© 2010 Norma Mitchell – Reprinted with permission from Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore Newsletter Aug 10/Sep 10.
by Norma Mitchell
For thousands of years, man has sought signs from the Creator to make decisions in life. These signs have been read by man in various civilizations for direction in how to live life, where and how to find food and shelter, where to locate settlements and spiritual structures, plus various other conditions man has asked the Creator to lead him through.
The good news is that we can … and often do (even when we don’t always recognize the information) … in spite of our disbelief. The loving God I experience wants us to be happy and successful … and leads us through life when we are willing to hear and accept Its communication. Some of us recognize the energetic responses Carl Jung coined “synchronicity” in our lives. These occurrences are not random nor is the Universe. Whether we simply focus on a desired goal, or we consciously ask for help from Spirit, we often notice events of such synchronicity.
Sometimes, these occurrences are through a materialization of something in answer to our questions, sometimes another person tells us something that we find helpful, and sometimes a book or song on the radio has that answer. Sometimes the “sign” represents a warning to us to be careful or to let us know changes are coming. The only requirements that we need to fulfill to consciously receive signs are to ask, pay attention to the possible answers, and trust that we will receive them.
Through meditation and exercises, you have the opportunity to create a more powerful communication with Spirit by eliminating fear, forgiving and releasing limitations, developing gratitude and living a joyful and fulfilling life.
Norma Mitchell has worked as an Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor, Business Consultant, Hypno/Regression Therapist, Teacher and Medium for the past thirty plus years. She has appeared on television and radio talk shows and given programs at business, social and church functions. She has also published articles in various publications.