by Bruce Johnson —
Arcane knowledge concerning the dual nature of the moon, with its bright positive side, and dark negative side was taught to ancient Mystery School Initiates. The moon was known to express a twofold influence as it reflected a creative life-giving solar force, but also radiated a destructive death-dealing lunar force. One of the secrets of Initiation was to learn to separate these completely opposite forces, responding to and using only the positive lunar forces while blocking the destructive ones. Hindu priests drank their sacred magical soma-drink to put themselves in direct rapport with the bright side of the moon, gaining great inspiration and knowledge there from.
One of the moon’s or Luna’s little-known aspects is that she’s a storehouse of concentrated higher intellectual energy and positive solar forces. Accessing these extremely beneficial energies as well as contact with higher spiritual beings is most readily achieved around the time of the full moon every month. The critical portion of the lunar cycle lasts for five days, two days on either side of the full moon day. The ancients used the time of the full moon to participate in divine invocation, Initiations, inspiration and prophecy, healing, and a completion to that which was begun at a previous new moon. As a general rule, when possible try to start important new cycles around the new moon, so they build power with the waxing moon.
The occultist recognizes that all full moons of the year are opportunities for positive spiritual contact with the forces of light. Of the twelve or sometimes thirteen full moons in a year, the full moon of May is the most recognized by spiritual seekers. May is the month of Taurus and the Wesak Festival in the Himalayas where the Buddha acts as an instrument of light, healing and wisdom to humanity. In the future, the full moons of April and June will gain more importance as major full moons in addition to the May full moon. These three full moons combined symbolize the trinity of the three primary ray forces.
Like countless other dead bodies in space, our moon is a decaying shell with no pranic life remaining in its disintegrating physical body. Earth’s moon is an ancient planet’s corpse with only the inherent life contained in matter now existing within it. The moon’s decomposing physical and etheric bodies, together with its negatively energized astral body, radiate a very pernicious influence on all they contact, including human beings. During the full moon, the Earth, Luna, and their astral duplicates , receive more reflected solar light- energy than at any other time. People who are imbalanced, emotionally and astrally polarized, or frequently irrationally impulsive and desirous, can become astrally over stimulated and psychically upset during the time of the full moon. Negative over stimulation combined with imbalanced astral sensitivity is the cause of many lunar-related psychoses, hallucinations and insanities. Full moons are particularly beneficial for balanced spiritually-minded people who are also mentally oriented. They are auspicious times for group contact with great advanced souls, as well as for positive invocation, healing, spiritual revelation, and heart unfoldment in groups around the world. Spiritual initiations of all grades take place during the light half of the lunar cycle, often at the full moon. Additionally, humanity is more able to contact the angel kingdom during the full moon.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.