© 2011 Bruce Johnson – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Mar 11.
by Bruce Johnson

Golden section (ratio, divine proportion) and golden spiral
The Golden Proportion, also called the Golden Mean, is a unique transcendental proportion that divides a oneness or unity into a creative duality through a particular geometric relationship of two terms, a and b. The Golden Proportion written in a sentence would be-a is to b as b is to (a+b), where a is the smaller term, b is the larger term, and (a+b) as the sum of the two terms, constitutes a wholeness. The spiritual nature of the Golden Proportion or Golden Section, was well known to the ancients, and was depicted by the Greek letter phi, a circle with a slash through it.
Ancient mystery schools from Egypt to China taught mathematics and geometry, and recognized the expression of the Golden Proportion in nature’s beauty and harmony of forms. The Ancient Wisdom, whether taught by Thoth or Confucius, recognized the Golden Proportion as the basis of the created world. The Golden Section described the progressive, dynamic, and asymmetrical involution of spirit into matter, the externalization of inner life into outer form.

The Golden Mean shown as a numerical quantity would be-1/1.6180339…, and as a fraction just slightly less than 5/8. The Golden Mean, like the value of pi, 3.1415926, represents an “irrational” or super-rational number. The Golden Mean was seen to combine the addition and multiplication processes in its manifestations whether in a nautilus shell, or the pattern of petals on a flower.
Mystically, The Golden Section revealed the Mystery of the Trinity, or the triple aspect of God, and the Hermetic axiom- “As above so below”. The Golden Section is indissolubly linked through Sacred Geometry to the number five, the square root of five, the regular pentagon, and the dodecahedron, one of the five perfect solids of Pythagoras.
The Golden Proportion is the root of the Golden Mean Spiral, the Golden Rectangle, and generates the Fibonacci Series, which is a specific additive progression where the two initial terms are added together to form a third term. Leonardo da Vinci used the Golden Proportion to divide the human body at the navel in his famous drawing.
Robert Lawlor’s book-Sacred Geometry combines visual imagery with clear descriptive text. A great bookstore on So. Colorado Blvd. in Denver that carries a wide variety of new and used metaphysical books is the Shining Lotus bookstore. Check them out at
Bruce Johnson is the Arvada Ancient Wisdom/Occultism Examiner at www.examiner.com. He has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
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