of planetary “energies” we will be psychologically and emotionally experiencing for the next three months.
The sign of Leo on the Ascendant of the chart suggests this to be a period of creative self-expression and soul growth involving family members and loved ones who are closest to our heart. Some family members will be making their transition into the afterlife.
We are in the process of awakening to a greater spiritual understanding and emotional value system. The desire to be independent and free will inspire us to learn new ways of psychologically and emotionally expressing our truth to our family and loved ones. Work situations will be ending and changing.
A desire for adventure will inspire travel, exploration and new discoveries about our self and others. Our choice of relationships and creative projects will center upon the knowledge and awareness of who and what will bring us the most joy and personal fulfillment.
It is time to focus on what we genuinely want and value. Letting go of old emotional patterns based on fear, insecurity and obligation will allow us to express more of our authentic self.
Cultivating friendships that are supportive and emotionally healthy will assist us in our journey to become our best self.