© 2012 Bruce Johnson – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter June 2012
by Bruce Johnson
The same power Jesus used to raise the dead was used in a lesser way by the ancients to magnetize religious gems and stone idols. The Chaldean, Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish priesthoods all communed with their gods through vitalized statues called teraphim. The willed direction of occult forces resulted in carved figures that could be imbued with life, intelligence, the ability to speak, and even mobility.
Teraphim varied from miniature, through human- sized and larger. Each god had his instrument of revelation to speak through. The life-size statue of Serapis in the Egyptian temples, the Chaldean idol of the moon, and the stone oracles of Jehovah, all facilitated communication from divine beings to humans. Teraphim could be oracles for angels or demons depending on the goodness or evil of their fashioners. It is well documented in history that Pope Sylvester the 2nd was the owner of an “oracular head”.
Positive teraphim were used as holy instruments of divine revelation, prophecy, divination, and judgment in ancient priesthoods. Astrological positions of the signs and planets were important factors in the creation of teraphim. Teraphim sympathetic to different planets made it possible for the angel or intelligence of that planet to converse through its respective oracle.
The original breastplate of Aaron emitted a visible light that not only indicated God’s presence, but was an oracle of victory in battle, and a communicator of divine judgment. Questions would be answered and verdicts rendered by the increase or decrease of light emanating from the breastplate. The High Priest had other breastplates he wore on special religious occasions. One of these contained a single white stone called the “Stone of Judgment”, which was worn over the heart. This stone varied in brightness and turned colors to silently voice God’s will toward the individual being judged.
The Urim and Thummin also radiated a perceivable light, and were used in combination as instruments of divination by the High Priest. They could also change in brightness, and were said to utter oracles with a physical voice at times. The Secret Doctrine 3 further explores teraphim.
The positive crystal skulls linked to the Atlantean’s and Mayans are modern day oracles to some seekers. The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls by Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas, reviews these crystal teraphim.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.