by Roy Neal —
Roy Neal is available for personal consultations over the phone by calling 720-962-4633. He has been doing astrology professionally since 1981.

The Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra at 7:04 pm MDT on Thursday, September 22nd. This event is known as the Fall Equinox and signals the beginning of the Autumn Season. A chart done for this event for Denver, Colorado reveals the planet Jupiter conjunct the Ascendant in the sign of Aries. Mars is the ruler of the chart and is in the third house in the sign of Gemini. A focus on the need for communication and the sharing of ideas are indicated by a favorable aspect from Mars to Saturn in Aquarius in the eleventh house of friendship and social awareness.
Issues of health, work and service are highlighted by the placement of Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all in the sixth house of the chart. The point of reality, Jupiter and the Ascendant in Aries opposite the Sun, Mercury and the Vertex in Libra indicates that owning an assertive sense of self will be required to achieve mutually beneficial goals in our interactions and relationships with others.

The North Node and Uranus in Taurus in the second house of money and value in square aspect to Saturn in Aquarius indicates a need to explore innovative ways to achieve business and financial success.
The emphasis on Libra energy in the houses of work and relationship suggests that co-creation and collaboration rather than conflict is likely to produce the most favorable results during this seasonal period.
Because Mercury and most planets are retrograde, we will be involved in an experimental or trial and error process in how we decide to move forward with our projects and personal relationships. It would not be surprising to have several false starts before we can fully move forward with the consensus needed to actualize our plans and strategies.
The use of our intuition and spiritual guidance may be necessary to successfully navigate the daily challenges that we are likely to experience during this Autumn season. Two philosophies come to mind: “Perseverance Furthers” and the “Squeaky Wheel is the one that gets greased.”
The “Power of Intention” should not be underestimated. “Keep the Faith” and just focus on one creative problem-solving opportunity at a time.