Shining Lotus Metaphysical Bookstore
The Original Metaphysical Bookstore
2553 S. Colorado Blvd. Unit #104
Denver, Colorado 80222
In this issue
As You Give, So You Will Receive… Lessons In Love And Creation ……………………….. by Mario C. Veo
Planets And Possibilities: A Look At The Astrology Of December ……………………….. by Sally Shotwell
Ancient Wisdom And The Step Pyramid ……………………….. by Bruce Johnson
A Tale Of A Simple Family… And A Life Revised ……………………….. by Mario C. Veo
Events And Classes In December
As You Give, So You Will Receive… Lessons In Love And Creation
by Mario C. Veo
We often say [but seldom truly accept] that ALL is available in Creation… in fact even science tells us that ‘we live in an Expanding Universe’; and that with each and every second something new is being created… and with it the future expands, offering us unforeseen opportunities.
Basically EVERYTHING which we can possibly imagine – and more – is potentially available to us… all that is needed is our ability to ‘see it, accept it, and claim it as ours!’ Yet in our view of Reality this belief includes positive as well as negative aspects… Now many will say “Be careful what you wish for… for you shall receive it!” [implying that there is always a ‘negative catch’ to our desires and manifestation] This concept is so deeply ingrained in our subconscious that it becomes an effective block to this Universe of Unlimited Abundance… and the more people believe it, the more they impose their limitation on others. But… you don’t have to blindly accept this, for you have Free Will, and now you can choose to create a different Reality for yourself…IF you can align yourself with the Energies of Creation… In a World of Infinite Possibilities, it is our perception which decrees its Reality
How we look at Life – and ourselves – determines the Magnetic Fields which we create… and through these, shape and manifest our Reality…
So, no matter how well you accept this Principle, know this to be Truth:- As Within, so Without
Whatever is Within You [physically, emotionally, mentally, Karmically]…so will your Life be
The Principle of ‘Free Will’ rests firmly on Self-Determination – your Right to choose the Life that best expresses you – and all your wonderful abilities… It is your belief / attitude / perceptions [of self and others] which crystallize as Manifested Reality.
Here are the Principles of Life / Reality / Creation / Manifestation –
You cannot manifest Love, if you do not know yourself to be loved and lovable
You cannot manifest Peace / harmony / prosperity / health / success… until you first become these
“Reality” does NOT exist outside of you… it is an inseparable part of the Inner You
So take a good look at your Life – at the many times you have judged, criticized, or even ridiculed another… These are not the Energies of Creation, but of destruction – they are not part of the Expanding Universe, not aligned with the flow of unlimited opportunities… They are expressions of negativity, Dark Energies of corruption… and what is worse, they always come back to you and create even more disruption, more disorder, more negativity…
Remember this – those who scorn others only reveal themselves to be less-than… Now the question is, “Why do so many people do this… and what future are they creating… for themselves and others ?”… That is an important question… consider it carefully…. We live in an Expanding Universe, filled with great choices and opportunities… choose wisely… As we approach the end of a turbulent year, so we look forward to New Beginnings…and for those who wish a better future we dedicate December to the following classes and workshops – may they serve you well…
Mario C. Veo is a teacher of Spiritual Science and a Healing Arts Practitioner. He teaches classes and individuals on Personal Transformation and the Expansion of Consciousness. Mario is available for personal guidance and consultations on Tuesdays and monthly on the last Sunday at the Shining Lotus™ Bookstore.
Planets And Possibilities: A Look At The Astrology Of December
by Sally Shotwell
Sally Shotwell is a life-long student of esoteric spirituality whose focus on studies in Astrology have spanned decades. She has entertained and informed our readers with her articles for a few years now.
Ancient Wisdom and The Step Pyramid
by Bruce Johnson
Encore Publication: This article was first published in the December 2014 issue of our newsletter. We thank Bruce Johnson for allowing us to share his writings and insights into the ancient mysteries and the occult.
The step pyramid at Sakkara built during the reign of King Djoser or Zoser, combines the symbolism of the sacred temple mountain with a staircase leading into the sky. Imhotep was the architect of this first monumental Egyptian structure to be built entirely of stone rather than traditional mud bricks. This 20 story truncated pyramid built in Lower Egypt in 2630 B.C. is a wealth of Egyptian esoteric truth.
The step pyramid is a pyramid made of six levels with a flattened peak. These six levels symbolize the six manifested planes of life that emanate from the invisible capstone at the top of the pyramid. This capstone symbol of formless spirit combined with the lower six planes creates a seven- fold occult symbol expressing the oneness of all life, the involution and evolution of spirit, as well as other esoteric and mystical truths. Similar symbolism can be seen in the hexagon with the central point, and the Star of Vishnu, better known in the West as the Star of Solomon.
The capstone symbolizes three-fold infinite spirit as the source and cause of the materialization of all forms on denser planes. It corresponds to light, unity, the root of being, the positive polarity, and the Soul or the Divine Self. The pyramid’s base signifies spirit solidified in its most concrete manifestation. It represents the plane of dense physical matter and the world of effects. It reflects darkness, diversity of forms, the negative polarity, and the physical body or vehicle. In between these two poles, and interconnected with them, are five intermediate planes of being. Together they symbolize the totality of the universe as a macrocosm, and the human individual as a microcosm.
Step symbolism, similar to Jacob’s ladder of the Bible, relates to the soul’s ascension into spirit or light, and the linking together of all the terrestrial and celestial levels of life. Steps are a type of symbolic bridge between the mortal and divine spheres of consciousness. Each step of the pyramid corresponds to a plane of existence with its individual vibration, tone and color. Every step has an affinity with a number, letter, Sacred Planet, Archangel, metal and gemstone, major chakra, and one of the seven bodies.
The Pyramids and Sphinx- by Desmond Stewart, is a good book that describes the architectural wonders of Egypt.
Bruce Johnson has over 30 years of study in the fields of Ancient Wisdom and occultism. He has taught classes on a wide range of topics, from Atlantis to mediums to Zoroaster. He is also a spiritualist minister, with a background in spiritual astrology. He lives in Colorado with his wife and their cat.
Sunday, December 2
10:15 – 11:15 am
Free Presentation
In The Realm of Faery, Who Are The Sidhe? with Elizabeth Carroll. Join Elizabeth Carroll in this short introduction to the Sidhe, the “People of Peace”. She uses the David Spangler/Jeremy Berg collaboration called “Card Deck of the Sidhe” to help forge a reconciliation with the Faery realm and in particular the Sidhe. R.J. Stewart – author of The Living World of Faery and one of the best modern exponents of contact with the Sidhe and with the Faerie worlds – calls these beings our “cousins”. There are many different stories in folklore about mankind’s split with the Faerie, but now in the age of climate change and environmental crisis, there is a need for reconciliation and for humanity to be whole again. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, December 2
2:00 – 3:00 pm
A love donation bowl will be available
A Spirit Channeling with Norma Mitchell. The Source (Spirit, or maybe you call her God) talks to us, and we need a channel through which to hear these messages. Norma is just that channel. The valuable information that comes through her is lovingly supportive and profound. Please join us for a small introduction to the beautiful and spiritual messages that come directly from Spirit. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, December 9
10:15 – 11:15 am
$10 Workshop
Trusting Yourself… The Key To Success with Mario C. Veo. Self-Realization (knowing exactly Who you are – and embracing it) is a State of Consciousness which will guarantee that, no matter the situation, YOU will always be successful… Sounds too good to be true…? Well, consider how easy it is to ‘give your power away’ (“yes, that dress does make you look fat“)… and how hard it is to be Confident in your Choices…
So, are you now ready to take back your Power? Or, shall we look at your wardrobe some more… Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, December 9
2:00 – 3:00 pm
A love donation bowl will be available
The Intention Project with SuEllen Shepard. The Earth level isn’t always an easy one. Sometimes we see or hear about big world problems and we are left uneasy and not knowing what we can do. It seems too big. We feel overwhelmed or helpless. This is where intention comes in! Intention is a web of energy exchange that can be channeled and focused to reconcile mind with matter and bring about positive change in our lives. Human thought and intention has been defined as an inexhaustible and tangible energy with the potential to focus our lives, heal our illnesses, clean up our communities, deal with negative forces, and hopefully improve our planet for everyone. Each month will have a different topic. Come join us for an hour of discussion and intention! Call Shining Lotus 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, December 16
10:15 – 11:15 am
Free Presentation
Don’t Just Sit There… Meditate with Kendara Laurel. Join Kendara Laurel for an insightful and informative talk about combining meditation and intentional prayer; a powerful & effective combination. It is said when we pray we ask and meditate we listen. Both are equally important. Kendara has been a meditator for over 40 years and has recently begun adding Intentional prayer as an effective way to enhance the benefits of both while increasing a connection to Spirit. The advantages of combining the two are powerful and incredibly effective. This class will include a discussion about how Meditation and Intentional Prayer works, also a demonstration of how to combine the two for a powerful effective experience. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, December 16
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Free Presentation
SimpleTales™ Cosmic Astrology Monthly Update with C. A. Brooks. If you are thinking about your future, your past, or just your place in the physical present, you owe yourself a visit with C. A. Brooks. C. A. has been a student of astrology for more than 25 years and a professional astrologer for over 2 decades. She has studied Tarot, Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Animal Communication. Join C. A. and friends for a fun and informational look at the astrology of the month ahead, and you may even get a personal Tarot mini-reading. Don’t miss this class. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, December 23
2:00 – 3:00 pm
Free Presentation
Introduction to the Cosmovision of a Peruvian Curandero’s Mesa with Garry Caudill. Join Shaman Garry Caudill for this introduction to the tools and traditions of Peruvian Curanderos. Mesas are used for healing, ceremony, journeying, manifesting, divination, transformation and communion with the spirit realm. The mesa is a reflection of you, and an extension of your Self. The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism was originated by don Oscar Miro-Quesada, respected Kamasqaf Curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru. Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Sunday, December 30
10:15 – 11:15 am
Free Presentation
New Beginnings – The Opportunity to Recreate with Mario C. Veo. As long as we choose to remain within the same old patterns, doing the same old things, thinking the same thoughts… then only more of the same, boring, limiting stuff can come to us… Now life becomes repetitive… dull… simply blah… even though we know that we deserve more, desire better, are more capable, more worthy… still, nothing much changes UNLESS WE CHANGE! With New Beginnings come unlimited opportunities… if… we truly desire them… Call 303-758-9113 to register.
Please call 303-758-9113 if you have any questions about our schedule. Most of our events require a registration call to ensure your seat.