by Bruce Johnson
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a Spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
A sphere is viewed as a regular globe-shaped form. The spheroid is similar to a sphere, but not perfectly round. A sphere having a slightly flattened upper north pole, with its lower south pole slightly elongated in relation to the north pole, constitutes a spheroid. Spheroids can vary in the flatness or roundness of their two poles. The Ancient Wisdom instructs that all that is in existence dwells within a sphere, and that the spheroidal shape is the primordial form of every manifested life in the solar system. This teaching holds true on microcosmic atomic levels through the macrocosmic spheroid of our solar system and beyond.
The ultimate physical atom, which exists on the highest sub-plane of the etheric plane, is a spheroid-shaped vortex with a flattened negatively charged north pole, and a mildly elongated positively charged south pole. Atoms are spheroidal bodies formed around a central vortex which is the root of the spheroid. An atom can be described as spheroid of matter with a nucleus of life at its center. As all physical forms are composed of multiple atoms, they share the characteristics of the single atom.
In between the basic atom and the solar system atom are included the human atom, and the atom called Earth among others. Both of these living entities fit the description of an atom stated above when they are seen as they exist on higher spiritual planes. In the case of humans, the Soul, or true Self, is the animating life-principle at the center of what’s called the Soul vehicle or Causal body, a spheroid of Causal plane energy/substance the Soul resides in on its own plane.
The vortex and sphere/spheroid are the alpha and omega in the process of consolidating spirit into matter. The vortex inaugurates six subsequent stages of manifestation that end with the sphere. The beginning cause of all manifestation is an invisible vortex of unmanifested energy. In some ancient systems, this physically imperceptible vortex is colored black to indicate absolute light, which to our limited senses appears black. Here the vortex is a whirlwind of creation like in Ezekiel’s vision.
Stage one of the manifestation process takes place on the second sub-plane of the physical plane, conforming to the second-finest level of physical substance. This is the tetrahedron stage of manifestation. Stage two shows an early step in bringing undifferentiated matter into the multiplicity of solid form. Stage two is the octahedron stage of the form-building methodology. Stage three of the densification procedure brings the duality stage of manifestation to a peak. The cube symbolizes this third stage of manifestation and completes the half-way mark.
Stage four is indicated by the icosahedron and takes place on the fifth sub-plane of the physical plane. This stage shows the earlier duality again divided with the spirit/matter being consolidated becoming notably more dense in the process. Stage five relates to the dodecahedron stage and takes place on the sixth physical sub-plane. Stage six marks the final concretion of spirit/matter, or the “Squaring of the Circle”, and is signified by the sphere.
These vortex-initiated six stages of manifestation can be linked to the six points of the six-pointed star and its non-visible central point corresponding to and being a vortex. Both demonstrate an unseen vortex of creation being expressed in six aspects.